一,化妆品/护肤品/洗涤护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(foaming泡沫,milky乳液,cream霜,gel啫喱)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facialmist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block /sun cream美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部啫喱: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:lip care口红护膜:lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: exfoliating scrub润肤露(香体乳):lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露:body wash二,化妆品/护肤品功能perfume (香水)acne/spot(青春痘用品)active(赋活用)after sun(日晒后用品)alcohol-free(无酒精)anti-(抗、防)anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)balancing(平衡酸硷)clean-/purify-(清洁用)combination(混合性皮肤)dry(干性皮肤)essence(精华液)facial(脸部用)fast/quick dry(快干)firm(紧肤)foam(泡沫)gentle(温和的)hydra-(保湿用)long lasting(持久性)milk(乳)multi-(多元)normal(中性皮肤)nutritious(滋养)oil-control(抑制油脂)oily(油性皮肤)pack(剥撕式面膜)peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)remover(去除、卸妆)repair(修护)revitalite(活化)scrub(磨砂式(去角质))sensitive(敏感性皮肤)solvent(溶解)sun block(防晒用)toning lotion(化妆水)treatment(修护)wash(洗)waterproof(防水)三,化妆品/彩妆彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter 眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioninghairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers四,化妆品/化妆工具工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories 粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-absorbing sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: q -tipsPore Minimising/Pore Reducer——收缩、细致毛孔Pore Minimising/Pore Reducer——收缩、细致毛孔Sebum/Shine/ Brilliance ——控制皮脂分Exfoliant/Gommage/Scrub——去角质Water Proof——防水Anti-Oxidant——抗氧化。
(2) lexical features
• 1) The use of commendatory adjectives (褒义 形容词的使用) • 2) The use of specialized vocabulary (专业词 汇的使用) • 3) Dynamic emotional function word (动态情 感功能词)
1) The use of commendatory adjectives (褒义形容词的使用)
• 化妆品说明书不是仅仅传递语言信息,而且,通过使用
一些表现美的形容词如: 自然(natural)、光滑(smooth)、
English translation of cosmetic instructions
1. The compositions of English cosmetic instructions 2. The functions of English cosmetic instructions 3. The language features of English cosmetic instructions 4. The translation strategies of English cosmetic instructions
(1) syntactic characteristics
1) The use of imperative sentence(祈使句的使 用) 2) The use of elliptical sentence(省略句的运用)
2) The use of elliptical sentence
The use of ellipsis makes those instructions concise(简洁明了)
• 一些世界著名化妆品牌如:美宝莲(Maybelline),玉兰 油(Olay),雅芳(Avon)等作为一种特殊的消费品, 备受广大女性消费者的关注。
• 爱美是人的天性,女士们在购买化妆品时,首要关注的自 然是其说明书的产品介绍。所以,其产品汉译文的好坏, 对于能否打动中国女性消费者的购买欲求,起着至关重要 的作用。
巧妙充分利用汉语词汇 的联想义,使产品在购 买者的头脑中产生联想 丰富的意境,从而引发 其购买欲。
“smoothly”(平滑地), 但是汉 译文中就利用了增词的的技巧, 增加了 一个 “柔” 字译为 “柔滑” 很好的突出了女性肤 质的特点。能够引发美好的触 觉联想。英文原文中的 “eyeopening”, 直译为睁大眼睛的, 意译为: “使人吃惊”或者 “有 启发性”。
总而言之,就化妆品说明书的翻译而言,译文 应在忠于原文的同时,较好的再现与原文相似 的交际目的,使不同语言文化中的消费者都能 获取准确的信息并受到译文的感染,从而购买 和使用该产品。
Thank You!
