
Beijing►City University
Aniston: Li Ming
(女白士通作称,者不分的年龄意) 图,着一点与英美人的习惯大相径庭。在书信写
有我时想也 询在问收有了信关人即当姓将名在,之贵前校一冠举以行目尊的称国了,际如会然:议的。消息试。 想,若在求职信中滔滔不绝,直到最后
► An Announcement for a Voluntary Program
► (2006年6月17日)
► A Campaign Speech (2005年1月) ► A Brief Introduction to a Tourist Attraction
► (2004年6月)
► 仔细研读以上真题,我们不难发现,四级作文越 来越突出“实用”两个字。像书信、演讲稿等实际生活 中运用得到的文体,在1996-2006年的四级考试中共出 现了七次,而且集中出现在近几年。文章所涉及的内 容也多种多样,大部分都与日常生活比较贴近。
► 书信的种类可能千变万化,如建议信、抱怨信、申请 信(包括求职信)、邀请信、感谢信、道歉信、海报等, 再加上口头应用文,如演讲稿、通知等,使得考生在备考 时常理不清头绪。然而万变不离其宗,只要掌握了英文书 信的基本格式,再参照写作模板,就能写出一篇合格的应 用文。
► 一、书信的格式 ► 二、in Reply to a Friend (2003年12月)
► A Letter to the University President About the Canteen Service on Campus (2002年1月)

Mr. Edward Brungraber 390 Parkway Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15228 U.S.A 收信人姓名、地址
Notice 1)The English address is rightly opposite to the Chinese one. a) When you finish each line, you can add a “comma” or omit it; but you must add it if there exists “break-up” 分解. b) Omit the name of country if it is written within the same country or city or town. c) Don’t add “No:” before the doorplate门牌号. Don’t add “,” after the number. d) “Road, Street, Avenue”(街道)can be abbreviated as “Rd. , St., Ave.”
2.2 Salutation(招呼). The salutation is directly addresses the recipient of the letter and is followed by a colon(冒号:) (except when a friendly, familiar, sociable tone is intended, in which case a comma is used). Notice: In the simplified letter format, the salutation line is eliminated altogether. Salutations with “dear” may be “Dear Dad, Dear Mr. Brown, Dear Smith, My dear mother, Dear Madam, Dear Sirs, Dear Prof. Plate”; without “dear” are

• A. Write envelopes in English for the following addressers who want to send letters abroad to the following address. • Addresser: 田志东 • Address: 山东省济南山东大学中文系 250200 • Addressee: Arthur Murry • Address: 200 Washington Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02140, U.S.A. • B. Write an envelope for your letter to Nancy Gordon to be passed by Bill Newton, whose address is 2563 Dole St. #806, Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A. • (write only the addressee’s part)
2. Structure of a letter
Six main parts: heading; inside address; salutation; body; close; signature Two minor parts: Postscript ; Enclosure
2.1 Heading Forms of heading:
a) Block Form; Indented Form;
b) Close punctuation(封闭式,每行后用逗号,最后一行用 句号); Open punctuation(开放式,每行均不用,普遍) 190 Phoenix Road, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A. Jan.15,2001. 190 Phoenix Road Atlanta, Georgia U.S.A. Jan.15,2001

2) 描述详细数据变化
increase/decrease by...
increase from ... to...
increase steadily from...
There was a marked increase
in ...
There has been a rapid
increase in ...
hand, ...On the other hand, ...
The rapid growth of ... owes much to...
lie in
• (2) In recent years, the time students using computers has increased greatly. (2023.6 CET-4)
• 第二段分析引起变化旳原因,主题句一般表达引起这种变化旳 原因有几点.例如:
(1) There are many factors that have stimulated this huge
place in ...
From the above table it can be seen that...
As it is shown in the table,...
According to the graph, ...
It is clear from the table that ...
increased 4%.
3. 强调数据间旳关系,突出变化
• 发觉数据旳变化规律,引用了经典数据,还须进一 步强调突出这种变化,使论证更有力.以 "Student Use of Computer"为例,有学生写到:But in 2023, students spent nearly 20 hours per week on the computer. This number was ten times that of 1990 and five times that of 1995. 像这么用倍数或百分 比更能阐明问题,给人留下深刻印象.

