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Masha. 玛莎

Don't call me that. 别这样叫我

Your mother. 你妈妈

You tried to murder my mother. 你企图杀了我妈妈

And you lied to me about Reddington, 你还在雷丁顿的事情上说谎

convinced me he was Ilya Koslov. 骗我说他就是伊利亚∙科思洛夫

That woman. 那个女人

- You abducted me for her. - My mother's been... -你为了她绑架我 -我妈妈已经...

How hard can I push him? 我能逼问他到什么地步

- You won't get away with this. - I asked you... -你以后会后悔的 -我问你...

- And the people looking for her... - how hard? -还有那些追查她的人 -到什么地步...to hurt me or Agnes if it would help them get what they want.


And I didn't abduct you for her. 我绑架你也不是为了她

I abducted you for answers -- to make it stop. 是为了寻找答案为了让一切终结

Help me understand. 告诉我答案

For the first time, stop protecting Reddington, 就这一次别再保护雷丁顿

and God knows who else, 和其他什么人了

and make the decision to protect your own family. 是时候保护你自己的家人了

Three generations of women fighting to survive. 我们祖孙三代都在生死的边缘挣扎



- Mr. Reddington, please. - Take a swing, Eduardo. -求你了雷丁顿先生 -出手吧爱德华多Go ahead. This is what you wanted. Take your best shot. 来吧我知道你想拿出你的实力Because I assure you, if you don't, I will. 如果你不出手的话那就我来

Mr. Reddington, please, I would never betray you. 求你了雷丁顿先生我绝对不会背叛您Come on. Nice big swing. 来吧使劲打

I told you -- I swear -- 我保证我发誓

I didn't know your people were the target. 我不知道他们要对你的人下手

If you're not gonna hit me, 如果你不打算打我

you could at least say something hurtful. 那至少也说点可以伤害我的话

I mean, how am I supposed to deal with this? 不然你要我怎么办

You're so plaintive, I feel like I should apologize 你这么可怜我感觉还要为了你的背叛for your betrayal. 而向你道歉

You know what? Just help me track the van. 这样吧帮我追踪那辆货车

Give me a VIN number, license plate, whatever you've got. 给我车架号车牌


You know what I've got -- nothing. 你知道的我什么都不知道

My clients don't want me to be able to track them. 顾客们不想让我能追踪到他们

But for you, if I had any idea your people were in danger, 但为了您


I would've put a trace on the vehicle. 我绝对会放追踪器的

But I didn't. Because I didn't know. 但是我没有因为我不知道

You're a good man, Eduardo. 你是个好人爱德华多

And I'm glad you didn't clock me with the tire iron. 真开心你没用卸胎棒打我

I was thinking, "Boy, that's really gonna hurt." 我还在想天呐这估计会很痛

- Anything? - Not yet. -有进展吗 -还没

They must have a safe house nearby. 他们一定在附近有安全屋

We don't think they were on the road for long. 他们应该不会去太远的地方

That's it? With all the sources we pay for information? 就这些吗


Everyone's looking. 大家都在查

But wherever they are, they know better than to show themselves. 但无论他们在哪里


Dembe, Dom's too old. 邓比多姆年纪太大了