英汉语种音韵主要指不同 类型的和谐。音韵的使用 可以加强语言的音乐美。
harmonious sound; syllabic rhyme and rhyme
CLINIQUE COLOR SURGE IMPOSSIBLY GLOSSY Unbelievable shine and comfort. Light moisturizing formula. 倩碧丝滑恒润唇彩 富含闪亮恒润配方。夺目唇光,晶采绽放。 这是一则关于唇彩的化妆品说明,英文连用了两个容易引起消费者注意 的形容词“unbelievable”和“light”给人以美好的神奇的联想义。这则 译文可以说是做到了音、义的完美统一。 同时她也符合广告学中的AIDMA [即注意(attention)—兴趣 (interest)—欲望(Desire)—记忆(Memory)—行动(Action)法则中的记忆 一环。
化妆品说明书中英文化妆品说明书中英文篇一:化妆品说明书英文翻译Prduct characteristics: It replenishes sufficient ater t creat a misturizing andater-lcking membrane n the skin t maintain the nrmal ater cntent f the cuticle ,banlance the PH value f the skin and keep the skin healthier. Cntaining rich fibrin extract and varirties f valued herbal essences,it strengthens the hitening functin as ell as tne the dark plexin and sften the cticle t build sparking,hite ,bright,hydrus and transparent skin. 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。
prduct characteristics: Being refreshing,it slers the xidatin caused by free radicals and blcks kinds f radiatin t strengthen the resistivity f the skin. Cntaining rich fibrin extract and varieties f valued herbal essences, it strengthens the hitening funtin as ell as cncealing the dark and rugh state f the skin and marking it hite, smth and fine naturally. 活肌盈BB霜产品特点:偏黄,暗沉等肌肤问题给生活带来尴尬,需要咋打造清新裸妆的同时给肌肤提供一层保护伞,让你时刻保持自信妆容。
Provides superior wearability because of its resisance to sebum, sweat and water. Nourishes and moisturizes your skin with Pite(r), thus keeping your skin soft and dewy-moist. Smoothens skin so make-up glides on easily and stays longer.
• “谢诗如芙蓉出水,颜如错彩镂金” • 鲍照比较谢灵运的诗和颜延之的诗,谓谢 诗如“初发芙蓉,自然可爱”,颜诗则是 “列律镂锦,雕绩满眼”。 • 《诗品》:“汤惠休曰:谢诗如芙蓉出水, 颜诗如错采镂金。颜终身病之。”
旁氏隔离霜 • SPF10蕴含特效维他命E及物理性防护成份,能在 肌肤表面形成一层透气的保护膜,有效隔离脏空 气,避免污染物伤害肌肤;隔离彩妆,防止其与 肌肤直接接触。配方全年抵御紫外线对肌肤的侵 害。 – 润色配方,柔和润色,令肌肤均匀自然,即使 不上妆也拥有动人光彩。 – 性质温和,清爽不油腻,使用之后,肌肤呼吸 自如,倍感舒适。 • 旁氏隔离霜,适合各类肤质,为健康肌肤提供一 年四季的完美呵护。
英语化妆品说明书常用句型 1.Unique 3-in-1 formula promotes effective healing,soothes red, irritated skin and forms a protective barrier.(JOHNSON’S) 2.NIVEA Lip Care Strawberry provides daily protection with a fresh fruity flavor. (NIVEA) e after every bath and diaper change. 4.Keep out of reach of children. 5.It contains a lightweight formula that makes your hair shiny, while leaving it soft and manageable. (Head&Shoulders)
(1) syntactic characteristics
1) The use of imperative sentence(祈使句的使 用) 2) The use of elliptical sentence(省略句的运用)
2) The use of elliptical sentence
The use of ellipsis makes those instructions concise(简洁明了)
2)Combination of the literal translation and paraphrase (音译与意 译结合)
