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01.AB Design

A single subject research design that contains one baseline (A) and one treatment (B).

02.ABAB Design

A single subject research design that contains a baseline (A1), treatment (B1), a second baseline (B2) and a second treatment phase (B2)

03.Alpha (lowercase小写字母)

The abbreviation for probability of error in statistical results. See Type I Error. (a)

04.Alternative Hypothesis 被择假设

The hypothesis that states there is a difference between two or more sets of data.

05.Absolute Zero

Characteristic of a scale of measurement that contains a point where the scale has no value. 06.Accommodation 顺应

The creation of new cognitive schemas when objects, experiences, or other information does not fit with existing schemas.

07.Action Potential

The firing on a neuron. Occurs when the charge inside the neuron becomes more positive than the charge outside.


A neurotransmitter associated with voluntary movement, sleep and wakefulness.


An interpersonal style where only the immediate needs of the self are considered rather than the needs of others. (As opposed to passive or assertive)

10.Agoraphobia 广场恐怖症

An anxiety disorder characterized by an intense fear of leaving one's home.

11.All or None Law

Either a neuron completely fires or it does not fire at all.

12.Alpha (lowercase)

The abbreviation for probability of error in statistical results. See Type I Error. (a)

13.Alternative Hypothesis

The hypothesis that states there is a difference between two or more sets of data.


Behavior that is unselfish and may even be detrimental but which benefits others.


Loss of memory. Usually only a partial loss such as for a period of time or biographical information.

16.Amygdala 杏仁核

A part of the brain's limbic system that attaches emotional significance to information and mediates both defensive and aggressive behavior.

17.Anal Expulsive Personality

Stemming from the Anal stage, a child who becomes fixated due to over control transfers his or her unresolved anal (or control) issues into characteristics such as cruelty, pushiness, messiness, or disorganization.

18.Anal Retentive Personality

Stemming from the Anal stage, a child who becomes fixated due to under control transfers

his or her unresolved anal (or control) issues into characteristics such as compulsivity, stinginess, cleanliness, organization, and obstinance.

19.Anal Stage

Freud's second stage of psychosexual development where the primary sexual focus is on the elimination or holding onto feces. The stage is often thought of as representing a child's ability to control his or her own world.


See Psychoanalysis.

21.Analysis of Variance

An inferential statistical procedure used to test whether or not the means of two or more sets of data are equal to each other.


Analysis of Variance.


The physiological and psychological reaction to an expected danger, whether real or imagined.


The impairment of the ability to communicate either through oral or written discourse as a result of brain damage.

25.Approach-Approach Conflict

The conflict presented when two opposite but equally appealing choices are available but can not both be obtained.

26.Approach-Avoidance Conflict

The conflict presented when the best positive choice will result in a negative outcome as well as positive.

27.Arousal Theory唤醒理论

The theory stating that we are motivated by our innate desire to maintain an optimal level of arousal.

28.Assertive 武断

Style of interpersonal interaction where both the needs of the self and others are considered. (As opposed to passive or aggressive)


Incorporating objects, experiences, or information into existing schemas.


The phenomenon in learning that states we are better able to remember information if it is paired with something we are familiar with or otherwise stands out.

31.Attachment 依恋

The strong bond a child forms with his or her primary caregiver.

32.Attribution 归因

An idea or belief about the etiology of a certain behavior.

33.Attribution Theory

The theory that argues people look for explanation of behavior, associating either dispositional (internal) attributes or situational (external) attributes.

34.Authoritarian [parents] 独裁

Parenting style focused on excessive rules, rigid belief systems, and the expectation of unquestioned obedience.
