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1.现在一般时(The Simple Present Tense)


1) 现在一般时主要用于表示经常发生的动作或存在的状态、日常行为和习惯、说话时刻的状态以及客观性和真理性的事实,通常与always,often,usually,sometimes,every day等时间状语连用,其动作起始和状态存在的时间没有明确界定。

He walks to school every day.

They enjoy surfing on the Internet.

Hydrogen is the lightest element.

The sun sets in the west.


Hunt passes the ball to Harper; Harper shoots and the goal keeper leaps it but —yes, it’s a goal.(体育解说)

When the curtain rises, Sally sits beside the window. Suddenly the door opens and a man in uniform enters.(舞台说明)

The story concerns two like-minded, lonely singles who live in the same building but never meet because one turns right when going out and the other turns left. They finally have a chance encounter in a park, but then they lose contact again.(剧情介绍)



Alice tells me her team has won the championship in the finals.

I hear her trip has been ruined by the bad weather.


Jordan bows out with grace.

Journeys in space benefit us

MBA studies hit a low point.




The train leaves at six in the morning.

When do you start?

The football match begins in a few minutes.

(2)在状语从句和宾语从句中,现在一般时也可以表示将来的时间。If he comes, we will tell him. (条件状语从句)

He will be a doctor when he grows up. (时间状语从句)

I hope you have a good time. (宾语从句)

I bet it rains tomorrow. (宾语从句)

Make sure that you look after the baby while I am away. (宾语从句)2.过去一般时(The Simple Past Tense)


1) 过去一般时主要用于表示过去某一特定的与现在没有联系的时间所发生的动作或存在的状态,也可以表示过去的习惯动作,通常与ago,yesterday,last year,in those days等表示时间的状语连用。

I came across an old friend on the street yesterday.

He went to college last year.

Next morning Emile, Durand’s boy, bought us letters addressed to William Gray. Kitty tore one open. It contained no message, only an address.



I wondered if you could spare me a few minutes.(不知道我能否耽搁你几分钟。)

I hoped you could give us some help.(我希望你能给我们一些帮助。)(2)表示与现在事实相反的条件句,或者一些虚拟语气结构中,比如It’s time…that,I wish…that,I’d rather…that等,过去一般时可以表示对将来情况的设想。

It’s time you took a break.

I’d rather you went now.

If I had the money now, I would buy a car.

3.将来一般时(The Simple Future Tense)

表示在将来的某个时间发生的某个非进行性、非完成性的行为或存在的某个状态的动词形式就是将来一般时。将来一般时的表现形式有好几种,这些形式往往具有某种情态意义。使用将来时时应注意以下几点。1)表示从现在看将要发生的事实,通常与tomorrow,next day,next year等表示将来的时间状语连用:
