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无题诗是李商隐所独创,大多以男女爱情相 思为题材,其内容或因不便明言,或因难用一 个恰当的题目表现,所以命名为“无题”。 “无题”英译: 许渊冲:To One Unnamed 林健民:An Untitled Poem 卓振英:A Titleless Poem 龚景浩:Poem Without a Title 本 文:Untitled
Poem Without a Title Li Shangyin So difficult to meet, so difficult to part. The east wind is listless and flowers have wilted. The silkworm spins off all the silk it has, then dies. The candle sheds all its tears before going out. Each morning the fear is that our hair has turned white. Reading poems at night, I feel the chill of the moonlight. The Immortals’ Island Paradise (1) is not really very far. The Blue Bird (2) has been there and has urged me to cross the bar (3). (1) The Immortals’ Island Paradise: Believed to be an island just off the coast of Shandong. (2) The Blue Bird: A legendary message-carrying bird. (3) To cross the bar: A phrase borrowed from Alfred Lord Tennyson, the English poet, who had a thrilling little poem titled: “Crossing the Bar”.
At dawn you may worry about your greying hair in the mirror; At night you may feel cold when reading alone in the moonlight.
The distance to the Mount Penglai is not too long; I will ask the bluebird to send my love and care .
Untitled Li Shangyin It’s hard for us to meet ,yet harder to part; The spring wind becomes weaker,and the flowers faded. A spring silkworm won't stop spinning silk till death; A candle won't stop weeping before burning to ashes .
To One Unnamed
It’s difficult for us to meet and hard to part; The east wind is too weak to revive flowers dead. Spring silkworm till it’s death spins silk from lovesick heart; A candle but when burned up has no tears to shed. At down I’m grieved to think your mirrored hair turns grey; At night you would feel cold while I croon by moon light. To the three fairy mountain it’s not a long way. Would the blue birds oft fly to see you on the height!
An Untitled Poem
Lee Shang Wun
’Tis excitedly unbearable to meet as well as to depart, Easterly wind weakens while all kinds of flowers faded; Spring silkworm died after it ended fibre productions, A candle turns to ashes when shedding of tears dries up; Looking at morning mirror I worry my temple is changed. Humming verse at night moonlight appeared to be chilly; As the legendary Mount Fenglai isn’t far from my place, I asked the blue bird to convey you my kindest regards.
无 题
春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。
尾联:“蓬山此去无多路,青鸟殷勤为探看。” 白话文解析: 此处去蓬莱山并没有多远,就让青鸟殷勤地为我去 探望你吧。 蓬山:指蓬莱山,海上三神山之一,常发生海市蜃楼的 景象,因此被称为仙山。 青鸟:传说中王母娘娘驾下的青鸟使者,有意为情人传递 消息。 英译: The distance to the Mount Penglai is not too long; I will ask the bluebird to send my love and care . 参考译文: As Mount Penglai is not very long a distance away, The blackbird may be kind enough to you frequent,I pray! (卓振英)