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第二章:waveguide dispersion diagram (波导管色散图样)
第一段:Higher modes zigzag more along the guide and appear to have longer ray paths ,.However .there are two important wrong impressions with this view . First .what is important is the group velocity Vg along the guide .the velocity at which the energy or information is transported . Second is that the higher modes penetrate渗入,透入more into the cladding镀;包层。 where the refractive index is smaller and the waves travel faster
高阶模沿着波导似乎有长的射线路径,然而对于这种观点有两种极其错误的印象, 首先是沿着波导管的群速度, 传输能量或信息的速度; 第二: 是更高模式穿透镀层, 镀层折射率小,电波传播更快了.
第二段:Not all source radiation can be guided along an optical fiber. Only rays falling within a certain cone at the input of the fiber can normally be propagated through the fiber. Figure 2.16 shows the path of a light ray launched from the outside medium of refractive index(折射率 n. not necessarialy air )into the fiber core is @°,and inside the waveguide the ray makes an angle
不是所有源辐射都可以沿光纤进行传导。 通常可以通过在光纤传播只属于某些圆锥纤维进入时的光线。 图 2.16 显示了一盏灯的入射光线从外部到介质的路径 折射率为n进入纤维的角度为@ °,和波导内的光线使天使
第三段:however ,even if light propagation occurs by a single mode , there still will be dispersion due to the variation of the refractive index n1 of the core glass with the wavelength of light coupled into the fiber .the propagation velocity of the guided wave along the fiber core depends on n1,which in turn depends on the wavelength This type of dispersion that results from the wavelength dependence of the material properties of the guide is called material dispersion
沿着光纤中心传播的速度取决于折射率n1 相应的依赖于波长, 这种色散源自于波长依赖于材料的性质叫做材料色散
第三章: 半导体
第一段::when a wandering electron in the CB导带meets a hole in the VB ,it has found an empty electronic state of lower energy and it therefore occupies it the electron falls from CB to the VB to fill the hole .This is called recombination.
which results in the annihilation of an electron from the CB and a hole in the VB.the excess energy of the electron falling from CB to VB in certain semiconductors,such as GaAs and InP,is emitted as a photon.In Si and Ge,the excess energy is lost as lattice vibrations(heat).In the steaty state,the thermal generation rate is balanced by recombination rate so that the electron concentration n in the CB and hole concentration p in the VB remain constant;both n and p depend on the temperature.

带中的空穴, 会发现空的电子能态能量更低,电子因此就会占据低能态的位置,电子由导带落入价带而填充空穴,我们称此现象为复合,这种复合导致了导带中的一个自由电子和价带中的一个空穴的湮灭.在确定的半导体中电子由导带落到价带释放的能量,例如, 砷化镓和磷化铟,会产生光子;在硅和锗,多余的能量作为晶格振动(热运动)而消耗.在稳定状态,产生热量速率和复合速率相同所以处于平衡以至于导带中的电子浓度和价带中的空穴浓度保持不变,电子浓度和空穴浓度依赖于温度.
第二段:In non-degenerate semiconductors, the number of states in the CB far exceeds the number of electrons, so the likelihood of two electrons trying to occupy the same state is almost nil. This means that the Pauli exclusion principle can be neglected and the electron statistics can be described by the Boltzmann statistics.
在非简并半导体的状态中,导带数远远超过电子,两个电子占据同一状态可能性几乎没有,这意味泡利不相容原则可以被忽略 那么电子统计服从玻尔兹曼分布
第三段:When the p-side is narrow, some of the injected electrons in the p-side reach the surface by diffusion and recombine through crystal defects near the surface. This radiationless recombination process decrease the light output. In addition, if the recombination occurs over a relatively large volume(or instance),due to long electron diffusion lengths, then the chances of reabsorption of emitted photons becomes higher; the amount of reabsorption increases with the material volume.
当p型结很窄时,一些注入p结的电子通过扩散和浅层电子复合到达表面, 这种非辐射结合过程降低了光能输出.另外,如果这种复合发生在一个相对大的容器中,由于长的电子扩散长度, 扩散光子的再吸收的可能性变大,再吸收根据材料的容积增加而增加
第四章;stimulated emission devics lasers 受激辐射发射器件
第一段;A useful laser medium must have a higher efficiency of stimulated emission compared with the efficiencies of spontaneous emission and absorption .we need to determine the controlling factors for the rates of stimulated emission ,spontaneous emission and absorption
我们需要确定受激辐射 自发辐射和吸收的速率的控制因素
第二段;Due to their relatively simple construction He-Ne lasers are widely used in numerous applications such interferometry ,for example accurately measuring distance or flatness of an object ,laser printing ,holography ,and various pointing and alignment applications (as in civil engineering)
由于它们相对简单的构造,He Ne 激光器广泛应用于许多设施中如干涉仪,例如精确测量距离或物体平面间的距离,激光

