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system, reference may be made to U.S. Pat. No. 4374986. 欲知本系统详情,可参阅4374986号美国专利。 We take this opportunity to inform you that we are now in position to make prompt shipment of the merchandize. 兹奉告,该产品可即期装运。
2. Omitting the Meticulous
Expression in the Original
Please expedite the L/C so that we may execute the order smoothly.
请加速开出信用证,以便顺利执行定单。 For further information regarding this
由于东道国的经济危机,美国的这家跨国公司同当地 公司一样损失惨重。
6. Omitting the Impersonal
Pronoun “It”
This formula makes it easy to determine the wavelength of sounds.
Omission is based on the disparity in wording and the differences in syntax between English and Chinese. On the one hand, we have no articles or infinitive markers in Chinese. On the other hand, Pronouns, conjunctions, and prepositions are more frequently used in English than in Chinese. When translated into Chinese, many of them should be omitted so as to conform the rendering to the accustomed usage of Chinese expression.
中美两国外交官按照预定计划于一月二十日在中 国大使馆会晤。这是两年多来的第一次。
He speaks quickly, the tone of his voice so commanding that it silences everyone.
他很快讲了一通话,其语气非常威严,使所有的 人都安静了下来。
mile. 他说他每开一英里就赚一块钱(one)。 The children are of an age. 这些孩子都是同岁的(a certain) 。
3. Omitting the Prepositions
The difference between the two machines consists in power.
3. What is omitted may not be necessarily confined to certain parts of speech. Actually, any parts of speech may be omitted according to the context and the translator’s translation techniques.
你或许能欺瞒某些人一世,或许能欺瞒所 有人一时,但你不可能永远都欺瞒得了所 有的人。
But Some Articles Can Not Be Omitted!
He left without a word. 他一句话也没说就走了(numeral, one)。 He said that he was getting a dollar a
It is required that the Scientific Outlook on Development be thoroughly applied to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects at the new stage of China’s development.
3. Omitting the Chinese Generalization Numerals Added in Amplification
4. Omitting the Generalization Words Added to Certain Chinese Terms in Amplification
Our aircraft mother ship was cruising near Wake Island on December 2 when we heard hostilities were to begin on December 7.
十二月二日我们的航空母舰正在威克岛附近 巡航,这时听说战争要在十二月七日打响。
1. Omitting the Words
Implied in the Context
As scheduled, American and Chinese diplomats met on January 20, at the Chinese Embassy. It was their first gettogether in more than two years.
任何物质,无论固体、液体或气体,都由 原子所组成。
You can fool some of the people all the time, and all the people some of the time, but cannot fool all the people all the time.
4.Omitting the Conjunctions
Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.
In the country there are no honking horns, no diesel trucks, no pollution --- just the sounds of wind rustling the tree leaves and red squirrels chattering in the distant oaks and cool creek water rushing down its endless course.
乡下没有汽车喇叭的声音,没有柴油卡车的轰 鸣,没有任何污染;有的只是风吹树叶的沙沙 声,只是松鼠在远方橡树上的嬉戏声,只是清 凉的溪水沿着无尽渠道的潺潺流淌声。
5. Omitting the Verbs
The sun is bright, and the sky is clear.
Due to Syntactic Considerations
1. Omitting the Pronouns 2. Omitting the Articles 3. Omitting the Prepositions 4. Omitting the Conjunctions 5. Omitting the Verbs 6. Omitting the Impersonal Pronoun “It”
Omission is a translation technique opposite to amplification. In English-Chinese translation, it is generally used to achieve the effect of conciseness, especially in the case of English pronouns and functional words such as the article, the preposition, the conjunction, etc., which are indispensable in the SL text but not in the TL text. Besides, omission is also used in Chinese-English translation either to get rid of redundant wording or conform to idiomatic English expression.
他耸耸肩,摇摇头,两眼看天,一句话 也不说。
2. Omitting the Articles
The pen is mightier than the sword.
Any substance is made of atoms
whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.
At present the foreign exchange market in New York is weak while the stock market is strong.
Because of economic crisis of the host country, this American multinational corporation has suffered the same great losses as the local companies.
Omission 省译法
Please tell which translation is better?
1. A horse is a useful animal. *一匹马是一种有用的动物。 马是有用的动物。 2. He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. *他将他的双手放进他的衣袋,然后耸了耸他的 肩膀。 他将双手放进衣袋,然后耸了耸肩。
1. Omitting the Pronouns
But it’s the way I am, I try as I might, and I haven’t been able to change it.
但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却 未能改过来。
He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing.
中国在新的发展阶段要全面建设小康社会,就 必须深入贯彻落实科学发展观。
II. Omission
Due to Logic Considerations
1. Omitting the Words Implied in the Context
2. Omitting the Meticulous Expressions in the Original
I. Omission Due to Syntactic Considerations
II. Omission Due to Logic Considerations
III. Omission Due to Rhetoric considerations
I. Omission
Three Principles
1. Omission does not go against ‘faithfulness’. It does noFra Baidu bibliotek mean subtracting certain meanings from the original work.
2. Omission should be aimed at smoothness and conciseness or succinctness.