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那是什么?艾莉,你听到了么?What was that? Ellie, did you hear that? 我听到了,曼尼,不管是什么,还很远

I heard it, Manny.Whatever it is, it's miles away.

桃子,你还好么?Peaches, are you all right?

她去哪儿了?Where is she?

小孩子哪有那么起这么早No teenager is ever up early.

放心啦,典狱长,人家又没给关禁闭Easy warden, she's not on lockdown. 你们俩是怎么当叔叔的!You two were supposed to be responsible uncles! 什么?我才没有看到桃子15还是20分钟前溜走了What? I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe15 or 20 minutes ago.

也没有看到她和路易斯去瀑布了Or that she went with Louis to the falls. 瀑布?那群小混混去的地方?The falls? Where the delinquents go?

别紧张,只是孩子们玩的地方罢了Relax, it's just where the kids hang out. 才不是,混混就上瘾了No, no, it's a gateway hangout.


First it's the falls, then she's piercing her trunk...

下一件,她就要开始吸莓毒了and the next thing you know,she's addicted to berries.

曼尼!你反应过度啦Manny! You are overreacting.

她不会永远是你的小姑娘She's not going to be your little girl forever. 我知道,所以我才担心I know. That's what worries me.

快点!Come on!


你能不能把脑袋钻出来一次?外面多好玩啊Would you get your head out of the ground for once and try to have a little fun?


I'm a molehog. My head's supposed to be underground.


And my idea of fun isn't risking death so that you can meet some cute mammoth.

伊森不是可爱,人家是性感Ethan isn't cute. He's hot.

另外,总不能一辈子都睡安生觉吧Besides, you can't spend your whole life playing it safe.- 我肯定愿意老爸? I know I would. Dad?

不要生气啊There's no reason to be mad.

你知道我反对你去瀑布的You know how I feel about you going to the falls. 尤其是一个人Especially alone.

她不是一个人,长官She's not alone, sir.

你不算,维纳You don't count, Weiner.


Yes, there's my place,and you just put me in it, thank you.

走吧,大小姐Come on, young lady.

快回家,这样我才能盯着你We're going home where I can keep an eye on you. 那,我等在这儿,还是…So, should I just wait here, or...


Yeah, you don't scare me, Mother Nature!


There's nothing you can throw at me that I can't handle.

我觉得我们快到了!I think we're almost there!

但愿吧!就是方向盘坏了We had better be! I just lost the steering.


Has anyone seen Precious?It's her feeding time.


Mom! Granny's talking about her dead pet again.

嘿,大家,爪放在空中甩!Hey, paws up, everybody!爪给我放下来

叔叔,拜托!太恶心了Paws down, Uncle, please! That is nasty.

小心点,米尔顿,这样会撞到人的!Be careful, Milton,you're going to hurt somebody!坏猫咪!Bad kitty!石头!Rock!


Okay, so tell me, when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys? 等我死了,外加三天后,确定一定以及肯定我死了

When I'm dead, plus three days.Just to make sure I'm dead.

曼尼,你还好么?Manny, are you okay?

从我脸上…下来!Get off... my face!

真有意思,现在,我该先吃谁呢?That was fun. Now, who should I eat first? 不要,不要!No, no, no!蘑菇叔叔!真的是你么?

Uncle Fungus! Could that really be you?

借过,借过Sorry, sorry.Mom, Dad!Marshall!- 嘿!奶奶?- Hey!- Granny? 这个南瓜熟了,可以采了!This pumpkin's ripe for picking!

我全家都来了My whole familiar.

看到么?他都还在抱他的父母See? He still hugs his parents.


I never thought I'd see my little baby again.

We've been searching everywhere for you.

有么?You have?


I knew it, I knew it! Deep down, I knew I wasn't abandoned!

哦,那不准确,我们确实抛弃你了That's incorrect. We totally abandoned you. 但是我们一直都很想念你,对不对?But we always missed you. Right?

对,对,对Yeah, yeah, yeah.


And we just knew Sid would want to see his poor, dear Granny...

最后一面before her time is up.


I'll bury you all and dance on your graves.

太可怜了So frail.


And she can't wait to spend time with you, Sid.

没错,奶奶?奶奶?Oh, yeah, Granny? Granny?