⑨附件:随信附寄物件时,可写上 “Enclosure”或者
说 明
“Encl”。如果是两件以上物件,要冠以 “Encls”引出物 件,要标明物件数量和名称。如: Encls: 2 (a photo & a copy of Resume)
Encl: Check
Applied Writ1i0ng
如:Jan. (January), Feb. (February), Mar. (March), Apr. (April)
May, June, July, Aug. (August), Sept. (September), Oct.
(October), Nov. (November), Dec. (December).
13英语旅游指南(A Guide to Travel)
14. 英语的协议与合同 (Agreement & Contract)
(Abstract, Bibliography, & Key words)
English Training
2. 英语书信的格式
①A thank-you letter is not necessarily long, but it should prompt and heartfelt. Writing procedures as follow: ② Expressions of heartfelt thanks for having been received with hospitality, been given nice presents, or been offered timely help, etc. ③ Brief but sincere description of the function, contribution and encouragement, etc, these help/gifts may have resulted in. ④Statements of your gratitude again and your wish of returning the help

2016,人与自我 10 ---生活与学习
加拿大寄宿 电子 咨询信
家庭Lynn 邮件
2017, 人与社会
英国朋友 电子 邀请信
6 ----社会服务与人际沟通
2017, 人与社会
外教Mr. Hall 书信 邀请信
11 ---历史、社会与文化
➢ 感谢信 【感谢信三要素】1. 提出感谢2. 感谢原因(别人做了什么事让你感谢)3. 如何回报(好好学习,继续努力等) 【优秀句式】1. I am writing to extend my gratitude to you because…
2. It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of further education. 3. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. ➢ 道歉信 【道歉信四要素】1. 开篇点题,就事道歉2. 道歉原因3. 补救方式(你会怎么做来弥补这次道歉)4. 希望再次得到 原谅 【优秀句式】1. I am terribly sorry to tell you… 2. I really regret that I cannot go… personally and would miss the perfect chance of enjoying myself with all our old friends. ➢ 申请信 【申请信四要素】1. 开篇提出申请。2. 介绍个人学术背景、个人能力、兴趣爱好、性格特点等。3. 工作经验。4. 发出期待,希望回复。 【优秀句式】1. I learned from the newspaper that your company needs/is in need of/is recruiting… 2. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it. 3.I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. 4.I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualifications more fully.
2024届北京高考英语应用文写作专题复习 课件

• 外教老师Jim因疫情无法返回中国继续任教,给他回邮件,请他帮
目的 忙推荐符合条件的外教。内容包括:
• 1. 条件及要求;
• 2. 表示感谢并提醒注意防护
Dear Jim, I hops this letter finds you well. I’m sorry that you
2018年北京高考 对象 • 假设你是红星中学高三学生李华,你的英国朋友Jim在给你的邮件
询相关信息。请给他回邮件,内容包括: 背景
• (1) 表示欢迎;
• (2) 推荐他上哪所大学; • (3) 建议他做哪些准备De工aHro作Jwim。’s,it going? Glad to know that you are coming
• 你的英国好友Jim正在策划一次以“绿色北京”为主题的社团活动,
他发来邮件询问你的建议。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括: • 1. 活动形式; 目的
• 2. 活动内容
Dear Jim, How’s it going? Learning that you are
arranging/planning an activity themed “Green
are not able to continue your teaching in China due to the COVID-19. We need a teacher in your place. Would you please recommend one for us.

