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摘 ;要:為探索不同类型烟草种子开发利用的方向,以6份黄花烟草与31份红花烟草为材料,应用方差分析,比较了不同类型烟草种子粗蛋白、脂肪以及种子油脂肪酸、植物甾醇、角鲨烯的含量和组成差异。结果表明,相对于红花烟草,黄花烟草种子含有较高的粗蛋白以及较低的脂肪,不同类型红花烟草种子粗蛋白、脂肪含量也存在显著差异;黄花烟草种子蛋白质含有较高的蛋氨酸、赖氨酸及总必需氨基酸,其必需氨基酸与非必需氨基酸比值、氨基酸比值系数分值均较高,氨基酸组成模式与FAO/WHO推荐值及与FAO鸡蛋蛋白贴近度也较高。黄花烟草种子油亚油酸、菜油甾醇、β-谷甾醇含量较高,而红花烟草种子角鲨烯、胆甾醇、4-甲基-7-烯胆甾烷醇、豆甾醇、α-谷甾醇含量较高;黄花烟草与红花烟草种子油总不饱和脂肪酸、总植物甾醇含量差异不显著。综合分析,黄花烟草种子饲用价值相对较高,而红花烟草种子油用价值相对较高。


中图分类号:TS41+1 ;;;;;;;;;文章编号:1007-5119(2019)06-0095-08 ;;;;;DOI:


Analyses of Protein, Fat and Main Active Components in the Seeds of Tobacco (Nicotiana;spp.) Types

YANG Qiong1,2, HOU Xiaodong1, LIU Yanhua1, ZHANG Huaibao1, FU Qiujuan1,

ZHANG Fujun3, DU Yongmei1*

(1.Tobacco Research Institute of Chinese Agricultural Science, Qingdao 266101, China; 2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, Beijing 100081, China; Tobacco Company, Linyi, Shandong 276000, China)

Abstract:;In order to investigate;the utilization potentials of tobacco (Nicotiana;spp.)seeds, the seeds of 6;varieties of N.;rustica;L.and 31 varieties of N. tabacum;L. were collected to study the difference in the composition and contents of crude protein, fat, fatty acid, phytosterol and squalene;among varieties with an;one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) method.;The seeds of N.;rustica;varieties contain higher crude protein and lower fat;comparing to those of

N.;tabacum;varieties. The contents of crude protein and fat;were significantly different

among;the;seeds;of N.;tabacum;varieties. The seeds of N. rustica;varieties have higher;content of Met, Lys and total essential amino acids;than those of N.tabacum, and also have a higher ratio of essential amino acid to non-essential amino acid as well as a;higher ratio coefficient of amino acids. The amino acid pattern in N. rustica;varieties is close to the FAO/WHO recommendation and has a high closeness coefficient with eggs protein;recommended by FAO. The;contents;of;linoleic acid,campesterol and β-sitosterol were obviously higher;in the seeds of N. rustica;varieties than in those of N.;tabacum;varieties, which showed an opposite pattern to;the;contents;of squalene, cholesterol,4-methyl-7-encholestyl alcohol,stigmasterol and α-sitosterol. There was no significant difference in the contents of total unsaturated fatty acid and sterol between the seeds of N. tabacum;varieties and N. rustica;varieties.;In conclusion, the seeds of N. rustica;have a;higher feed value while the seeds;of;N. tabacum;have a;higher fat;value.

Keywords:;tobacco seeds; protein; fat; active components



