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Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. The First Period (Section A, 1a –2c)

Teaching aims and language points:

1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them: ● favorite, subject, science, P.E., music, math, Chinese ● geography, history, why, because

2. Be able to talk about preferences and give reasons by using ● What's your favorite subject? ● My favorite subject is art. ● Why do you like P.E.? ● Because it's fun.

Teaching steps:

1. Warm-up, revision and presentation. (课堂热身和,

(1)Daily greeting to the students (日常问候) (2)Present the question: What ’s your favorite ?

Teach the Ss the new word: favorite. favorite color?” in pairs. (4)Revise the words of different sports and then get the Ss your favorite sport?” (5)Present the words of subjects and then get the Ss to discuss “W hat ’s your

favorite subject?” 2. Work on 1a.

(1)Match the words with the pictures.

(2)Get the Ss to discuss their answers like this: A: Picture c is P.E.

B: That ’s right. Picture f is art. ...

3. Listening practice.

(1) Work on 1b. Listen and circle the subjects. (2) Check the answers. 4. Pair work

A: What ’s his/her/your/their favorite subject? B: It ’s ...

5. Listening practice. (听力训练)

(1) Ask the Ss to read the sentences in the picture in 2a and put them in order. (2) Work on 2a. Listen and check their answers.

(3) Work on 2b. Listen and match the subjects with the descriptions. (4) Ask the Ss to report their answers like “P.E. is fun .” (5) Explain: Why do you like P.E.? Because it ’s fun. 6. Group work. (小组活动) Interview your group member (1) Make a chart.

(2) Ss ask and answer like the conversation in 2c. A: What's your favorite subject? B: Science.

A: Why do you like science? B: Because it's interesting.

(3) Fill in the chart while talking.

7. Homework (家庭作业)

1. Remember the new words we learnt today.

2. Write a report of your interview.

eg. Liu Ming's favorite subject is science. He likes it because it is interesting. ...

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. The Second Period (Section A, 2d –3c)

Teaching aims and language points:

1. Learn these words and expressions, and be able to say, read and write them: ● Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, for sure

2. Be able to talk about subjects, schedules and teachers by using ● --How's your day? ● --It's OK.

● I like Monday because I have P.E. and history. ● --When do you have P.E.?

● --We have P.E. on Monday and Friday. ● --Who's your P.E. teacher? ● --Mr. Hu.

● I think history is interesting.That's for sure.

Teaching steps:

1. Warm-up and revision (课堂热身和复习)

4. 进行小组调查就是为了给学生一个语言交际的理由,使学生运用本课时的单词和句型进行有意义有目的的对话。


1. 通过趣味游戏----“Bingo ” 来复习单词,可以使学生复习单词的拼写,更能较好地复习单词的读音。
