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1.非常感谢be grateful to sb. for…

2.脸变白go white


Would you be so kind as to meet me at the airport?

4.在十字路口at that crossroads

5.不知道be at a loss

6.与别人相比compare with others

7.值得你学习be worthy of your learning

8.无论社会发展多快however fast the society develops

9.代代相传pass on from generation to generation

10.乐于当志愿者be ready to be volunteers

11.在各种活动中in different kinds of activities

12.不经允许be forbidden to

13.网络游戏on-line games


make a great impact on children’s characters

15.浦东机场二期工程the second project of Pudong Airport

16.在进行中be in progress

17.预计It is expected to do

18.在我看来in my opinion

19.与其说他聪明不如说他勤奋He is more diligent than clever.

20.难以置信It is hard to believe that…

21.一辈子all one’s life

22.与…有关be related to

23.就我所知As far as I know…


the habits of shopping of the people in big cities of China

25.至少提前两小时at least two hours in advance

26.出席会议的人all the present at the meeting

27.支持in favour of

28.提出建议put forward suggestion

29.据说It is said that…

30.他脸上的神情the expression on his face

31.毫不介意not care about

32.今年夏天的气温this summer the air temperature

33.比人们预期的高much higher than people had expected

34.令我感动的是What moves me most is that…


think of his country while he is in a foreign land / abroad

36.合法权益legal rights and interest

37.没有得到保障fail to be protected

38.打官司go to court

39.肥胖的主要原因It is the main reason for his being fat

40.丧生lose one’s life

41.自信加努力confidence and / plus diligence

42.会成功lead to success

43.因…而自豪be proud of

44.以…闻名于世be world famous for

45.经过严格培训be strictly trained

46.从事这项工作undertake this job

47.优质葡萄酒wine of good quality

48.培养一些业余爱好develop some hobbies

49.使生活充实make one’s life richer

50.可悲的是It is sad that…

51.除了整天埋怨什么也不干do nothing but complain all day

52.在人民广场地下under the People’s Square

53.建造一个交通中心build a transportation center

54.想到尊敬老师think of respecting teachers

55.献身于科学的科学家scientists who are devoted to science

56.长大成人become an adult

57.又爱又恨love and hate

58.说起中国足球talking of Chinese football

59.一个人不可能It’s impossible for a person…

60.尽可能少犯错误make as few mistakes as possible

61.给别人带来幸福的人people who bring happiness to the others

62.使我惊讶的是to my amazement

63.几乎每个人nearly everyone

64.家乡的一草一木almost everything in his hometown

65.中国政府Chinese government

66.提供免费药品provide medicines free


such harmful products as milk powder of poor quality

68.受到法律的惩罚be punished by law

69.我怀疑世界上有没有I doubt whether on earth there is…

70.很难估计It is hard to estimate…

71.石油价格的飞涨the prices of oil went up rapidly

72.对世界经济产生了很大的影响have greatly affected the world economy

73.你觉得是否明智do you find it sensitive…

74.残疾运动员the disabled athletes

75.为国争光win honor for our country


As long as terrorism exists, there will be no peace in the world.

77.使我非常气愤的是to my great anger

78.白领white-collar worker

79.干体力活do physical work