印刷, 全息和各种指向和对齐方式应用程序(如在土木工程)
第三段:what is the linewidth in the output wavelength spectrum ? what is mode number m of the central wavelength ,the separation between two consecutive modes and how many modes do you expect within the linewidth ( )of the optical gain curve?
什么是输出波长的线宽?什么是中心波长的模数和两种连续模数之间的分离? 在半波长增益曲线之间你期望有多少模数?
第五章:photodetectors (光电探测器)
第一段:Photodetectors convert a light signal to an electrical signal such as a voltage or current .in many photodetectors such as photoconductors and photodiodes this conversion is typically achived by the creation of free electron hole pairs (EPHs)by the absorption of photons ,that is ,the creation of electrons in the conduction band (CB) and holes in the valence band (VB)
探测器可以将光信号转换为电信号,例如电压或者电流 .许多光电探测器,像光电导和光电二极管,这些转换一般通过吸收光子能量激发出电子空穴对来实现光电转换,产生的电子在导带,空穴在价带
第二段:the pin photodiodes(pn结半导体) The simple pn junction photodiode has two major drawbacks .it’s junction or depletion layer capacitance is not sufficiently small to allow photodetection at high modulation frequencies. This is an RC time constant limitation
简单 pn 结光电二极管有两个主要缺点. 它的交界处或耗尽层电容不足够小以致对高频率进行限制, 允许高频调制下的探测 这意味着一个 RC 时间常数限制
第三段:The photodetection process involves the interaction of discrete photons with valence electrons .the discrete nature of photons means that there is an unavoidable random fluctuation in the rate of arrival of photons even if we did our best to keep the rate constant . The quantum nature of the photon therefore gives rise to a statistical randomness in the EHPs photogeneration process This type of fluctuation is called quantum noise(or photon noise)
光探测过程包含光子与价电子的作用,光子的离散性意味着入射光子不可避免会随机波动 ,即使我们尽力保持这种速率常数,光子的量子属性在光子激发电子空穴对时会产生数据的随机性,这种波动我们称为量子噪音或光子噪音
第六章:photovoltaic devices(光伏器件)
第一段:The actual intensity spectrum on Earth’s surface depends on absorption and scattering effects of the atmosphere and hence on the atmospheric composition and radiation path length through the atmosphere These atmospheric effects depend on the wavelength .Clouds increase the absorption and scattering of sun light and hence substantially reduce the incident intensity.
实际地球表面光谱强度依赖于大气的吸收和散射效应,因此也依赖于大气的组分和光通过大气的路径, 这

第二段:It is important to realize that the picture in Figure 6.3 is not complete .Under a steady state operation .there can be no net current through an open circuit solar cell .This means the photocurrent inside the device due to the flow of photogenerated carriers must be exactly balanced by a flow of carriers in the opposite direction
第三段:Solar cells materials ,devices and efficiencies(太阳能电池材料,器件及效率)
The efficiency of a solar cell is one of it’s important characteristics because it allows the device to be assessed economically in comparison to other energy conversion decices .The solar cell efficiency invariably refers to the fraction of incident light energy converted to electrical energy
太阳能电池效率是太阳能电池很重要的特性之一 ,因为这样我们可以将它和其他能量转换装置从经济角度进行比较 光电池的效率是指出射光的电能与入射光的电能之比.

