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①只接动名词作宾语的vt.及短语 ▲admit、advise、allow、appreciate、avoid、 permit、consider、deny、delay、enjoy、 miss、 suggest、finish、escape、 practise、 risk、mind、 excuse、imagine、keep、understand… ▲can’t help 、give up、insist on、feel like、 look forward to、devote… to、pay attention to、 get down to、thank for、be busy、be worth、 lead to ▲ have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing… have a good /hard time doing… be used to doing… when it comes to doing… 当谈到…
▲有v./adj./adv. 特征,在句中作表语、补语、
定语、状语。 ▲因为分词保留动词的某些特征,可有自己的 宾语和状语,故称为分词短语。 ▲分词无人称、数的变化,有时态和语态的变 化。 ▲vt.的过去分词既表示动作完成又表示被动的 含义。 ▲vi.的过去分词只表示完成不表示被动。 ▲分词的否定式在前加not。
• The teacher came into the classroom, followed by a group of students. following a group of students.
①作表语:其逻辑主语是该句子的主语,主动关系用现在 分词,被动关系用过去分词;现在分词表示主语的特征、 性质;过去分词则表示主语所处的状态。 • The book is interesting . • I’m interested in the book. • The scene is moving. • The crowd are moved. ②做定语:其逻辑主语是分词所修饰的n. 或 pron.若分词 和逻辑主语为主动关系用现在分词,被动关系则用过去分 词。单个分词作定语放在所修饰n.前,分词短语做定语放 在所修饰词后。 • written English / spoken English • The swimming boy is my brother.
▲begin /start在下列三种情况下用不定式: ①主语是物 It suddenly began to rain. ②用于进行时 ③后接表示心理活动的v: see、 realize 、understand、know… • We are beginning to realize the importance of knowledge.
表示被修饰名词的性能、用途,放在 被修饰词前。
• a swimming pool • a waiting room = a room for waiting • an operating table • building materials • a walking stick
在句中起名词作用可以单独使用或引起短语做 主、宾、表、定语,没有人称,数的变化,但 有时态、语态的变化。否定式在前加not.
主动语态 被动语态
一般式 完成式
doing having done
being done having been done
not doing not being done not having done not having been done
2.动名词的被动语态: ①动名词一般式的被动语态 • How can he enter the room without being noticed? • Before being used , the machine should be tested. ②动名词完成式的被动语态 • The reporter was surprised at having been treated as a spy.
<2>作表语,说明主语的具体内容。 • My favorite sport is swimming. 动名词作表语与不定式作表语的区别与作主语的 区别相同。 ※动名词和不定式作主语、表语要保持一致性。 • To see is to believe. 如果表语是表示目的、愿望、计划或某一特定的 行为,尤其是将来的行为或有待于实现的行为时, 表语通常用不定式。 • My purpose/wish/hope/plan/idea…is to climb the mountain from the south.
形容词性物主代词 名词所有格 + 动名词 宾格
(代词/名词作动名词的逻辑主语) 动名词复合结构的否定式把not放在形容词性物主代词 /名词所有格和动名词之间。 • His being late made us unhappy.(主) • My mother forgave me telling a lie.(宾) • What surprised me was your not handing in your paper.(表)
①动名词的一般式:表示动作和谓语动词同 时或稍后发生。 • Reading makes us happy. • The old man’s hobby is playing chess. ②动名词的完成式:表示动名词的动作发生 在谓语动词动作之前。 (口语中有时用一般式代替完成式) • The boy admitted having broken the glass. • I regret having done / doing / to have done it.
③分词做宾补:分词做宾补,逻辑主语是句子的宾语。 与逻辑主语是主动关系用现在分词,被动关系用过去分 词。感官动词和使役动词后常接分词做宾补。 feel、listen to、hear、let、make、have、 see、look at、watch、notice、observe、find、catch、keep、 get、leave ④分词作状语: 其逻辑主语是该句子的主语,两者间是主动关系用现在 分词,被动关系则用过去分词;分词作状语大都可以转 化成状语从句。分词可做原因、时间、条件、结果、让
▲ want need require deserve
+ doing 主动表被动
▲there be 的动名词 there being • I have never dreamed of there being a new car. ▲there be 的不定式 there to be • I expect there to be a new car.
一.概念:在句子中充当除谓语之外的各种句子成分的 动词。 二.种类:(3种) 1.不定式 2.动名词 3.分词(现在分词;过去分词) 主语 √ 宾语 √ 表语 √ 定语 √ 状语 √ 补语 √
to do
过去分词 动名词
× √
× √

√ √

√ √

√ ×

√ ×
(一) 动名词
• Not knowing his address, I can’t go to see him. As/Because I don’t know his address, …
1) Not hearing from him, I write a letter again. 2) Being ill, he didn’t go to school. 3) Inspired by the teacher, the children worked harder 4) Don’t talk when eating. 5) Opening the box , he cried. On opening the box, he cried. 6)Having finished the experiment , he went home. After he had finished the experiment, he went home. After finishing the exam, he went home. 7)Studying hard, you’ll pass the exam. If you study hard, you’ll pass the exam. Study hard and you will pass the exam.
①现在分词表示动作正在进行; 过去分词表示动作已完成。 • a developing country / a developed country • boiling water / boiled water ②语态上的区别: 现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动。 ▲主动与被动取决于分词的逻辑主语,当分词的逻辑 主语与其是 主动关系用现在分词;
4.动名词的用法: <1>作主语
(1)谓语动词通常用单数。 (2)表示经常的、习惯的动作或情况,或抽象的一般行 为;而表示偶尔的或具体的尤其将来的行为用不定式。 • Seeing is believing. • Reading aloud is important in learning English. • Once your business becomes international, flying constantly will be part of your life. • To finish the work takes two hours.
①现在分词一般式的被动语态: 表示某事正在被做,常用作状语或定语。 • The building being built now is a hospital. • Not being seen by the teacher, he slid into the classroom. ②现在分词完成式的被动语态: 表示某事已经被做完,常用作状语,不用作定语。 (作定语不用 having been done,而用done) • Having been sent to the countryside, he had to leave the city. • Not having been told the news, they didn’t attend the meeting.
※it 作形式主语代替动名词 • It is no use /good /need /pleasure + doing … • It is useless doing… • It is a waste of time doing… • It is fun doing … ※There be no doing … • There is no joking about such things. • There is no sense/point/use/good/need… +doing
现在分词 主动 doing 一般式 having 完成式 done
被动 主动 being done doing having having done been done
①一般式:表示分词的动作与谓语动词的动作同时或几 乎 同时发生。 • Do you hear someone shouting outside now? • Hearing the shouts , the children ran out at once. ②完成式:表示分词动作先于谓语动词所表示的动作之 前发生,常用作状语。 • Having lived abroad for 30 years, the man returned to his motherland. • Not having made enough preparations , they decided to put off the sports meet.