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• 想保持身体健康,就不要过度消耗 你的精力。
• 14. He made a mistake again. It’s because he is not dry behind the ears. • 由于缺乏经验,他又错了。
• (not dry behind the ears:乳臭未干 的,没见过世面的)
19. It is a bold mouse that nestles in the cat’s ear. • 任凭如何胆大的老鼠,也不敢把猫 耳朵当窝。
20. It is a silly goose that comes to the fox’s sermon. • 再笨的鹅也不会去听狐狸的布道。
• 10. There is a tall story about the town’s high street. • 有关该城主街的说法实在令人难以 置信。
• 11. The pretty girl married with the left hand last year. • 这个漂亮的女孩去年与一个门第比 自己低的人结婚了。 • ( marry with the left hand: 是 习语,意思是:与比自己门第低的 人结婚 )
• 这些书已经绝版了。你是无论如何 都买不到了。
• 8. They had barely enough time to catch the train. • 他们差点没赶上火车。
• 9. He crashed down on a protesting chair. • 他猛地坐在椅子上,压得椅子吱吱 作响。 •
• 2. The dishonest salesman took the customers for a ride. • 这个商人骗取顾客的钱财。 • (take sb. for a ride: 架出去枪杀; 诈骗)
• 3. The talk about raising taxes was a red flag to many voters. • 关于增税的谈论激怒了许多选民。 • (red flag: 令人生气的东西,white flag是求和和投降的象征;black flag 是海盗的标志)
• 12. How the old man was able to keep body and soul together is beyond me. • 那位老人怎么能维持生计呢,我真不能 理解。 • ( keep body and soul together :勉 强活下去)
• 13. Don’t burn the candle at both ends if you wish to remain healthy.
• 17. Drive carefully on that road in bad weather — it’s very winding.
• 那条路弯弯曲曲,天气不好时开车 要小心。
• 18. Please give me a minute description of the criminal. • 请给我详细讲讲那个罪犯的情 况。
• 4. In China men usually wear the trousers at home. • 在中国,男人通常是一家之主。 • ( wear the trousers 被用来泛 指拥有决定权或最后的发言权。)
• 5. Billy is rumored to belong to the third sex. • 谣传比利是个同性恋者。 • (the third sex:是俚语说法,指 “homosexual individual”, 但与 “人妖”transvestite又有区别。)
• 6. He would be the last man we could turn to for help . • 我们绝对不会求助于他。
• 7. These books have long been out of print. You can’t get them for love or money.
• 15. When going through the woods, she had cold feet. • 穿过树林时,她很害怕。
• 16. The local press challenged the license of the TV station. • 当地报纸要求吊销那家电视台的许 可证。
Difficulties of E-C translation practice:
• 1. A man in Tom’s position was always in danger of b百度文库ing taken for a ride.
• 处在汤姆这种地位的人,经常都有被 人绑架去枪杀的危险。