第三章 词语的翻译(一)(Translation of Words)
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第三章 词语的翻译(一) (Translation of Words)
3.1 Main types of word meaning
(一)语法意义和词汇意义 (grammatical meaning & lexical meaning) eg: girls & girl ; The dog bit the man. • 一般认为, 虚词(如冠词、介词、连接词) 只有语法意义,实词(如动词、名词、形 容词、副词)既有语法意义、又有词汇意 义。
蕴涵意义(connotation, what it suggests beyond what it expresses, the overtones of meaning),指 词语内含的情感和联想意义,是词语的隐含意义, 反映该民族特有的思维方式和社会文化. 词的蕴涵意义在不同语言中往往有天壤之别,甚至同 种语言内类似指称意义的词语蕴涵意义也不尽相同. 如: 1) 他是个纸老虎。
稍等一会儿,我就来. Just a minute. I’m coming. 他要是不来,我就代他在会上发言. If he doesn’t come, I’ll speak at the meeting instead of him. 那个人就是他的哥哥. That very man is his elder brother. 你就是送给我,我也不要. Even if you give it to me as a gift, I won’t accept it. 他就着油灯读信. He read the letter by the oil lamp. • 5) 正式协议 正式声明 代表团的正式成员 • formal agreement official statement the full member of 家Geoffrey Leech分为conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, thematic meaning 等七类
11)他便变了脸,铁一般的青。 12)她脸色突然变成灰黄,死了似的。 13)我们不得不零零星星地偿付。 14)那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。 15)湖色越远越深,由近到远,是银白、淡 蓝、深青、墨绿,非常分明。 16)三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的 地方溜达。
11)His complexion changed, and he grew ghastly pale. 12)All of a sudden, her face turned ashy pale, and she looked like a corpse. 13)We have to pay in dribs and drabs. 14)The path zigzags up the hill. 15)Farther still, the lake water seems darker, changing from silver white near at hand, through light blue, deep blue, finally to dark green, all being very distinct. 16)Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked.
捷克词典学家Zgusta分为designation, connotation, range of application等三类 美国翻译家Nida分为cognitive meaning,emotive meaning两 类
指称意义(denotation, the dictionary meaning or literal meaning),即“词的确切和字面的意义”,语 言间的可译性就是由指称意义的基本对等决定的. 指称意义往往具有多重性,即一词多义现象. 如: 1) 英军胜利地登上了小岛。
a. The British army climbed onto the island successfully. b. The British army landed onto the island successfully. 2) 他对事情的进展也还满意。 He is quite satisfied with the way things went.
悄远离尘间,对俗世悲欢扰攘,不再有动于衷。 The thing which gives man most food for thought is the leisure in autumn clouds. As they drift away from the human world, they are so pale, so calm and silent, so indifferent to the worldly sadness and happy outcries … 9)…… 三十六家花酒店,七十二座管弦楼 … the countless taverns and music halls. 10)它用竹子做骨架,金字屋顶上,覆盖着蓑衣或松树皮, 临河四周也是松树皮编成的女墙,可凭栏品茗,八面来风, 即便三伏天,这茶居也是一片清凉的世界。 It is built with bamboo as the frame. Its A-typed roof is covered with the straw or pine bark and all the three sides near the river are parapet walls woven with the pine bark. Here you can sip tea with the pleasant breeze from all directions. Even in the hottest days of the year,the tea stall is still place for refreshment.
• 3) 他是我父亲。 这姑娘是漂亮。 此人是书就读。 是可忍,孰不可忍? 是古非今
他是我父亲。 He is my father. 这姑娘是漂亮。 This girl is really beautiful. 此人是书就读。 This man reads every book he can reach. 是可忍,孰不可忍? If this can be tolerated. What cannot ? 是古非今 praise the past condemn the present • 4) 稍等一会儿,我就来. 他要是不来,我就代他在会上发言. 那个人就是他的哥哥. 你就是送给我,我也不要. 他就着油灯读信.
6) 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 7)如果你留下来,我也要留下来。 8)小马也就是十二三岁,脸上还瘦。 9)她怎么好好的就自杀了? 这也怪了! 10)说来话长。 11)他的名字我一时说不上来。 12)你连续三天没有交作业,这可说不过去。 13)他两岁就会看表了。 14)我能看出你在想什么。 15)你要是觉得这东西还看得过去,就买下 来吧。
Keming: Juexin, I want you to pay particular attention to this. / Listen, Juexin.