第七章:polarization and modulation of light
第一段:Malus’s law(马吕斯定律)
There are various optical device that operate on the polarization state of a wave passing though it and thereby modify the polarization state. A linear polarizer will only allow electric field oscillations along some direction ,called the transmissionaxis, to pass though the device as illustrated in figure 7.5.
有的通过虽然一波偏振状态动手术的各种光学设备它,从而修改偏振态。 一个线性偏振器将只允许某些电场沿着某些特定方向的光波通过, 叫做透光轴.
第二段:Optical anisotropy (光学各向异性)
An important characteristic of crystal is that many of their properties depend on the crystal direction ,that is crystals are generally anisotropic. The dielectric constant 介电常数<> depend on electronic polarization which involves the displacement of electrons with respect to positive atomic
晶体的一个重要特点是许多性质依赖该晶体的方向,一般来讲晶体是各向异性的。 介质的介电系数依赖于电子的偏振,它涉及到电子相对于原子核的位移.
Electro-optic effects refer to changes in the refractive index of a material induced by the application of an external外部的,外面的electric field , which therefore “modulates” the optical properties ;the applied field is not the electric field of any light wave ,but a separate external field .we can apply such an external field by placing electrodes on opposite faces of a crystal and connecting these electrodes to a battery

的折射率, 因此它可以对光学各向异性介质进行调节, 外加电场不是任何光波的电场,而是一个分离的电场,我们可以通过在晶体的两对面加电极,然后把电极与电池相连,实现外加电压.
1.1 Light Wave in Homogeneous Medium 均匀介质中的光波
A. Plane Electromagnetic Wave 平面电磁波
B. Maxwell’s Wave Equation and Diverging Wave 麦克斯韦方程组和散射光波
Example 1.1.1: A diverging laser beam 发散激光束
1.2 Refractive Index 折射率
Example 1.2.1: Relative permittivity and refractive index 相对电容率和相对折射率
1.3 Group Velocity and Group Index 群速度和群指标
Example 1.3.1: Group velocity 群速度
Example 1.3.2: Group and phase velocities 群速度和相速度
1.4 Magnetic Field, Irradiance, and Poynting Vector 磁场 辐射强度和波音频适量
Example 1.4.1: Electric and magnetic fields in light 光波中的电磁场
1.5 Snell’s Law and Total Internal Reflection 斯涅耳定律和全反射
1.6 Fresnel’s Equations 菲涅耳方程
A. Amplitude Reflection and Transmission Coefficients 振幅反射和透射系数
Example 1.6.1: Evanescent wave 瞬逝波
B. Intensity, Reflectance, and Transmittance 强度 反射系数和透明度
Example 1.6.2: Reflectance of light from a less dense medium 光疏介质中的反射光
Example 1.6.3: Reflectance at normal incidence. Internal and 垂直入射时的反射。
External reflection 内部和外部反射
Example 1.6.4: Antireflection coatings on solar cells 太阳能电池的增透膜
Example 1.6.5: Dielectric mirrors 介质镜
1.7 Multiple Interference and Optical Resonators 多重干涉和光学谐振腔
Example 1.7.1: Resonator modes and spectral width 腔模和谱宽
1.8 Goos-Hanchen Shift and Optical Tunneling 光学隧道
1.9 Temporal and Spatial Coherence 时间相干性和空间相干性
1.10 Diffraction Principles 衍射图案
A. Fraunhofer Diffraction 夫琅和费衍射
Example 1.10.1: Resolving power of imaging systems 成像系统的分辨率
B. Diffraction grating 衍射光栅
Questions and Problems

