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• 母亲镇定地环顾四周,然后 毫不畏惧地转身回到屋里, 顺手关上门,一个箭步奔到 窗口。
Halliday put his pipe down, crossed his hands behind his neck, and turned his face towards the window.
哈利德放下烟斗,两手交 叉着放在脖子后面,转过 头去看窗子。
马西娅· 陶贝于两年前开始兼职, 晚上为一家电台编排广告节目。 她的正式工作是保险监督,原 先打算挣够了度一次假的钱就 不再兼职了,但是现在却是欲 罢不能。
动词的重复 动词的重复
We thank you very much for the warm hospitality accorded to our trade group during this visit to your country and for the close cooperation in the business discussions.
• ,Amy
settles into her seat, takes out her computer and reads over the agenda for the meeting to which she’s traveling.
• Towards midnight her lamp burned out, the light flickered and the room was plunged into darkness.
省略关联词 • 省略关联词
Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great conquerors and generals and soldiers. 原译:在历史书中最常见出现 和最为显赫的人大多是那些伟 大的征服者和将军及军人。
• 智慧能够传授吗?若能,那 么传授智慧应该成为教育的 一个目的吗?对这两个问题, 我都要给予肯定的回答。
We got up at four in the morning, that first day in the East. On the evening before, we had climbed off a freight train at the edge of town and with the true instinct of Kentucky boys had found our way across town and to the race track and the stables at once.
I identify myself as one of critical lovers and loving critics of the United Nations. 我自认为我就是一个批评 联合国的爱护者和爱护联 合国的批评者。
省略法 省略法
省略名词 省略名词
In a moment she reappeared to hurl my change and the ticket on the counter with such force most of it fell on the floor at my feet.
• It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers and grass, a picture of natural vitality, thrive on both banks. The weird peaks arouse disparate thoughts.
• 到东部的第一天,我们凌晨4 点就起床了。头天晚上,我 们在镇郊爬下货运列车,凭 着肯塔基少年特有的直觉, 从镇头径直摸到赛马场和马 厩。
• 他到了一个街区停下脚步,在那 里,到了夜晚,有最明亮的街道、 最快乐的心情、最轻率的誓言和 最轻松的歌剧;穿着皮衣的女人 和披着大衣的男人在这寒冷的空 气中愉快的散步.
The issues of principles that divided the General Assembly in recent weeks were deeply felt and hard fought.
联合国大会在最近几周内因一 些原则问题产生了分歧。对于 这些原则问题,人们有很深的 感觉,并且为解决这些问题作 了艰苦的努力。
• 如今,电影演员开始竞选总 统;宇航员在地球周围飞来 飞去,从一个沙漠飞到另一 个沙漠;人们开始租用两千 美圆一月的单卧室公寓。
Calmly, Mother looked around before she turned back fearlessly, closing the door behind her and dashed to the window.
• On the one hand, child is the adored and spoiled center of a whole circle of adults, but on the other hand, he or she is also expected to start studying with great discipline from early age.
• 改译:历史书上最常出现、 最为显赫者,大多是些伟大 的征服者、将军和军人。
Even if you go there ,there won’t be any result.
• 你去也白去。
The wind was so strong that he found it difficult to keep on his feet.
If once virtue is lost ,all is lost. 丧失了道德,便丧失了一 切。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The only cure for envy in the case of ordinary men and women is happiness ,and the difficulty is that envy is itself a terrible obstacle to happiness.
He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest streets, hearts,vows and librettos。 Women in furs and men in greatcoats moved gaily in the 风太大了,他感到很难站 wintry air。 稳。
• Times were tough during the Depression, and there were five mouths to feed in my family, besides buying coal and wood for the stove.
She looked around and padded off across a ravine, toward the edge of the blue spruce forest that would be her new home.
一会儿功夫,她又回来了, 将零钱和车票往柜台上猛 地一摔,大半都撒落在我 的脚边。
省略介词 省略介词
On August 16, 1983, they started for the South to seek their fortune. 1983年8月16日,他们动 身去南方寻求生路。
“Contrary, then,” answered another, in deep but softened tones.“And now , kiss me , for minding so well.”
The moon gives no light of its own .It merely reflects the light of the sun, like a huge mirror hung in the sky.
I was feeling quite homesick for the south, when I suddenly looked up to discover I had reached my own door.
他们尤其为北京提到的“和平 共处”五项原则所打动。“五 项原则”是一九五五年不结盟 国家万隆会议的特别用语,那 次会议是中国人同外部世界进 行最大限度接触的时刻。
Marcia Tauber started moonlighting two years ago scheduling commercials in the evening for a radio station. An insurance supervisor, she had planned to work just long enough to earn money for a special vacation, but now finds she can’t quit the night job.
“那好,相 反,”另一个人以深沉而柔和 的语调答道。“那就亲亲我吧, 我学得这么用心。
At about out this time ,movies actors began running for President, astronauts began flying around the planet to get from one desert to another ,and people began renting one-bed-room apartments for $2000 a month.
同位语的重复 同位语的重复
They were particularly struck by Peking’s allusion to the five principles of“peaceful coexistence”, the specific language of the 1955 Bandung Conference of non-aligned countries, a moment of maximum Chinese contact with the nonChinese world.
• 我们非常感谢你们在我贸易 小组访问贵国期间给予的盛 情款待,感谢你们在业务洽 谈中给予的密切合作。
It is on this basis that we reexamine the world, our region and ourselves. 我们正是在这个基础上重 新估价世界,估价我们的 地区和我们自己。
重复法 重复法
A big nation has its problems; a small nation its advantages 大国有大国的问题,小国 有小国的有利条件。
I hope that the discussion will not be too long, for it will only waste time. 我希望讨论不要tai久, 太久了只会浪费时间。
The Harrow custom of calling the roll is different from that of Eton. 哈罗公学的点名方式跟伊 顿公学有所不同。
Can wisdom be taught ﹖ And ,if it can, should the teaching of it be one of the aims of education﹖ I should answer both these questions in the affirmative.