汉语中的颜色词、叠词、数词等往往也具有丰富的蕴 涵意义,翻译时应充分考虑它们的特殊内涵,再现 其蕴涵意义。如:
6) 客人一走进大门,扑鼻的是一阵幽香,入目的是绿蜡似的叶 子和红霞或白雪似的花朵……。 As guests entered the gate, they would first smell a sweet fragrance and then see the waxy green leaves and the rainbow-red or snow-white flowers. 7) 晚霞如同一片赤红的落叶坠到铺着黄尘的地上,斜阳之下的 山冈变成了暗紫,好像是云海之中的礁石。 The evening glow there is like a patch of red leaves fallen on the ground covered with golden dust. Under the sloping sunrays the hills become dark brown, as if they were rocks among sea of clouds.
He is a paper tiger. 2) 咱们俩的事,一条绳上拴着两只蚂蚱---谁也跑步了! We’re like two grasshoppers tied to one cord, neither can get away!.
• 3) ……只因生得妩媚风流,满学忠都送了两个外号:一个叫 “香怜”,一个叫“玉爱”。 a) … because of their glmorous looks and affected manners, were universally known bu the nickname of Darling and Precious. b) But on account of their good looks and charm they were nicknamed Seeetie and Lovely. 除了文化特征外,蕴涵意义还体现为词语的文体特征。如: 4)《红楼梦》中对女性的称呼,如“王夫人”、“周瑞家的” 的翻译 Lady Wang; Zhou Rui’s wife / Mrs. Zhou 5)克明:觉新哪,你听着! (《家》中高老爷训导觉新的话语)
6) When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it ---- this is knowledge. 7)If you stay, I will, too. 8)Xiao Ma was no more than twelve or thirteen years old, with a very lean face. 9)Why should she have committed suicide for no reason? It’s rather odd. 10)It’s a long story. 11)I can’t recall his name at the moment. 12)You have failed to hand in your exercises three days in a row. This is really inexcusable. 13)He could tell time even when he was two. 14)I can read your mind. 15)If you think it’s all right, then buy it.
3.1 Main types of word meaning
(一)语法意义和词汇意义 (grammatical meaning & lexical meaning) eg: girls & girl ; The dog bit the man. • 一般认为, 虚词(如冠词、介词、连接词) 只有语法意义,实词(如动词、名词、形 容词、副词)既有语法意义、又有词汇意 义。
蕴涵意义(connotation, what it suggests beyond what it expresses, the overtones of meaning),指 词语内含的情感和联想意义,是词语的隐含意义, 反映该民族特有的思维方式和社会文化. 词的蕴涵意义在不同语言中往往有天壤之别,甚至同 种语言内类似指称意义的词语蕴涵意义也不尽相同. 如: 1) 他是个纸老虎。
稍等一会儿,我就来. Just a minute. I’m coming. 他要是不来,我就代他在会上发言. If he doesn’t come, I’ll speak at the meeting instead of him. 那个人就是他的哥哥. That very man is his elder brother. 你就是送给我,我也不要. Even if you give it to me as a gift, I won’t accept it. 他就着油灯读信. He read the letter by the oil lamp. • 5) 正式协议 正式声明 代表团的正式成员 • formal agreement official statement the full member of 家Geoffrey Leech分为conceptual meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning, thematic meaning 等七类
11)他便变了脸,铁一般的青。 12)她脸色突然变成灰黄,死了似的。 13)我们不得不零零星星地偿付。 14)那条小径曲曲折折通向山顶。 15)湖色越远越深,由近到远,是银白、淡 蓝、深青、墨绿,非常分明。 16)三十几个人,三三五五,各自在爱去的 地方溜达。
11)His complexion changed, and he grew ghastly pale. 12)All of a sudden, her face turned ashy pale, and she looked like a corpse. 13)We have to pay in dribs and drabs. 14)The path zigzags up the hill. 15)Farther still, the lake water seems darker, changing from silver white near at hand, through light blue, deep blue, finally to dark green, all being very distinct. 16)Thirty-odd of us, in group of threes and fives, strolled wherever we liked.