• 如:欧莱雅专家洗护系列深层修护洗发水: Designed to restructure and protect the hair fiber. The hair regains strength, shine and is revitalized. Neofibrine: a unique combination of Bio-Mimetic Ceramide, shine perfecting agent and a UV filter for hair.译文:专为严重 受损发质设计的修护洗发水,含神经酰胺。可 使头发重获健康亮泽与活力,并可帮助抵御紫 外线对头发的伤害。
2) particular meaning in some specific context (特定语境中的深层含义): Eg: Freeze (冰凝)
Freeze 本意是“结冰”的意思,译为“冰凝”不 经在于以上对等,而且使用女性喜爱的词汇 (冰、凝)
(2)functional equivalence(功能 对等)
• 制造商和销售商在生产某种化妆产品时都有针 对的消费层次和销售对象。化妆品可分为高、 中、低档,分别对应各个消费层次的消费者, 同时还区分消费者的性别,目前大多数化妆品 仍然主要针对女性消费者。
Product characteristics:It replenishes sufficient water to creat a moisturizing and water-locking membrane on the skin to maintain the normal water content of the cuticle ,banlance the PH value of the skin and keep the skin healthier. Containing rich fibroin extract and varirties of valued herbal essences,it strengthens the whitening function as well as tone the dark complexion and soften the coticle to build sparking,white ,bright,hydrous and transparent skin.活肌盈白滋润爽肤水产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。
product characteristics:Being refreshing,it slowers the oxidation caused by free radicals and blocks kinds of radiation tostrengthen the resistivity of the skin.Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences, it strengthens the whitening funtion as well as concealing the dark and rough state of the skin and marking it white, smooth and fine naturally.活肌盈BB霜产品特点:偏黄,暗沉等肌肤问题给生活带来尴尬,需要咋打造清新裸妆的同时给肌肤提供一层保护伞,让你时刻保持自信妆容。
• The advertising slogan • Trademark • Instruction
• OLAY-Love the skin you are in.---惊喜从肌肤
• LANCOME-You are unique. You are
• • • • • • • • • Acne/Spot(青春痘用品) • • Active(活用) After sun(日晒后用品) • • Alcohol-free(无酒精) • Anti-(抗、防) Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱) • • Balancing(平衡酸硷) • Clean-/Purify-(清洁用) • Combination(混合性皮肤)
• 洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash • 爽肤水: toner/astringent • 紧肤水:firming lotion • 柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner • 护肤霜: moisturizers and creams • 保湿:moisturizer • 隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block • 美白:whitening • 露:lotion • 霜:cream • 日霜:day cream • 晚霜:night cream • 面膜: facial mask/masque • 眼膜: eye mask
• 音译法
• 如:美国化妆品Maybelline,中文译 为“美宝莲”,“美”暗示其功能, “莲”暗示其效果,既取其音,又取 其义,且发音响亮,寓意美好。同样, LANCOME兰蔻,Ardor雅黛, VICHY薇姿,AVON雅芳,Arche雅 倩,OLAY玉兰油等诸多译名采用了 “芳”、“黛”、诗、兰、姿等汉字, 迎合了广大女性的消费观念,这无疑 会给商家带来较好的收益。
sematic mistake:misuse of words:extend···-··dispense
The unique moisturizing formula with its active moisture bioplast
can moisten and skin and
smooth fine lines caused by hydropenia.It
can effectively improve the roughness resulted from dryness and aqua-lack and strengthen the natural regeneration of skin,leaving a glowing,beautiful and healthy skin.
Directions:Apply liberally as often as needed or as directed by a physician.