Please confirm that you will be able to attend by advising us of your time —— we can arrange for you to be met. All arrangements for your stay [overnight on April 10] will, of course, be made by us at our expense.
1.活动名称及目的 写明邀请对方参加什么活动,以及邀请的原因和目的等。
2.活动细节及注意事项 写明活动安排的细节及需要告诉对方的注意事项。诸如时
间、地点、参加人员、人数,需要做些什么样的准备以及需 要穿着什么的服饰。要求穿礼服时,须在请柬的右下角注明 dress:formal;较随意时可用:dress:informal。
123 Tianhe Road
Tianhe District
Guangzhou 510620
Guangdong Province
P. R. C.
March 15, 2002
发信日期的写法: ① 年份应完全写出,不能简写。 ② 月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。 ③ 月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为
My family and I would feel honored if you could come. We would be looking forward to your participation in the party. I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision. I really hope you can make it.
1.活动名称及目的 写明邀请对方参加什么活动,以及邀请的原因和目的等。
2.活动细节及注意事项 写明活动安排的细节及需要告诉对方的注意事项。诸如时
间、地点、参加人员、人数,需要做些什么样的准备以及需 要穿着什么的服饰。要求穿礼服时,须在请柬的右下角注明 dress:formal;较随意时可用:dress:informal。
123 Tianhe Road
Tianhe District
Guangzhou 510620
Guangdong Province
P. R. C.
March 15, 2002
发信日期的写法: ① 年份应完全写出,不能简写。 ② 月份要用英文名称,不要用数字代替。 ③ 月份名称多用公认的缩写式。但 May, June, July, 因为
My family and I would feel honored if you could come. We would be looking forward to your participation in the party. I would like to meet you there and please let me know your decision. I really hope you can make it.

the nursing home 敬老院 show our respect 表现我们的尊敬 gain a better understanding 获得更好的理解 a romantic story 一个浪漫故事 sincerely 真诚地 be familiar with 对……熟悉 art gallery 艺术馆 judge 裁判 speech contest 演讲比赛
⑤Looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua
①We would feel much honored if you could…,语气委婉礼貌, 句式高级,用would和could的过去式更体现出客气语气;且用到了 which引导的定语从句和lasting…现在分词,体现句法能力。
因为有些老人觉得孤单,我们可以和他们聊他们以前的日子、 我们城市的变化、或者他们感兴趣的任何事情。我们也可以给他们 一些表演,例如唱歌、跳舞等等。
我坚信我们都会对中国的老年人有更好的理解。如果你有任何 建议,请让我知道。
期待着你及早的回复。 你的, 李华
Dear Tony, Chongyang, the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly, is
Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua
【2012天津卷改编:邀请美国朋友观看演出】is就读于天津某国际学校。 他熟悉中国文化,特别是戏曲文化。8月5日下午2:00在新落成的 天津大剧院将上演越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》。请你根据以下提示, 用英语给Chris写一封电子邮件,邀请他一起观看演出。
the nursing home 敬老院 show our respect 表现我们的尊敬 gain a better understanding 获得更好的理解 a romantic story 一个浪漫故事 sincerely 真诚地 be familiar with 对……熟悉 art gallery 艺术馆 judge 裁判 speech contest 演讲比赛
⑤Looking forward to your coming. Yours, Li Hua
①We would feel much honored if you could…,语气委婉礼貌, 句式高级,用would和could的过去式更体现出客气语气;且用到了 which引导的定语从句和lasting…现在分词,体现句法能力。
因为有些老人觉得孤单,我们可以和他们聊他们以前的日子、 我们城市的变化、或者他们感兴趣的任何事情。我们也可以给他们 一些表演,例如唱歌、跳舞等等。
我坚信我们都会对中国的老年人有更好的理解。如果你有任何 建议,请让我知道。
期待着你及早的回复。 你的, 李华
Dear Tony, Chongyang, the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly, is
Looking forward to your early reply. Yours, Li Hua
【2012天津卷改编:邀请美国朋友观看演出】is就读于天津某国际学校。 他熟悉中国文化,特别是戏曲文化。8月5日下午2:00在新落成的 天津大剧院将上演越剧《梁山伯与祝英台》。请你根据以下提示, 用英语给Chris写一封电子邮件,邀请他一起观看演出。