2.1 Symmetric Planar Dielectric Slab Waveguide 对称平面介质片波导管
A.Waveguide Condition 波导条件
B.Single and Mulitimode Waveguide 单模和多模波导
C.TE and TM Mode TE波和TM波
Example2.1.1:Waveguide modes 波导模式
Example2.1.2:V-numenber and the number of modes 频率数和模式数
Example2.1.3:Mode field distance 模式场距
2.2 Modal and Waveguide Dispersion in the planar Waveguide 平面波导中的模式色散和波导色散

Waveguide dispersion Diagram 波导色散图
B.Intermodal Dispersion
C.Intermodal Dispersion
2.3 step index fiber 阶跃光纤
Example2.3.1:A multimode fiber 多模光纤
Example2.3.2:A Single mode fiber 单模光纤
Example 2.3.3:Single mode cut-off waveguide 单模截止波长
Example2.3.4:Group velocity and delay 群速度和群延迟
2.4 Numerical Aperture 数值孔径 (入射到光纤端面的光并不能全部被光纤所传输,
Example2.4.1:A multimode fiber and total acceptance angle 多模光纤和全接受角
Example2.4.2:A single mode fiber 单模光纤
2.5 Dispersion in Single Mode Fiber 单模光纤的色散
A. Material Dispersion 材料色散
B. Waveguide Dispersion 波导色散
C. Chromatic Dispersion or Total Dispersion 色散和全色散
D. Profile and Polarization Dispersion Effects 折射率分布色散和偏振色散效应
E. Dispersion Flattened Fibers 色散型平坦光纤
Example2.5.1:Material dispersion 材料色散
Example2.5.2:Material,Waveguide,and chromatic dispersion 材料 波导和色色散
2.6 Bit-Rate,Dispersion,Electrical,and Optical Bandwidth 比特率,色散,电学和光学带宽
A. Bit-Rate,and dispersion 比特率和色散
B. Optical and Electrical bandwidth 光学和电学带宽
Example 2.6.1: Bit-Rate dispersion 比特率色散
2.7The Graded index Optical Fiber 渐变折射率光纤(阶跃光纤)
Example2.7.1:Dispersion in agrade-index fiber and bit-rate 阶跃光纤和比特率的色散
2.8 Light Absorption and Scattering 光的吸收和散射
A. Absorption 吸收
B. Scattering 散射
2.9 Attenuation in Optical Fibers 光纤中的衰减
Example 2.9.1: Rayleigh scattering limit 瑞利散射极限
Example 2.9.2: Attenuation along an optical fiber 沿着光纤的衰减
2.10 Fiber Manufacture 光纤的制造方法
A. Fiber Drawing 光纤的拉伸
B. Outside Vapor Deposition (OVD) 外部沉击
Example 2.10.1: Fiber drawing 拉丝
3.1 Semiconductor Concepts and Energy Bands 107半导体概念和能带
A. Energy Band Diagrams 107 能带图
B. Semiconductor Statistics 110 半导体统计学
C. Extrinsic Semiconductors 113 非本征半导体
D. Compensation Doping 116 掺杂补偿
E. Degenerate and Nondegenerate Semiconductors 117兼并和非兼并半导体
F. Energy Band Diagram in an Applied Field 118 叠加场中的能带图
Example 3.1.1: Fermi levels in semiconductors 118 半导体的费米分布
Example 3.1.2: Conductivity 119 传导系数

3.2 Direct and Indirect Bandgap Semiconductors: E-k Diagra

ms 119
3.3 pn Junction Principles 123 PN结原理
A. Open Circuit 123 开路
B. Forward Bias 126 正向偏压
C. Reverse Bias 131 反向偏压
D. Depletion layer Capacitance 134 耗尽层电容
E. Recombination Lifetime 135 复合寿命