捷克词典学家Zgusta分为designation, connotation, range of application等三类 美国翻译家Nida分为cognitive meaning,emotive meaning两 类
指称意义(denotation, the dictionary meaning or literal meaning),即“词的确切和字面的意义”,语 言间的可译性就是由指称意义的基本对等决定的. 指称意义往往具有多重性,即一词多义现象. 如: 1) 英军胜利地登上了小岛。
a. The British army climbed onto the island successfully. b. The British army landed onto the island successfully. 2) 他对事情的进展也还满意。 He is quite satisfied with the way things went.
悄远离尘间,对俗世悲欢扰攘,不再有动于衷。 The thing which gives man most food for thought is the leisure in autumn clouds. As they drift away from the human world, they are so pale, so calm and silent, so indifferent to the worldly sadness and happy outcries … 9)…… 三十六家花酒店,七十二座管弦楼 … the countless taverns and music halls. 10)它用竹子做骨架,金字屋顶上,覆盖着蓑衣或松树皮, 临河四周也是松树皮编成的女墙,可凭栏品茗,八面来风, 即便三伏天,这茶居也是一片清凉的世界。 It is built with bamboo as the frame. Its A-typed roof is covered with the straw or pine bark and all the three sides near the river are parapet walls woven with the pine bark. Here you can sip tea with the pleasant breeze from all directions. Even in the hottest days of the year,the tea stall is still place for refreshment.
• 3) 他是我父亲。 这姑娘是漂亮。 此人是书就读。 是可忍,孰不可忍? 是古非今
他是我父亲。 He is my father. 这姑娘是漂亮。 This girl is really beautiful. 此人是书就读。 This man reads every book he can reach. 是可忍,孰不可忍? If this can be tolerated. What cannot ? 是古非今 praise the past condemn the present • 4) 稍等一会儿,我就来. 他要是不来,我就代他在会上发言. 那个人就是他的哥哥. 你就是送给我,我也不要. 他就着油灯读信.
6) 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。 7)如果你留下来,我也要留下来。 8)小马也就是十二三岁,脸上还瘦。 9)她怎么好好的就自杀了? 这也怪了! 10)说来话长。 11)他的名字我一时说不上来。 12)你连续三天没有交作业,这可说不过去。 13)他两岁就会看表了。 14)我能看出你在想什么。 15)你要是觉得这东西还看得过去,就买下 来吧。
Keming: Juexin, I want you to pay particular attention to this. / Listen, Juexin.
汉语中的颜色词、叠词、数词等往往也具有丰富的蕴 涵意义,翻译时应充分考虑它们的特殊内涵,再现 其蕴涵意义。如:
6) 客人一走进大门,扑鼻的是一阵幽香,入目的是绿蜡似的叶 子和红霞或白雪似的花朵……。 As guests entered the gate, they would first smell a sweet fragrance and then see the waxy green leaves and the rainbow-red or snow-white flowers. 7) 晚霞如同一片赤红的落叶坠到铺着黄尘的地上,斜阳之下的 山冈变成了暗紫,好像是云海之中的礁石。 The evening glow there is like a patch of red leaves fallen on the ground covered with golden dust. Under the sloping sunrays the hills become dark brown, as if they were rocks among sea of clouds.
He is a paper tiger. 2) 咱们俩的事,一条绳上拴着两只蚂蚱---谁也跑步了! We’re like two grasshoppers tied to one cord, neither can get away!.
• 3) ……只因生得妩媚风流,满学忠都送了两个外号:一个叫 “香怜”,一个叫“玉爱”。 a) … because of their glmorous looks and affected manners, were universally known bu the nickname of Darling and Precious. b) But on account of their good looks and charm they were nicknamed Seeetie and Lovely. 除了文化特征外,蕴涵意义还体现为词语的文体特征。如: 4)《红楼梦》中对女性的称呼,如“王夫人”、“周瑞家的” 的翻译 Lady Wang; Zhou Rui’s wife / Mrs. Zhou 5)克明:觉新哪,你听着! (《家》中高老爷训导觉新的话语)
6) When you know a thing, to hold that you know it, and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it ---- this is knowledge. 7)If you stay, I will, too. 8)Xiao Ma was no more than twelve or thirteen years old, with a very lean face. 9)Why should she have committed suicide for no reason? It’s rather odd. 10)It’s a long story. 11)I can’t recall his name at the moment. 12)You have failed to hand in your exercises three days in a row. This is really inexcusable. 13)He could tell time even when he was two. 14)I can read your mind. 15)If you think it’s all right, then buy it.