1. 完整的句子 (Completeness) 2. 清晰的句子 (Clarity) 3. 简洁的句子 (Conciseness) 4. 平行结构的句子(Parallelism) 5. 灵活多变的句子 (Variety)
1.写完整的句子 (Completeness)
一个完整的句子既包括结构上的完整,也 包括意义上的完整。 (1) 结构上的完整
祈使句(Imperative Sentence): an imperative sentence expresses a command or a request.
Example Please think over the local tax rate. Don’t open the door.
感叹句( Exclamatory Sentence): an exclamatory sentence shows a strong feeling or emotion.
3. That class interested me.
( SVO )
4. My school is on the next street.
( SVA )
5. Many students find that book very helpful. ( SVOC )
6. You may put your umbrella under the table. ( SVOA )
3.实用性 本书在编写中针对高职学生的实际英语写作水 平,本着帮助他们在打好英语写作的基础上, 侧重培养其写作应用文能力。书中提供了大量 的范文及实用写作方面的用语,设计了大量的 练习,以方便学生模仿。
《英语应用文写作》旨在培养学生借助英文 进行实际写作的能力。本教材主要包括基础写 作知识、“英语应用能力考试”所涉及到的英 语应用文写作,如英文信函的常规写作格式, 公务信函、商务信函、私人信函、电子邮件以 及
1. 完整的句子 (Completeness) 2. 清晰的句子 (Clarity) 3. 简洁的句子 (Conciseness) 4. 平行结构的句子(Parallelism) 5. 灵活多变的句子 (Variety)
1.写完整的句子 (Completeness)
一个完整的句子既包括结构上的完整,也 包括意义上的完整。 (1) 结构上的完整
祈使句(Imperative Sentence): an imperative sentence expresses a command or a request.
Example Please think over the local tax rate. Don’t open the door.
感叹句( Exclamatory Sentence): an exclamatory sentence shows a strong feeling or emotion.
3. That class interested me.
( SVO )
4. My school is on the next street.
( SVA )
5. Many students find that book very helpful. ( SVOC )
6. You may put your umbrella under the table. ( SVOA )
3.实用性 本书在编写中针对高职学生的实际英语写作水 平,本着帮助他们在打好英语写作的基础上, 侧重培养其写作应用文能力。书中提供了大量 的范文及实用写作方面的用语,设计了大量的 练习,以方便学生模仿。
《英语应用文写作》旨在培养学生借助英文 进行实际写作的能力。本教材主要包括基础写 作知识、“英语应用能力考试”所涉及到的英 语应用文写作,如英文信函的常规写作格式, 公务信函、商务信函、私人信函、电子邮件以 及

Please let me know if you are available to attend and if you have any specific requirements for transportation or accommodation. Thank you very much for considering our invitation. We look forward to seeing you soon.
It’s known that you are a basketball enthusiast. We would be honored if you could join us as a guest coach to provide some inspiration and guidance to students participating in the event. Your knowledge and experience in basketball will certainly benefit everyone involved. We believe that your presence will add value to the competition and make it more meaningful.
(1) Xiao Yi wrote both letters to _________ the foreign teachers to join in activities, so both letters are letters of ______________.
(2) There are ________ parts in each letter. (3) Complete the form and the underlined words may help you.
It’s known that you are a basketball enthusiast. We would be honored if you could join us as a guest coach to provide some inspiration and guidance to students participating in the event. Your knowledge and experience in basketball will certainly benefit everyone involved. We believe that your presence will add value to the competition and make it more meaningful.
(1) Xiao Yi wrote both letters to _________ the foreign teachers to join in activities, so both letters are letters of ______________.
(2) There are ________ parts in each letter. (3) Complete the form and the underlined words may help you.

