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Module 3 Decoy System 餐具引导系统
Storage 储存

Care should be taken when cleaned and air dried tableware are transferred for storage. 在搬运清洁晾干后的器具去储存时 一定要小心操作 Make sure that wares are not stacked too high. 切勿将器 具堆放过高 Handle wares carefully as they can be scratched when over stacked. 拿放器具要小心,因为在摆放过程中会产生划 痕 When wares are stored in passageways, make sure that they are properly stacked and safe from passing traffic. 当器具储存在过道时,确保他们堆放正确而且安全,不会 被来往的员工或工具碰坏 Store room for wares should be kept clean and tidy at all times. 储物间任何时间都必须保持整洁

China ware 瓷器 Glass ware 玻璃器皿 Plastic ware 塑料器皿 Porcelain ware etc. 搪瓷器皿等等。
Module 1 Introduction to Breakage Control 破损控制介绍
How Can Breakages Be Reduced? 如何减少破损情况的发生?
整洁的储存室就是安全 的储存室。
Module 4 Breakage Prevention避免破损
Pay special attention to the racking procedure. 特别关注摆放过程:

When glasses become opaque in colour, they should be discarded as they can become brittle and subject to breakage. 当玻璃器皿的颜色灰 暗,便可能导致破损。 Observe all entry and exit signs when moving through doors. Avoid collision with other staff. 在通过门口时注意观察进出标志,避免与其他员 工冲撞。 Look out for wet floors! They are particularly hazardous. 湿地板容易引发 破损,请小心 When transporting by trolleys, irregularities on the floor surface can cause the trolley to shed its load, if it is over and badly loaded. 在用手 推车运送时,若过载或无规律摆放,且路面不平,就会导致装载的物品滑 落。
Breakage Control 破损控制
Do YOU KNOW …?你知道吗?
Module 1 Introduction to Breakage Control 破损控制介绍
What Is Breakage Control?什么是破损控制?

We can reduce breakages through proper: 我们可以通过以下操作来减少破损:

Bussing 使用推车 Transporting 运送 Sorting 分类整理
Module 2 Main Hazard Areas Of Breakages 破损发生的主要危险区

When Bussing 在收集时 Separate every item and stack by type. 将每种物品分类堆放 Place cutlery and glasses to the sides. 将刀具,玻璃器皿放于两边 Trays must be balanced, and not overloaded. 碗碟必须摆放平稳,不要超载。
Care At Every Step Is Needed!! 每一个操作步骤都小心谨慎!
Module 3 Decoy System 餐具引导系统
Racking & Loading 摆放与装载

Racking is the most important operation in the Machine Ware Washing process. 摆放是机洗器具过程中最重要的操作 NEVER rack with mixed sizes, flatware and holloware together. This could lead to breakages for glasses as well as the plates being scratched. 永远不要将不同尺寸的器具摆放在一起 ,或是将扁平的器具和中空的器具码放在一起,这会导致玻璃的 破损,也会使碟子出现划痕。 Over loading racks can cause breakage as well as incomplete wash actions. 超载的堆放会导致破损,也会使洗涤不彻底 NEVER load with one rack on top of each other in the machine. 绝对禁止将一筛餐具堆放在另一筛餐具上

Module 3 Decoy System 餐具引导系统
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The Decoy System helps to make soiled tableware for easy pre-washing. 餐具引导系统使得油污的器皿预洗更简便。 “Every moment of handling is a potential to breakage accidents!”
Module 2 Main Hazard Areas Of Breakages 破损发生的主要危险区
Sorting 分类整理

Sorting refers to the separation of tableware into types and groups that can be rack together, such as side plates, soup bowls, oval plates, round dinner plates etc. 分类是指 将可以摆放在一起的器具按种类分组,例如: 盘子、汤碗 、椭圆形碟、圆形餐盘等等

Breakages could cause the company thousands of dollars every month. 破损会每月给企业导致成百上千元的资产流失。
你是否曾想过这些钱可能是你的分红、奖金, 或许还能把你从裁员危机中解救出来?
Module 1 Introduction to Breakage Control 破损控制介绍

Module 3 Decoy System 餐具引导系统

When soiled tableware are brought into the kitchen for washing, they should be placed in the Decoy System. 当油污的器具被送到厨房清洗时 ,器具应按餐具引导放置。 What Is A Decoy System? 什么是 餐具引导系统? Decoys are tableware samples laid down for the waiters to follow. 餐具引导即摆放餐具样品,以便让服务员做为参考仿效. Every type of tableware such as all sizes of plates, glassware, cutlery and pre-soaked items are laid down on the table. 每种器具例 如:各种尺寸的碟子、玻璃器皿、刀具和要浸泡的物品都摆放在桌子 上。 The Decoy system helps the dish wash operator to do his job more efficiently. 餐具引导系统可帮助洗碟机更高效地工作。 Reduces breakages. 可减少破损 Keeps everything tidy and in place. 使每件物品整洁有序
What Tableware Are Breakable? 哪些餐具易碎?

When cleaning of tableware, take good care of them as most of them are fragile, such as: 在清洗器具时,要细心照顾,因为他 们大多数是易碎的,例如:
Bussing 收集
A badly loaded tray is a frequent cause of breakage accidents. 摆放不齐的碗碟通常是导致破损的起因。
It takes a bit longer to load a tray correctly, but it makes your job easier in the long run, and it reduces the risk of an accident!

Breakage control refers to the principle of good organization in the washing of tableware in any food service establishment. 破损控制是 指任何食品服务行业对器具洗涤的良好组织
整齐地摆放碗碟会用较长时间,但是这可以使你的运送 工作更轻松,而且可以减少事故的发生。
Module 2 Main Hazard Areas Of Breakages 破损发生的主要危险区
Bussing 收集

The guiding principle to control breakage is good organization. 首要原则就是用良好的组织来控制破损的 发生
Module 2 Main Hazard Areas Of Breakages 破损发生的主要危险区
Transporting 运送

A properly stacked tray is the first step in reducing accidents in transit. Avoid further hazards by ensuring the following: 在运送过程中,正确摆放碗碟是减少事 故的第一步,要近一步避免危险的发生,需注意以下几点: Make sure that you are wearing safe, comfortable shoes. 确保你穿着既安全又舒适 的鞋子 Look out for slippery or uneven floors. 小心光滑,不平坦的地面 Watch out for broken floor tiles, gullies and floor drains. 注意破损的地面瓷砖,下 水道和排水管 Watch out for anything that could make you lose your footing. 注意一切会绊脚的东 西 Stay in the correct traffic lane to avoid collision with other staff. 运送过程中,保持 适宜的路线以免与其他员工发生冲撞 Be especially careful when floors are being cleaned. 在正进行地面清洁时,尤其 要小心

Correct sorting of tableware will help to prevent them from toppling over and speed up the racking operation. 正确的器具分类有助于避免器具倒塌,并可 加速器具摆放 The process of sorting tableware into types and groups is called ‘The Decoy System.’ 将器具分类的过 程称做‘餐具引导系统’