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Steeped Grain Spread on Floor for Germination (from Encyl. Grain Science, Figure 5 p. 71)
Saladin Box (from Encyl. Grain Science, Figure 7 p. 72)
314.7 299.5 303.9
39.6 32.1 32.2
173 426 427
Summary The effect of a short, 30 minute, first steep
• Short steeps
– Reduced malt moisture – Reduced modification
8h 8h 8h
Temperature was kept at 16° C and the shaken samples were produced using a Sanyo orbital shaker set at 180 rpm.
2. Malt analysis
Mashing bath at ICBD, Heriot-Watt University
The effect of steeping time on water uptake by barley
Samples used were 100 g in 400 ml of water at 18° C
Out of steep moisture Time (min) 5 M (%) 23.16 23.18 25.84 24.88 27.31 26.79 28.18 29.05 29.63 29.34 31.648 31.136 Mean M (%) 23.2
Cylindroconical Steeping Vessel - Rolling Movement of Grain Optimises Oxygenation (from Encyl. Grain Science, Figure 3 p. 71)
Chitted Barley (from Encyl. Grain Science, Figure 4 p.71)
1. Establishing grain quality
• This was done by testing for
– Viability – Germinability – Water sensitivity
The germination and viability tests for Concerto and Optic Test Concerto Optic
Steep 1 (W)
Check malt Control 0 3
(dry L ˚/kg)
100 200 300
Control 0 100 200 300
3 3 3
4 4 4 4
16 35 36
28 49 52 32
61 66 65
56 78 81 49
• A sweeping frequency of 25 to 35 kHz to allow for flexibility in impedance matching was applied to the soaking barley during steeping for 6 hours in time intervals of 30min with irradiation rests of 15 min to avoid vibro-mechanical overloading of the grains (that could rupture if the intensity was too high)
The effect of sonication during first steep on malt quality
Sample Treatment Day Friability (%) 96 Homogeneity Whole Grains (%) 99 SNR (%) 43.3 Glucan (ppm) 36 HWE
4. Sonication
• A vibro-mechanical approached was therefore used to treat the grains. Barley (250g±0.1g)was fully immersed in a sonicator (Kerry's Ultrasonics KS 311, UK) using warm water (3L at 20° C) as coupling agent and subjected to irradiation of 100 W, 200 W or 300W in output power.
• Barley (var. Concerto) was given a single steep and then germinated in the pilot malting plant at 16° C. Values are shown after 3 days and 4 days of germination
Sonication steep 1 Understeeping
• Steeping for 6 h would not have achieved good hydration of the grain but, as already stated, our aim was to establish what can be achieved at sub-optimal levels of hydration. All of our under-steeped malts therefore fell well below desirable levels for a good quality malt
HWE 'dry' (L° /Kg) 316.6 295.9 295.4
SNR (%) 41.7 30.2 28.8
Glucan in wort (ppm) 240 476 480
Concerto Control Concerto Static Concerto Shaken
43百度文库7 42.7 38.4
• These results would therefore suggest that it is time, rather than the external movement of water over the grain during a short first steep that will increase the uptake of water
• The focus of our study was on the uptake of water during steeping of barley with a view to shortening steeps and thus reducing water use
• Our research will describe different technical approaches using vibriomechanical means to minimise the length of the first steep while maximising water uptake
The effect of steeping time on water uptake by barley
• There was a rapid uptake of water over the first 2 hours, but this is very much longer than grain would be in contact with water if its first steep were an extended wash
245 159 190
256 40 42 289
24.3 27.3 25.3
20.4 26.7 27.2 ND
510 500 500
515 476 476 ND
287.5 288.7 288.5
288.2 289.2 292.6 288.5
Barley (var. Concerto) was given a single steep and then germinated in the pilot malting plant at 16° C as described in the ‘materials and methods’. Values are shown after 3 days and 4 days of germination
• The temperature of the samples was continuously monitored, and their water intake recorded at the end of each substage. After the 6 h steeping stage was concluded, the barley grains were taken to the malting unit for germination (16° C) and kilning (60° C)
Hot water extract (HWE), percentage soluble nitrogen and glucan for Optic and Concerto
Out of steep Malt sample moisture %) Optic Control 41.8 Optic Static 36.6 Optic Shaken 35.3
Our aim was to establish if shaking or vibrio-mechanical means can increase water uptake by barley
Cylindroconical Steeping Vessel (from Encyl. Grain Science, Figure 3 p. 71)
Summary of the steeping programs used for both varieties of barley
Steeping Method
Control Static Shaken
First Steep 8h 30 min 30 min
Air Rest 8h 0h 0h
Second Steep
• Shaking did not increase water uptake
– Higher shaking, icreasing from 180 rpm to 400 rpm not increase moisture
3. How quickly is water taken up by barley?
The production of distilling malt
James H Bryce International Centre for Brewing and Distilling School of Life Sciences Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh Scotland
Summary Sonication steep 1
• After 3 days of germination all the parameters were enhanced by sonication relative to the control. After 4 days of germination, there is clear enhancement of malt quality by 100 W and 200 W of sonication, but there was little difference between 300 W sonication and the control.
Germination Energy (%)
Water Sensitivity (%)
Germination Capacity (%)
Dormancy (%)
Values are means of triplicate measurements.