Made in Canada
◎Galderma Laboratories.L.R
Collagen Whitening&moisturizing Cream509
化妆品英文说明书篇一:化妆品说明书英文翻译P rd uc tch ar ac te ri st ic s:I tre pl en is he ssu ff ic ie nta te rtcr ea tami st ur iz in gan dat er-l ck in gme mb ra nent hes ki ntma in ta int hen rm ala te rcn te ntf t hec ut ic le,ba nl an cet heP Hva lu efth esk ina ndk ee pth esk inh ea lt hi er.Cn ta in in gri chf ib ri nex tr ac tan dva ri rt ie sfva lu edh er ba les se nc es,i tst re ng th en sth ehi te ni ngf un ct ina sel last net hed ar kpl ex ina nds ft ent hec ti cl etbu il dsp ar ki ng,h it e,b ri gh t,hy dr usa ndt ra ns pa re nts ki n.活肌盈白滋润爽肤水产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。
化妆品英文说明书1护肤化妆术语 ,护肤品术语护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories 彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状 lip pencil,膏状 lip lipstick,盒装 lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads。
护肤: skin care洗面奶: facial cleanser/face wash(Foaming,milky,cream,Gel)爽肤水: toner/astringent紧肤水:firming lotion柔肤水:toner/smoothing toner (facial mist/facial spray/complexion mist)护肤霜: moisturizers and creams保湿:moisturizer隔离霜,防晒:sun screen/sun block美白:whitening露:lotion,霜:cream日霜:day cream晚霜:night cream眼部GEL: eye gel面膜: facial mask/masque眼膜: eye mask护唇用:Lip care口红护膜:Lip coat磨砂膏: facial scrub去黑头: (deep) pore cleanser/striper pore refining去死皮: Exfoliating Scrub润肤露(身体): body lotion/moisturizer护手霜: hand lotion/moisturizer沐浴露: body wash2 护肤专业术语Acne/Spot(青春痘用品)Active(活用)After sun(日晒后用品)Alcohol-free(无酒精)Anti-(抗、防)Anti-wrinkle(抗老防皱)Balancing(平衡酸硷)Clean-/Purify-(清洁用)Combination(混合性皮肤)Dry(干性皮肤)Essence(精华液)Facial(脸部用)Fast/Quick dry(快干)Firm(紧肤)Foam(泡沫)Gentle(温和用)Hydra-(保湿用)Long lasting(持久性)Milk(乳)Mult-(多元)Normal(中性皮肤)Nutritious(滋养)Oil-control(抑制油脂)Oily(油性皮肤)Pack(剥撕式面膜)Peeling(敷面剥落式面膜)Remover(去除、卸妆)Repair(修护)Revitalite(活化)Scrub(磨砂式(去角质))Sensitive(敏感性皮肤)Solvent(溶解)Sun block(防晒用)Toning lotion(化妆水)Trentment(修护)Wash(洗)Waterproof(防水)3 化妆工具及其他术语工具: cosmetic applicators/accessories彩妆: cosmetics遮瑕膏: concealer修容饼:Shading powder粉底: foundation (compact,stick)粉饼: pressed powder散粉:loose powder闪粉:shimmering powder/glitter眉粉: brow powder眉笔:brow pencil眼线液(眼线笔):liquid eye liner, eye liner眼影: eye shadow睫毛膏: mascara唇线笔: lip liner唇膏: lip color/lipstick(笔状lip pencil,膏状lip lipstick,盒装lip color/lip gloss)唇彩: lip gloss/lip color腮红: blush卸装水: makeup remover卸装乳: makeup removing lotion帖在身上的小亮片: body art指甲: manicure/pedicure指甲油: nail polish/color/enamel去甲油:nail polish remover护甲液:Nail saver发: hair products/accessories洗发水: shampoo护发素: hair conditioner锔油膏: conditioning hairdressing/hairdressing gel /treatment 摩丝: mousse发胶: styling gel染发: hair color冷烫水: perm/perming formula卷发器: rollers/perm rollers粉刷: cosmetic brush, face brush粉扑: powder puffs海绵扑: sponge puffs眉刷: brow brush睫毛夹: lash curler眼影刷: eye shadow brush/shadow applicator口红刷: lip brush胭脂扫: blush brush转笔刀: pencil sharpener电动剃毛器: electric shaver-for women电动睫毛卷: electric lash curler描眉卡: brow template纸巾: facial tissue吸油纸: oil-Absorbing Sheets化装棉: cotton pads棉签: Q-tips化装包: cosmetic bag。
忠实、准确 可读性
化妆品说明书 药品说明书 家电说明书
1. 直译:最常用的方法,以便达到语义对等。
如:彩妆品牌COLOUR ZONE 色彩地带
它是一种白色至微黄色粉末,加适量水可配制成 近乎白色的悬浊液,供肌肉注射用,或配制成黄 色的溶液,供静脉注射用。
It is a bactericidal antibiotic which is resistant to most B-lastamases and is active against a wide range of Gram-positive and Gram-negative organism.
