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• Metaphor is an implied comparison between two or more unlike things achieved by identified one with the other • Eg. 1. That lady tries to make sheep’s eyes at her new boss. • 那位女士想向新老板献媚. • Don’t show the white feather to the enemy. • 不要向敌人示弱. • He is a regular oyster. • 他总是守口如瓶. • There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman. • 虎恶猿狡的性格,法国人兼而有之.
• Eg, If you will allow me, I will call your carriage for you. You have lived so long abroad, Mrs, Cheveley, that you seem to be unable to realize that you are talking to an English gentleman. • 译文1:如果你允许,我要请你卷铺盖滚蛋了。谢 佛利太太,你久居国外,看来已经意识不到你自 己是在和一个英国绅士讲话。 • 译文2:如果你允许,谢佛利太太,我要为你叫来 你的马车,请你走人,你已经在国外住的时间太 长,看来已经意识不到自己正在和一个英国绅士 说话。
• 1.Franklin Roosevelt listened with brighteyed smiling attention, saying nothing, and applauding heartily with the rest. • 富兰克林.罗斯福目光炯炯,满脸笑容,聚 精会神得听着;他没说什么,只是跟大伙儿 开心地跟大伙儿开心地鼓掌喝彩。 • 2.They talked to the foreign in hesitant English. • 他们用结结巴巴的英语同那个外国人交谈。
• 英语的personification相当于汉语的拟人,都是运 用各种词汇,句法手法,把非人的事物人格化, 赋予各种物以人的言行或思想感情,即把人以外 的无生命之物或有生命之物当作人来描写。 • Hunger breaks stone walls. • 饥饿打破石头墙。 • 饥饿不饶人。 • Take time by the forelock. • 抓住时间的额发。?
• Mum, they told me that tomorrow I would get a job as the automotive internist. • 妈妈,他们告诉我明天我就可以得到一份当汽车内 科医生的工作。 • 在英语中有大量的表示职业的“拔高词”, 即给原 本一些地位较低的工作安上一些好听的名称,如 footwear maintenance( 擦鞋匠), grief therapist( 殡葬承办人), sanitary engineer(清洁 工) • Disgraced romeo minister admits to another secret daughter: Love Child No 2 for Yeo. • 译文1:不光彩的罗密欧部长承认又有一位秘密女 儿:约的第二号爱情之子。 • 译文2:名誉扫地的风流部长承认又有一位私生女: 与耶欧的第二个爱情结晶。
• Eg, He was as bold as brass to say such an impertinent thing to his professor. • 译文1: 他对教授说出如此不礼貌的话,真是脸 皮厚的像城墙拐角一样了. • 译文2: 他真是胆大包天,竟然对他的教授说出 这么无礼的话来. • He has been as drunk as a fiddler’s dog. • 他醉得像小提琴手的母狗.?? • 改译: 他烂醉如泥.
• • • • • • •
A man can no more fly than a bird can speak. 译文1: 比起鸟能说话,人不会更能飞. 译文2: 人不能飞翔,就像鸟不会说话一样. 试译: A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. 一言既出,如同抛石,不能收回. Ambition is to life just what steam is to the locomotive. • 壮志之于人生,其重要犹如蒸汽之于火车. • If we haven’t got any money, we can’t buy a television. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. • 没有钱我们就不能买电视机.这就像秃子头上的虱子 ----明白的事.
• They swarmed up in front of Sherburn’s palings as thick as they could jam together, and you couldn’t hear yourself think for the noise. • 改译: 他们水泄不通地拥挤在谢伯的篱笆前,由 于太吵了,你都听不见自己在想些什么.
