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1) The plans for the new office and apartment building were drawn up a few weeks ago.

2) I don’t really know David all that well. He’s just a casual随意的acquaintance of


3) Fortunately when I collided with that big car, the damage to both cars was only small.

4) It’s surprising how few students can distinguish区别between oranges and


5) Your appointment will take effect生效from 1st July.

6) From the outset大事情开始of the negotiations, it was clear that it would be hard for

the two sides to reach an agreement.

7) They had not clean the house for weeks and the health inspector found them living in

the utmost squalor.肮脏

8) After the outbreak of an unknown disease, investigation revealed contamination污

染状况of the city’s water supply.

9) His irresponsible behavior put the lives of all the workers in jeopardy.危险

10) The shore湖岸of the lake is covered with reeds and rushes.

11) My daughter was so engrossed全神贯注in the TV programme that she forgot to

turn the microwave oven off.

12) Tourists are advised建议to beware of pickpockets in the bus.

13) Before you start a business, you have to raise the necessary capital.资本

14) Susan is a devoted daughter, always very attentive关心to the needs of her old


15) These mountaineers will have to endure忍受severe cold and terrible winds.

16) Josh found that the evening was beginning to drag过得慢after his mother made

efforts to forbid him to watch television.

17) Jim was completely baffled难住by most of the essay questions, so he must have


18) The dreadful scenes of the major skirmish put搅扰the children off their dinner.

19) We were asked to refrain克制from smoking until the plane was airborne.

20) As a rule, Dad is generous, but as a businessman, he usually drives a hard bargain.


21) His argument presupposes以……为前提that people still regard television as a

favorable, beneficial, wondrous influence upon the family but this is no longer the case.

22) The purpose of the survey was to acquaint使了解the parents with the changes

television has made in family life.

23) We are of the opinion that standards of craftsmanship have been raised提升over

the past ten years.

24) The zoo attendant opened the cage and tried hard to coax哄劝the tigers back in.

25) The unfair criticism left Norman quite speechless无话可说with anger.

26) In a television-oriented family, children cannot expect to have much time to devote to

games, familiar songs and shared activities.