•药品分类(classification of medicine):
tablet pill bolus powder ointment plaster capsule emulsion syrup mixture injection
药片 药丸 大药丸 药粉,药散 药膏 膏药
The following adverse reactions may occasionally occur: dryness of the mouth,thirst,drowsiness,fatigue, dizziness,heartburn,anorexia,abdominal discomfort and exanthema.
说明书,又称使用手册,是介绍物品的性能、规 格、使用方法的实用应用性文体。
(完整word版)祛斑霜化妆品说明书(中 英文翻译)(word文档良心出品)
InstructionComposition: Arbutin, Natural Plant Extracts, Carbomer Resin, Emollient, Amino Silicone Oil, Almond Oil , Olive Oil, Deionized Water and Essence.适用范围:黄褐斑、日晒斑、妊娠斑(蝴蝶斑)、雀斑、老年斑、辐射斑、色素沉积、皮肤精糙老化、面癣、痤疮等。
Application Scope:Chloasma, Sunburn, Cyasma (Butterfly-shaped Patches), Freckle, Senile Plaque, Radiation Burn,Pigmentation, Rough Skin and Ageing Skin, Tinea Faciei,Acne and the Similar.使用方法用清水、小蓝瓶地中海原生蓝泥洁面乳清洁面部,再取本品适量涂于面部,轻轻涂抹即可,早晚各一次。
ApplicationCleanse your face with clear water and facial cleanser of original Mediterranean blue mud in the small blue bottle. Then Apply the product of proper quantity to your face and smear gently, once in the morning and in the evening respectively.注意事项:Cautions:1、年龄在16—50岁的油性皮肤的消费者,使用我们产品15天后,若室外气温在28℃以上时,建议只在晚上使用一次。
化妆品说明书翻译化妆品说明书翻译篇一:化妆品说明书英文翻译Prdu ct ch aract erist ics:Itre pleni shessuffi cient ater t cr eat a mist urizi ng an date r-lck ing m embra ne nthe s kin t main tainthe n rmalatercnten t f t he cu ticle ,ban lance thePH va lue f theskinand k eep t he sk in he althi er. C ntain ing r ich f ibrin extr act a nd va rirti es fvalue d her bal e ssenc es,it stre ngthe ns th e hit ening func tin a s ell as t ne th e dar k ple xin a nd sf ten t he ct iclet bui ldsp arkin g,hit e ,br ight,hydru s and tran spare nt sk in. 活肌盈白滋润爽肤水产品特点:外界的污染,日光的照射,生活和工作的压力另肌肤干燥粗糙,色素沉浊,暗沉无光泽,各种肌肤问题也随之而来,需要及时为肌肤补充大量水分,促进美白营养成分的吸收。
Ingredients: water, glycerin, glyceryl stearate, stearyl alcohol, isopropyl palmitate, PDMS, hydrogenated polyisobutene, arbutin, sodium alginate, tocopheryl acetate, essence, allantoin, propylparaben and methylparaben.功效:祛斑、美白、嫩肤,对日晒形成的色素沉着也同样有效。
Effects: freckle removing, skin whitening and rejuvenation, similarly effective to sunburn pigmentation.使用方法:早上使用,中午洗掉;傍晚使用,睡前洗掉;职业女性白天需要化妆的,傍晚使用一次,睡前洗掉。
Usage: Please use it every morning and wash it off at noon; Please use it on very evening and washif off before bedtime; for those career women whoneed make-up at daytime, please use it once on everyevening and wash it off before bedtime.[注意事项] Cautions1、敏感性皮肤、香料过敏者,建议在使用本品前,可以在耳后皮肤涂一些,待24小时后,若无红肿、痒等过敏症状,可放心使用。
For those with sensitive skin, or fragrance-sensitive, it is highly suggested to apply some for a try to the skinbehind ears before use, and if there appears no allergysymptoms such as red or itchy skin after 24 hours, just useit safely without risks.2、使用本品期间应少饮酒,少食辛辣等刺激性食物,保持充足睡眠,避免紫外线或强光长时间照射。
EFFECT:1.OLIVE DEEP CLEANZER FOR REMOVING MAKEUPContaining the essence of olive and mild ingredients for cleansing, dissolve溶解the oil and remnant残余部分in the pores which makeup on your face,,cleanse the skin deeply.Gentle massage your face,deeply cleanse your skin,and moisture it,make your skin tender,delicate and silky.IT IS MILDY ,NOT OIL,easily clean,good results remove color which make up your face.2. OLIVE BB cream,moisture,isolate,block-flaw,whitening,nourish,repair,block-pore,foundation many effects into one,make particularity tender refresh skin.水嫩,隔离,遮瑕,修护,控油,隐形毛孔,粉底九效合一,打造细致粉嫩,清新自然的裸妆美人。
