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Public agenda (Systemic agenda )
this is a society’s agenda for discussion of public problems general\abstract
Government agenda (Formal or Institutional agenda)
Policy Problem and Identification
The nature and definition of public problems. 1、What is a public problem? --A. a condition or situation that produces needs or dissatisfaction among people. --B. Individual or private----Public Problem---
2. What is a public problem? 3. Why does some condition or matter become a
public problem? 4. How does a problem, out of all that exist, get
on a governmental agenda? Why do some public problems not achieve agenda status?
经济与技术决定论 (Economic and Technological Determinism)
政治与经济相互作用决定论 (Interplay of Politics and Economics)
观念与意识形态决定论 (Ideas and Ideology)
Policy Agenda and Agenda-setting
Policy Formation: Problems, Agendas and Formulation
周超 博 士 中山大学政治与公共事务管理学 副教授 美国 哈佛大学 肯尼迪政府学院 博士后 法 国 国 立 行 政 学 院(L’ENA) 访问学者
Significance and Critical Questions
1. The first, and perhaps the most critical, stage of the policy cycle is agenda setting. What happens at this stage has a decisive impact on the entire policy process and its outcomes.
政治动员模型 ( Mobilization model)
内部创始模型 (Inside initiation model)
四 政策议程建立的过程 The setting Process
attention of public officials, who will also have their own preferred ideas to push. Only a portion of these problems will succeed in securing agenda status, however , because officials lack the time, resources, interest, information, will to consider many of them. Agenda building is thus a competitive process, and a number of factors can determine whether an issue gets on an agenda , including how the problem at issue is defined.
1、WHO:什么人参与政策方案的制定过程? 2、HOW:解决问题的备选方案是怎样制定的?
Who is involved?
Governmental agencies Legislators Interest groups
六、Policy Formulation as a Technical Process
1、最优化决策分析,即成本-效益分析; 2、最优化风险分析; 3、最优化水平分析; 4、最优化混合分析,即分配理论; 5、最优化时间分析,通过有效地控制事件出现的顺序、
到达的速率、进展的速度,关键路径以及其他与时间 相关的项目,从而作出怎样使时间耗费最小。
技术可行性 行政可行性 政治可行性 合法性
1、理性模型:决策追求最优 2、渐进模型:新政策是对旧政策的补充和修正 3、有限理性模型:决策追求满意 4、混合模型 :理性模型与渐进模型的调和 5、系统模型 :政策是政治系统的输出 6、团体模型 :政策是团体利益的平衡 7、精英模型 :政策是精英分子偏好 8、制度论模型:政策是组织的产物 9、对策论模型:政策是竞争对手的理性选择
John Kingdon: the agenda is the list of subject or problems to which government officials, and people outside of government closely associated with those officials, are paying some serious attention at any given time
At its most basic, agenda-setting is about the recognition of a problem on the part of the government.
Cobb and Ross: agenda-setting as “the process by which demands of various groups in the population are translated into items vying for the serious attention of public officials.
Problems Competing Proposals Competing POLICY WINDOW Politics Competing Limited time and resources competing Timing and luck
五、政策方案的规划 The Formulation of Policy Proposals
◇目标的来源:1、向权威咨询(个人、机构、文献);2、观察和 统计分析;3、演绎推理和敏感性分析。
程序合理性是指如果有充分的信息和均等的机 会,那么就可以建立一套程序,这套程序将使 效益减成本最大化。
方案的目标是什么?(目标合理性) 方案能达到目标吗?(程序合理性) 方案可行吗?(方案的可行性) 还有其他更好的方案吗?(结果合理性)
◇目标:就是人们极力寻求实现或避免的各种结果。期望的结果, 其效益最大;不期望的结果,其成本最小。公共政策分析中经常 涉及的目标(或标准)有六个: 三“E”: 效益(effectiveness) 效率(efficiency) 公平(equity) 三“P”:公众参与(public participation) 可预测性(predictability) 正当的诉讼程序(procedural due process)
Policy Problem --C. criterion or Standard 2、Categories of public problem
Political \Economic\Social\S&T 3. Public problem presentation
4. Why does some condition or matter become a public problem? Or What causes the condition?
these are issues that the government has agree to give serious attention
(Legislative \Administrative\Judicial agenda)
外部创始模型 ( Outside initiation model)