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题目:The Hero Growing Up in The Magic world 学院外国语学院




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The Hero Growing Up in The Magic world

Author: Gu Jiao

Abstract: This thesis analyzed the good qualities of Harry Potter who is the protagonist in the series novel Harry Potter, written by J.K.Rolling . Numerous of people are growing up with Harry Potter and his friends. Harry developed his good quality of goodness, the talent of leadership and the indomitable Will during the course of fighting with Dark Lord Voldemort .Therefore Harry Potter grew up from an orphan to a magical hero with the characteristics. what shape his characteristics the author think is the theme of the novels :love; struggle of death and the relationships with Dumbledore.The thesis will show you a unique Harry Potter on my view for you . Key Word: growing up; love ; l eadership; indomitable will ; relationships with Dumbledore


摘要:本篇论文主要分析当代著名小说家J.K.Rolling 的长篇系列魔幻儿童小说《哈利波特》中的主人公哈利身上的优秀品质:有爱心,有领导才能以及他不屈不挠的意志。这些品质也使哈利波特从一个懵懂的孤儿成长为魔法世界的英雄,他身上所表现出来的勇敢善良等特点正是小说主题的体现。


1. Introduction

The Harry Potter series is the story of the eponymous hero, orphaned at birth and left in the care of the cruel Dursley family of ―Muggles‖ (non-magical people). On his eleventh birthday, Harry receives a letter from Hogwarts, a school for young wizards and witches, and promptly enters a world of wonder and mystery. At Hogwarts, he meets his two closest friends –Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger – and begins studying magic. It soon becomes clear that the death of Harry’s parents was no accident: the e vil Dark Lord Voldemort murdered them. Voldemort also attempted to kill Harry, but his attack rebounded on himself, severely crippling Voldemort’s power. The first few books of the series develop the characters and set the stage for Book 4, in which Voldemort returns to power and regains a corporeal body. Aided by his fellow evil wizards (―Death Eaters‖), Voldemort begins a campaign to kill Harry Potter, the only one who may stand a chance of defeating him. The last three volumes deal with Harry’s increasin gly desperate battle against Voldemort, and his fight to remain steadfast even as the world spins into chaos around him.

It’s a fairly simple story arc, but the intricate web of plots and subplots grips the reader’s attention. There’s a reason people lined up for hours to snag copies of each subsequent book – the stories are well-written and increasingly dramatic.

2.The good qualities of Harry

J. K. Rowling once commends Harry like as follows:

"I see Harry as someone who is struggling to do the right thing, who is not without faults, who acts impetuously as you would expect someone of his age to act, but who is ultimately a very loyal person, and a very very courageous person. So, in as much as he has qualities that I admire most I would say he is a good role model. That doesn't mean that he is saintly, but then frankly, who is? But I think you do see enough of Harry’s inner life, the workings of his mind in the books to kn ow that he is ultimately human, struggling to do the right thing, which I think is admirable."

Surely Harry Potter is an extremely brave, loyal, and selfless person who possesses tremendous strength of character. He willingly went to what he truly believed to be his death because he believed that this was the only way to defeat the Dark Lord. Harry was seen and had proven himself to be an extraordinarily talented and powerful wizard, with many of his strengths being praised by witches and wizards much older and wiser than he was.

2.1 Goodness: Harry's greatest power of all was his ability to love. In spite of being raised by a family that treated him with anything but affection, Harry remarkably turned out capable of very strong love. His love for his friends caused him to feel no concern for his own well being or happiness when they were at risk, and put himself in danger many times to protect them. Harry's ability to love also protected and helped him on several occasions, such as when he defeated Quirrell by causing his skin to burn, produced a Patronus that could drive numerous Dementors away, repelled Voldemort himself when he possessed him, and allowed him to close the connection between him and Voldemort when he was unable to perform Occlumency. His love was strongest when directed at Ginny Weasley, who was the driving force that kept him going until Voldemort was defeated

2.2 The talent Leadership: While Harry never deliberately set out to be a leader to others, he has often taken charge when the situation required it, beginning with his impulsive decision to find and warn Hermione about the presence of a troll in the school during the 1991 Halloween feast and progressing to the point where over thirty students — some of them in their sixth and seventh years — respected him as a teacher in Dumbledore's Army despite his being younger than they were. Dumbledore later noted that Harry was a superior leader to him as Dumbledore had deliberately sought power in his youth —and subsequently avoided anything more demanding than his role as Hogwarts headmaster — while Harry had leadership thrust upon him and accepted the burden, acknowledging his responsibilities towards those who 'followed' him regardless of how uncomfortable he might feel about the prospect and coordinating his efforts against his enemies well when left with no other option but to take control.

We're his ar my. Dumbledore's Army. We were all in it together, we’ve been keeping it going while you three have been off on your own... Everyone in this room’s been fighting and they’ve been driven in here because the Carrows were hunting them down. Everyone in here’s proven they’re loyal to Dumbledore — loyal to you."

— Harry and Neville Longbottom upon the trio's return to Hogwarts

2.3 Indomitable Will: Harry appears to possess an unbreakable spirit and, though not above depression, he has never truly given up on any mission. He's been shown to rise from defeat and