• Eg 3, He can be as obstinate as all the donkeys on Dartmoor when he pleases. • 他耍性子时,固执得像达穆的所有驴子. • 驴子在汉语中也是具有 “倔强的比喻,所以译 文2保留了原文的喻体是妥当的.像这类的说 法还有 • As busy as a bag of fleas 像一袋虱子般忙碌 • As cross as nine highways 像九条高速公路 一样交叉着 • As meek as a maid 温柔如少女 • As dumb as an oyster 像牡蛎一样缄口不言
• At the mandarin Singapore, flagship hotel of Singapore mandarin International, we have long practiced service that is in tradition of emperors. • 新加坡文华大酒店乃新加坡文华酒店的佼佼者. 在此,我们长期实行的一整套服务都体现皇家风 范. • The sun sets regularly on the United Jack these days, but never on the English language. • 改译: 太阳定期地照着杰克工会,但从来没有照 到过英语语言. • 现在英国已不再是 “日不落”的国家,但是,英 语却广泛流行使用着.
Transferred epithet
• 英语transferred epithet 这一修辞格,相当于汉语的“移 就”,即“将原描写甲事物性状的修词语移来描写相关的 乙事物。”,最常见的是把应用来描写人的定语用来描写 物。 • 1. I buried my head under the miserable sheet and rug, and cried like a child. • 译文1:我把头埋在悲惨的被单和摊子下面,像孩子样哭 了起来。 • 译文2:我非常难过,一头扎进被单和毯子,像孩子一样 哭了起来。 • 2. The old man lay all night on his sleepless bed. • 老人整夜躺在那不眠的床上。 • 老人躺在床上,彻夜未眠。
• 在许多方面,英汉语在修辞格上表现出共同 并共通的特性.但是不同的语言必然存在着 具有其民族特性的差异,这一差异不仅是不 同地理环境,社会文化传统所造成的,更是由 此形成的不同思维方式以及认知结构造成 的
• Simile refers to a direct comparison between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by like or as. • 英语和汉语在比喻的运用上具有共性,如 numberless as the sands, as hungry as a wolf, as rapid as lightening, as light as a feather”等.但也存在着差异,有些差异甚至 无法在汉语中再现.
• Hyperbole就是故意运用夸大事实的手法来 加以强调,以求给人突பைடு நூலகம்的印象. • 英汉语言中的夸张不乏酷似之例,如 to hang by a hair ,money makes the mare go, burst one’s sides laughing
• Eg,1 I did not cry, I could not. My cheeks were as hot as fire and my very eyes burnt in my head. • 译文1: 我没有哭,我哭不出来.双颊热得如火, 眼睛在头上燃烧. • 译文2: 我没有哭,我哭不出来.双颊热得火辣 辣的,两眼好象在冒火. • He ran down the avenue, making a noise like ten horses at a gallop.
• 英语的metonomy和汉语的借代都是用一种名称 代替另一种名称, 给事物换一个名称,一求语言新 鲜别致,生动形象,其心理基础也是联想. • Surely anyone who thinks that the question of art and cultivation must go before that of the knife and fork does not understand what art means. • 当然,任何人,如果他认为在考虑艺术和修养问题之 前先得顾及生计问题,那么他并不理解艺术的意义 所在.
• Judge: What made you think that you could park your car there? • Tourist: Well, there was a big sign that read: “ Fine for parking.” 译文1: 法官: 你怎么想到了把车停在那里? 游客: 噢,那里有个牌子,上面写着: 停车的好地方! 译文2:法官: 你怎么想到了把车停在那里? 游客: 噢,那里有个牌子,上面写着:适于泊车!(注: 英语的fine既有 “好的意思,也可表示 “罚 款”.)
• 英语的pun和汉语的双关相似,作为一种有趣 的语言现象,这类修辞往往运用词的多义或 异义和同音现象来取得幽默或讽刺效果.由 于英语和汉语的语音系统不同,所以英语的 谐音双关是很难直接翻译到汉语当中去的. 最好的办法是根据上下文翻译出作者的含 义.
• Perhaps from some vague rumor of his college honors, which had been whispered abroad on his first arrival, perhaps because he was an unmarried, unencumbered gentleman, he had been called the bachelor. • 译文:也许是因为他初来乍到就有关他在国外大学求 学的种种流言蜚语,也许是因为他是一位没有结婚, 无拘无束的绅士,他便被称为光棍学士. • What do lawyers do when they die? • Lie still. • 律师死了以后干啥? • 身子动弹不得,口里依然撒谎.