little women 2

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题目New Woman—Jo








露易莎. 梅. 奥尔科特以长篇小说《小妇人》而闻名于世。这部小说讲述了马奇家四姐妹的成长经历。小说中充分体现了时代新女性的,而在四姐妹中乔最具有代表性,她要求追求经济上的独立,渴望通过写作来实现自我价值。除此之外,小说通过乔违背传统的婚姻、与丈夫享受同等地位等描写体现了婚姻自由、男女平等这一理念。




Louisa. May. Alcott is famous for her warmly-received novel Little Women. The novel tells the experiences of the four March sisters. It represents the spirit of the New Woman in great sense, and Jo is the most typical “new woman” among the four girls. She pursues economic independence and is eager to achieve self-value by writing. Besides, Jo goes against the traditional marriage and enjoys the same right with her husband, which represents the free marriage and the ideology of New Woman.

The first chapter of this thesis gives a brief introduction about Little Women, and then mentions the reflection of the New Women in this novel. The second chapter takes the dominated character, Jo, as an example, describing New Women image in her. The third chapter is the conclusion, summarizing that Jo is the mirror of a new woman.

Key words:Little Women; Jo; new woman


Abstract ........................................................................................................................ I I

1.Introduction of Little Women (1)

2.Jo—new woman (1)

2.1. Boyish (2)

2.1.1. Character (2)

2.1.2. Support family (2)

2.2. Pursuit of writing (3)

2.2.1. Stick to dream (3)

2.2.2. Satisfaction and happiness (4)

2.3. New thoughts towards marriage (4)

3.Conclusion (5)

Bibliography (6)

1.Introduction of Little Women

Little Women is a very popular juvenile book which shows young adults how to improve their characters when they are growing up.

The story begins during the American Civil War in the eighteen sixties. It tells the story of the March family of Concord, Massachusetts. The Mister March is away from home with the troops of the Union Army, while Missus March is raising her four daughters by herself. Based on author’s memories of her childhood home, the story concerns the daily lives of the four girls with very different characteristics: beautiful Meg, also the eldest girl, whose dream is to be a playwright; boyish Jo, the second one, who wants to be a writer; gentle Beth, who wants to learn music; vain Amy, the youngest, whose hobby is painting.

The book, in general, has fully expressed the sweet and trouble of love, the struggle between sense and sensibility, the gap between ideal and reality as well as the contradiction between poverty and wealth. It has three major themes--domesticity, work and true love. All of them are interdependent and each is necessary to achievement of a heroine’s individual identity.

However, Little Women reflects the spirit of the New Woman of that time. And Jo is the most typical “new woman” among the four girls

2.Jo—new woman

Jo, the dominate character in the novel, is the mirror of the author. Her boyish characters, her pursuit of writing as well as her new thoughts towards marriage makes her different from other women at that time. She is a reflection of the new women.
