【神经病学】4.3 癫痫

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Epilepsy is a group of chronic disorders characterized by recurrent seizure, which is a transient disturbance of cerebral function caused by an abnormal neuronal discharge.
hemorrhage, cerebral infarction, vascular
(8) Intracranial tumors: meningothelioma, astrocytoma, metastatic tumor, lymphoma, et al.
(9) Nutritional, metabolic diseases: deficiency.
It may be closely related to heredity.
prevalence rate of close relative is
2、Symptomatic epilepsy: by kinds of cerebral impairments and metabolic disorders.
(theprediction) or 敏感性(sensitivity )of seizure. The penetrance is limited by ages. enviroments:
Hydrocephalus, intracerebral hemorrhage and infaction which caused by头吸(head aspiration )or产钳 (obstetrical forceps), can make the局部脑软化(focal brain malacoma), and those may become seizure focus several。
hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, VitB6
(10) Degeneral, demyelinating diseases: AD, tuberous sclerosis, multiple sclerosis.
Heredity: often involve many genes, which are only for预致性
Medial temporal lobe is sensitive to hypoxia, which lead to切迹硬化(incisure sclerosis)
(5)Infections: meninges or encephalon is infected by kinds
of bacteria、 virus、paresites, and then lead to encephalitis, meningitis, cerebral abscess.
凹陷性骨折( depressed fracture )、硬脑膜撕裂( meninx fibrosa laceration )、脑挫裂伤( contusion and laceration of brain)等。
(3) Diseases in antenatal period and perinatal diseases: are the most causes of infant epilepsy。
(4) After febrile convulsion:
Serious and lasting febrile convulsion can result in neuron hypoxia → impairments of neuron→ proliferation of gliocyte → seizure focus.
(6)Toxicosis: CO、汞( hydrargyri, )、乙醇
( alcohol)、灭鼠药( deratization durgs)等, 以及尿毒症( uremia)、妊娠中毒症(toxenia of pregnancy )。
(7) Cerebrovascular diseases: subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracerebral
That are charcterized by recurrent 、 spontaneous、transient 、paroxysms.
Because of different position and diffuse extent of abnormal neuronal discharge, the neurologic malfunction may reflect motor, sensation, consciousness, behavior and autonomic nerve and so on. seizure Epilepsy epileptic syndromes
(1): Congenital cerebral diseases: 脑皮质发育不全(agenesia corticalis )、先天性脑积水(congenital
hydrocephalus ), 遗传代谢障碍(genetic metabolic disorders ),如卟啉病 ( porphyrinopathy )、苯丙酮尿症( phenylketonuria) 等。 (2): Cerebral trauma:
classification by etiology:
1、Idiopathic epilepsy for which most common in children
and adolescent, No obviously structural change and metabolic abnormality that induce seizure are found in patients’ brain.