(详述个人优势和能做的事情)Firstly, my fluent English enables me to communicate smoothly with British painting
lovers. Moreover, with a wide knowledge of Chinese painting, I can introduce the art form better. (利用介词短语说明自己的第二个优势)Better yet, I've participated in several similar activities, which equipped me with relevant experience. (非限制性定语从句十高级表达,说明相关工作经验)
Dear Miss Evans,
(说明写信目的)How is everything going? I’m writing to ask you for advice regarding a play we have adapted from our
textbook. (利用高级词汇regarding和定语从句,说明求助事项)
Dear Mr Henry, How is everything going these days?①I’m writing to seek help from you .(我写信向你求助). While preparing to attend MUN next week, I have some difficulty with concepts and expressions of the current affairs and
Dear Steven, I can't wait to inform you a rope skipping competition will be held on our school playground next Friday. ①I'd like to invite
lovers. Moreover, with a wide knowledge of Chinese painting, I can introduce the art form better. (利用介词短语说明自己的第二个优势)Better yet, I've participated in several similar activities, which equipped me with relevant experience. (非限制性定语从句十高级表达,说明相关工作经验)
Dear Miss Evans,
(说明写信目的)How is everything going? I’m writing to ask you for advice regarding a play we have adapted from our
textbook. (利用高级词汇regarding和定语从句,说明求助事项)
Dear Mr Henry, How is everything going these days?①I’m writing to seek help from you .(我写信向你求助). While preparing to attend MUN next week, I have some difficulty with concepts and expressions of the current affairs and
Dear Steven, I can't wait to inform you a rope skipping competition will be held on our school playground next Friday. ①I'd like to invite

Getting to Know the Plants Around UsLast week, with the purpose of learning more about the importance of ecological balance, all students in our school participated in the field trip themed Getting to Know the Plants around Us.The meaningful activity began with a 30-minute instruction in each classroom, where students were instructed about basic principlesof scientific observation, Then, the enthusiastic participants were led to a tiny forest to identify different kinds of tree species. Observing plants attentively, each student eagerly shared their findingsThe activity proved an incredibly great success as not only did it facilitate students‘ development but also it deepened their insight into the plant world.
Getting to Know the Plants Around UsLast week, with the purpose of learning more about the importance of ecological balance, all students in our school participated in the field trip themed Getting to Know the Plants around Us.The meaningful activity began with a 30-minute instruction in each classroom, where students were instructed about basic principlesof scientific observation, Then, the enthusiastic participants were led to a tiny forest to identify different kinds of tree species. Observing plants attentively, each student eagerly shared their findingsThe activity proved an incredibly great success as not only did it facilitate students‘ development but also it deepened their insight into the plant world.

