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* turn in


. I turned in late last night. (=went to bed)

(2) turn sb. in 把(某人)交给警方,使自首

. He turned the thief in just now. 他刚把贼交给警察。

(3) turn sth. in 退还,交还;上交,提交

. You must turn in your pass when you leave the building.

I haven’t even turned in Monday’s work yet.

* turn on

(1) 打开(电器之类的)

. Turn on the radio, please.

(2) 产生或使产生兴趣、兴奋。通常与to 连用

. My uncle turned me on to jazz.

(3) 突然攻击,袭击

. His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg.

* turn down

(1) 把热度,音量等降低

. Please turn down the radio, it’s noisy.

(2) 拒绝某人

. I applied for the job but they turned me down.

* turn out

(1) 关上,关掉(灯)

. She turned out the light.


. Crowds of fans turned out at the airport to welcome their idol. (3) 生产,制造(某物)

. The factory turns out 300 cars a day.

(4) turn sb. out 迫使(某人)离开,赶走

. I turned the dog out because he was disgusting.

(5) turn out to be 结果是,证明是

. All the thing he said turned out to be untrue. 或者可以用从句:It turned out that he was lying.

* turn over

(1) turn sth. over 翻身,翻转

. If you turn the box over, you'll see some words at the bottom of it.

(2) to think about sth. 考虑某事

. I kept turning the idea over in my mind. 我一直在考虑这个主意。

(3) 把某物移交某人

. I turned the key over to the head teacher. 我把钥匙交给班主任。

(4) 把某人交给警方

He turned the robber over just now. 他刚才把强盗交给了警察。(和刚才turn in一样)

* turn to

(1) turn to sb. / sth. 求助于某人或某物

. He turned to his best friend for help.

(2) turn to sth. 开始做某事

. Some young people turn to crime. 一些年轻人开始走上犯罪之路。(3) (把书)翻到

. Please turn to page N.

* turn up

(1) 被找到,被发现

. Don’t worry about the letter–I’m sure it’ll turn up.

(2) 找到某物

. I have turned up an interesting new flash on Tudou.

(3) 到达,来到,露脸

. My boyfriend turned up early as usual.

(4) 把取暖器,收音机或音箱开大,调大

. Turn up the hi-fi. Let's get the party started.

(5) 把衣服卷起,折起

. If you are not studying, please turn all your clothes up! I can not stand that room!

* turn off

(1) 关闭,停止;关掉

. She turned off the television.

(2) 使不喜欢,讨厌或厌恶;使厌烦

. That song really turns me off.

The play turned the audience off.

(3) (人)转入另一条路, 拐弯; 岔开(路)

. Just after the lights, turn off the main road into our street.