3.4 The pn junction Bond Diagram 137 pn结能带图
A. Open Circuit 137 开路
B. Forward and Reverse Bias 138 正向和反向偏压

3.5 Light Emitting Diodes 139 发光二极管
A. principles 139 原理
B. Device Structures 141 器件结构

3.6 LED Materials 142 发光二极管材料

3.7 Heterojunction High Intensity LEDs 144 高亮度异质结发光二极管

3.8 LED Characteristics 147 LED特性
Example 3.8.1; LED output spectrum 149 LED输出光谱
Example 3.8.2: LED output wavelength variations 149 LED输出波长的变化
Example 3.8.3: InGaAsP on InP substrate 150 InP衬底InGaAsP
3.9 LEDs for Optical Fiber Communication 150 LED在光纤通信中的应用
Questions and Problems 153

4.1 Stimulated Emission and Photon Amplification 159受激辐射和光子放大
4.2 Stimulated Emission Rate and Einstein Coefficients 162 受激辐射率和爱因斯坦系数
4.3 Optical Fiber Amplifiers 164 光纤放大器
4.4 Gas Laser: The He-Ne Laser 166 气体激光器:He-Ne激光器
Example 4.4.1:Efficiency of the He-Ne laser 169 He-Ne激光器的功率
Example 4.4.2:Laser beam divergence 170 激光束发散
4.5 The Output Spectrum of a Gas Laser 气体激光器的输出光谱
Example4.5.1:Doppler broadened linewidth 173 多普勒加宽线宽
4.6 LASER Oscillation Conditions 174 激光振荡条件
A. Optical Gain Coefficient g 174 光学增益系数
B. Threshold Gain gth 176 (注释:th为下脚标) 阈值增益
C.Phase Condition and Laser Modes 178 相位条件和激光模式
Example4.6.1:Threshold population inversion for the He-Ne laser 181
4.7 Principle of the Laser Diode 181 激光二极管原理
4.8 Heterostructure Laser Diodes 185 异质结激光二极管
Example4.8.1:Modes in laser and the optical cavity length 189 激光模式和光学腔长
4.9 Elementary Laser Diode Characteristics 190 激光二极管的基本特性
Example4.9.1:Laser output wavelength variations 192 激光输出波长变化
4.10 Steady State Semiconductor Rate Equation 192 静态半导体速率方程

4.11 Light Emitters for Optical Fiber Communications 195 光纤通信光发射器
4.12 Single Frequency Solid State Lasers 196 单频固体激光器
Example4.12.1:DFB Laser 198 分布反馈激光器

4.13 Quantum Well Devices

199 量子阱器件
Example4.13.1:A GaAs quantum well 202 砷化镓量子阱器件
4.14 Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers(VCSELs) 203 垂直腔表面发射激光器
4.15 Optical Laser Amplifiers 205 光学激光放大器
4.16 Holography 206 全息照相术,雷射摄影术