Dear Peter, knowing that you are interested in Chinese novels, I am eagerly writing to recommend a book called A Dream of Red Mansions to you. The reasons why I think it suitable are as follows(主旨句). To begin with(首先),(1)it was created by a famous writer——Cao Xueqin who is extremely good at describing people with different personalities. In addition(其次), (2) it gives a detailed description of the fall of a large wealthy family. Last but not least(最后但同等重要的是), (3)not only can it help you have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture but also it enables you to appreciate the beauty of Chinese language. I do hope you would like to take my recommendation into account.Yours sincerely, Li Hua
假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter发来邮件说他对中国小说很感兴趣,请你给他回一封邮件,向他推荐一本中文小说。 内容包括:1.推荐的小说及建议原因;2.表达祝愿。要求:词数80左右;
Dear Peter, knowing that you are interested in Chinese novels, I am eagerly writing to recommend a book called A Dream of Red Mansions to you. The reasons why I think it suitable are as follows(主旨句). To begin with(首先),(1)it was created by a famous writer——Cao Xueqin who is extremely good at describing people with different personalities. In addition(其次), (2) it gives a detailed description of the fall of a large wealthy family. Last but not least(最后但同等重要的是), (3)not only can it help you have a deeper understanding of Chinese culture but also it enables you to appreciate the beauty of Chinese language. I do hope you would like to take my recommendation into account.Yours sincerely, Li Hua
假定你是李华,你的英国笔友Peter发来邮件说他对中国小说很感兴趣,请你给他回一封邮件,向他推荐一本中文小说。 内容包括:1.推荐的小说及建议原因;2.表达祝愿。要求:词数80左右;
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
He is not the rival in negotiation. 他不是谈判对手。
疑问句 (Interrogative Sentence): a interrogative sentence asks a
Will you please pay your prompt attention to this matter? (General Question)
1.句子按其用途可分为陈述句、疑问句、 祈使句、感叹句
2.句子按其结构可分为简单句、并列句、复合句、 并列复合句
陈述句(Declarative Sentence): a declarative
sentence makes a positive or negative statement
Example Our warehouses have limited facilities. 我们的仓库设施很有限。
6. You may put your umbrella under the table. ( SVOA )
7. She was smiling.
( SV )
8. We have made her the head of our group. ( SVOC )
1.1.2.英语句子种类 (Types of Sentences)
英语句子(Sentences) 英语段落(Paragraphs) 英语篇章(Essay)
第一节 英语句子 (Sentences)
1.1.1.英语基本句型 1.1.2.英语句子种类 1.1.3.有效句子
1.1.1.英语基本句型 (Basic Elements of a Sentence)
国大学英语教学改革正朝着实用方向发展。 《大学英语课程教学要求》中对写作的实用性提出 了具体要求。特别是《高职高专教育英语课程基本 要求》中对学生的写作能力培养做出了明确规定。 即:“能填写和模拟套写简短的英语应用文,如填 写表格与单证,套写简历、通知、信函等。”为了 给广大的英语学习者以及努力想通过“高等学校英 语应用能力考试”的学生提供一本内容实用、语言 规范、查找方便、配有练习、涵盖面广的教材,我 们编写了这本《英语应用文写作》。
8. There be:There are friendly people around to talk with.
Now read the following sentences and tell which clause type they belong to.
1. Your dinner seems ready.
本书在编写过程中参阅了大量的国内外出 版的写作教程。在此,谨向有关作者致以诚挚 的谢意。由于时间仓促,水平有限,书中疏漏 之处在所难免,祈望各位同仁不吝赐教。
《实用英语应用文写作》编写组 2009年12月
写作基础知识 常用书信写作 广告文档写作
商务信函写作 公文写作的基本知识
第一章 写作基础知识 (Basic Writing Skills)
S = Subject
V = Verb
O = Object
C = Complement 补语
A = Adverbial 状语
• SV: 主谓 • SVO: 主谓宾 • SVC: 主谓补 • SVA: 主谓状 • SVOO: 主谓(间接)宾(直接)宾 • SVOC: 主谓宾补 • SVOA: 主谓宾状
3.实用性 本书在编写中针对高职学生的实际英语写作水 平,本着帮助他们在打好英语写作的基础上, 侧重培养其写作应用文能力。书中提供了大量 的范文及实用写作方面的用语,设计了大量的 练习,以方便学生模仿。
《英语应用文写作》旨在培养学生借助英文 进行实际写作的能力。本教材主要包括基础写 作知识、“英语应用能力考试”所涉及到的英 语应用文写作,如英文信函的常规写作格式, 公务信函、商务信函、私人信函、电子邮件以 及
( SVC )
2. I must send my parents a Christmas card. ( SVOO )
3. That class interested me.
( SVO )
4. My school is on the next street.
( SVA )
5. Many students find that book very helpful. ( SVOC )
1. 指导性 本书对各类英语应用文的写法按类型、格式、 语言特点、常用句型等加以全面介绍。
2.针对性 本书针对“高等学校英语应用能力考试”的写 作要求结合历年实考真题进行归纳、剖析,使 学习者通过学习不仅能获取有针对性的指导还 能接触到最新、最全的考试信息,以便有针对 性地迎考备考。
5. SVOO: Living at college gives me a sense of responsibility.
6. SVOC: That makes me responsible for my own life.
7. SVOA: You can put the dish on the table.
语四级考试作文所涉及到的应用文题材的写 作知识。本课程在讲解这些文体时以多媒体 课件的方式展示大量的范文、格式说明、语 言特点、常用句型、历年“英语应用能力考 试” 真题、同步练习等,使学生通过实例、 讲解以及写作练习了解并熟练掌握各种常用 应用文的格式,以求提高学生的实际写作能 力,提高英语考试的“过级率”。
此外还有比较常用的There be 句型, 表示“存在,有”
1. SV: The sun is shining. 2. SVO: You should also consider this.
3. SVC: The apple tastes good.
4. SVA: I was at college.