SUPPLY WATER AND NUTRIENTS INTO SKIN,let you have hydrating and whitening skin,deduct演绎natural skin.It has a thin and refresh texture,can make upflaw,polish skin color ,easily let you have crystal skin3.A´Gensn安安金纯OLIVE HYDRATING&WHITEING ISOLATION LOTION Olive essence and whitening protection factor,adjust skin color,let your skin becoming whitening.Deeply whitening,protect the skin from the external damage,let your skin have protect layer which can not see.(蕴含橄榄油精华和美白隔离成分,巧妙调整肤色,呈现自然白皙的肌肤,美白的同时,发挥出特有的隔离效果,阻隔粉尘,尼古丁等不良物质对肌肤的伤害,给肌肤一层看不见的保护层)Deeply hydrating,let your skin gained mildness nourish.深层补水,系统润泽肌肤,位肌肤提供隔离保护的同时让肌肤享受温和和滋养It has a light and softness texture ,easily absorbed by skin,not oil ,make up natural and permanence.质地轻柔薄和,容易被肌肤吸收,无油腻感觉,打造完美肤色,上妆服帖持久4.Lilium Essential Hydrating Moisturizer 百合高保湿润养水The delicate and silky toner can provide adequate nutrition and water while effectively softening the cuticle甲小皮,leaving skin soft,moist and fresh.It contains the 〝moisture element〞from lily which help strengthen the skinˊs natural water lipid membranes ,keeping skin moisturized to absorb the subsequent skin care products better(浓稠质地,供给肌肤丰沛水分和养分,帮助保持天然水脂滋润度。
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• 洁肤后,取适量本品,于额头及下颌轻轻点开, 在由下往上,由内向外均匀பைடு நூலகம்开,使之与肌肤紧 密融合。
Product Charateristics:with natural moisturizing factors,it keeps replenishing water an increase the elasticty of the skin to keep it more moisturized. Containing rich fibroin extract and varieties of valued herbal essences ,it strenthens whitening funtion as well as toning the dark and unevening complexion to keep it moisturized,white,graceful and attractive.
Product characteristics: It replenishes sufficient water to creat a moisturizing and water-locking membrane on the skin to maintain the normal water content of the cuticle ,banlance the PH value of the skin and keep the skin healthier. Containing rich fibroin extract and varirties of valued herbal essences,it strengthens the whitening function as well as tone the dark complexion and soften the coticle to build sparking,white ,bright,hydrous and transparent skin.
• After skin cleansing,point some product from forehead to mandibles lightly and apply evenly from bottom to top and from interior to exterior to make it skin-touched.
• Apply some evenly to the face after facial cleansing in the morning and the evening, and pat in lightly until absorbed throughly. • 早晚洁面后,取适量本均匀涂抹于脸部,轻轻拍 打至完全吸收。
Product Characteristics:being easy to apply to the skin evenly,it unblocks the pores,shades the blemishes on the fae and increases the brightness and transparency of the skin. Containing rich fibroin extract and extract and valued herbal essences,it strenghens the whitening funtion as well as moisturizes the skin ripidly and creates a water -locking membrance to keep the skin tender and smooth with natural white radiance.