Questions and Problems 209
Chapter 5
5.1 Principle of the pn Junction Photodiode pn结光电二极管原理
5.2 Ramo’s Theorem and External Photocurrent 拉莫定理和外部光电流
5.3 Absorption Coefficient and Photodiode Materials 吸收系数和光电二极管材料
5.4 Quantum Efficiency and Responsivity 量子效率和响应
5.5 The pin Photodiode PIN型光电二极管
Example 5.5.1:Operation and speed of a pin photodiode PIN型光电二极管的操作和使用
Example5.5.2:Photocarrier diffusion in a pin photodiode PIN型光电二极管中的光载流子扩散
Example5.5.3:Responsivity of a pin photodiode PIN型光电二极管的响应
5.6 Avalanche Photodiode 雪崩光电二极管(其缩写形式为APD)
Example5.6.1:InGaAs APD Responsivity 砷化镓雪崩光电二极管响应
Example5.6.2Silicon APD 硅雪崩光电二极管
5.7 Heterojunction Photodiodes 异质结光电二极管
A:Separate Absorption and Multiplication (SAM)APD 分离吸收和倍增APD
B:Superlattice APDs 超晶格APD
5.8 Phototransistors 光电晶体三极管
5.9 Photocondutive Detectors and Photoconductive Gain 光电导探测器和增益
5.10 Noise In Phorodetectors 光电探测器中的噪音
A:The pn Junction and the pin Photodiodes Pn结和PIN型光电二极管
Example 5.10.1:NEP of a Si pin photodiode (NEP是噪声等效功率的缩写)
Example 5.10.2 Noise of an ideal photodetector 理想的光电探测器噪音
Example 5.10.3 SNR of a receiver 接收器的信噪比
B: Avalanche Noise in the APD APD的雪崩噪音
Example 5.10.4:Noise in an APD APD的噪音
6.1 Solar Energy Spectrum 254 太阳能电池
Example 6.1.1;Solar Energy conversion 256 太阳能的转换
6.2 Photovoltaic Device Principles 257 光伏器件原理
Example 6.2.1;Thephotocurrent Iph 260 光电流Iph
6.3 pn Junction Photovoltaic I-V Characteristics 261 光电池pn结伏安特性
Example 6.3.1;A solar cell driving a resistive load 264 电阻的负荷(载荷量)
Example 6.3.2;Open circuit voltage and illumination 264 开路电压和开路电流
6.4 Series Resistance and Equivalent Circuit 265 多电阻和等效电路
Example 6.4.1;Solar cells in parallel 267 太阳能电池的共同点
6.5 Temperature Effects 268 温度影响
6.6 Solar Cells Materials,Devices,and Efficiencies 269 太阳能电池的原料,器件和

Questions and Problems 272
polarization and modulation of light 光的偏振和调制
polarization 偏振
state of polarization 偏振态
elliptical and circular polarization 圆偏振和椭圆偏振
malus's law 马吕斯定理
light propagation in an anisotropic medium:birefringence 光在各向异性介质中的传播:双折射
optical anisotropy 光学各向异性
uniaxial crystals and fresnel's optical indicatrix 单轴晶体和光率体
birefringence of calcite 方解石的双折射
dichroism 二向色性
birefringent optical devices 双折射光学器件
retarding plates 延迟片
quartz half-wave plate 石英半波片
circular polarization from linear polarization 从线偏振变为圆偏振
soleil-babinet compensator 巴比内补偿器
birefringent prisms 双折射棱镜
optical activity and circular birefringence 旋光性和圆双折射
electro-optic effects 电光效应
definitions 定义
pockels effect 普克尔斯效应
pockels cell modulator 普克电池调制器
kerr effect 克尔效应
(普克尔斯效应,即普克尔斯电光效应的简称,又称为电光效应或克尔电光效应(克尔效应)。分为两种情况:一级电光效应和二级电光效应。一级电光效应指折射率的变化与外加场强成正比(如压电晶体),由德国晶体物理学家普克尔斯(F. Pockels)于1893年首先预期,后来在石英等晶体得到证实。故又称为普克尔斯效应。二级电光效应指折射率的变化与外加场强的平方成正比(如气体、液体和玻璃态固体),由英国物理学家克尔(John Kerr)于1875年首先在玻璃上发现,故又称克尔效应。)
kerr effect modulator 克尔效应调制器
integrated optical modulators 集成光学调制器
phase and polarization modulatoion 相位和偏振调制
mach-zehnder modulator 马赫曾德尔调制器
coupled waveguide modulators 耦合波导调制器
modulated directional coupler 方向耦合器的调制
acousto-optic modulator 声光调制器
modulated directional coupler 可调、定向耦合器
magneto-optic effects 磁光效应
non-linear optics and second harmonic generation 非线性光和二次谐波的产生
questions and problems
