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We enrolled an unbiased sample of households, which were eligible if at least one household member was aged 35–70 years and if household members intended to stay at that address for another 4 years.
相对于收缩压,握力是全因死亡率和心血管病死亡率 更强的预测因子。我们发现握力与糖尿病发病率,肺 炎或慢性阻塞性肺病以及跌伤、骨折住院之间无显著 相关性。
In high-income countries, the risk of cancer and grip strength were positively associated (0· 916, 0· 880– 0· 953; p<0· 0001), but this association was not found in middle-income and low-income countries.
2003年1月至2009年12月期间,该PURE 研究共有 142861参与者,其中有已知死亡风险的139691名 被纳入分析。
Findings During a median follow-up of 4· 0 years (IQR 2· 9– 5· 1), 3379 (2%) of 139691 participants died.
Published Online: 13 May 2015
Prognostic value of grip strength: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study
握力预后价值:前瞻性城乡流行病学 (PURE)研究结果
在中位随访时间4· 0年中(IQR2· 9-5· 1),139691 参与者中3379(2%)死亡。
After adjustment, the association between grip strength and each outcome, with the exceptions of cancer and hospital admission due to respiratory illness, was similar across country-income strata.
Abstract Background The aim of this study was to assess the independent prognostic importance of grip strength measurement in socioculturally and economically diverse countries. 该研究涉及社会文化及经济不同的国家,其目 的是评估握力测量的独立预后的重要性。
在高收入国家,癌症风险与握力呈正相关(0· 916, 0· 880-0· 953,P<0· 0001),但在中低等收入国家无 此关联性。
Three sources were positively associated with mental fatigue and body fatigue.
还评估了因肺炎或慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)、呼 吸系统疾病(包括慢性阻塞性肺病,哮喘,结核病 和肺炎)及跌伤和骨折引起的住院。
Study outcomes were adjudicated using source
documents by a local investigator, and a subset were
Grip strength is appealing as a simple, quick, and inexpensive means of stratifying an individual's risk of cardiovascular death. However, the prognostic value of grip strength with respect to the number and range of populLeabharlann Baidutions and confounders is unknown. 握力测量是简单、快捷、廉价的心血管病死亡分层 方式。然而,与人群数量、人群范围以及混杂因素 相关的握力预后价值仍是未知数。
疾病对于健康的影响叫结局,英文为outcome;而用于测 量结局的指标称为终点,英文endpoint。 结果需校正人口统计学、饮食结构、运动水平、教育水 临床试验设计常讲主要终点( primary endpoint)和次要 校正(混杂因素)之后,在所有收入层次的国家, 平、吸烟及酒精摄入情况、 BMI、血压、心血管风险因 终点( secondary endpoint),实际上就是要设计者根据 握力与每个终点的关系相似 , 而癌症与呼吸道疾病 素、卒中史、癌症与其他合并症等因素。握力值也需校 研究目的确定主要(次要)结局指标(测量/变量), 入院率除外。 正年龄、性别、身高与经济状况等因素。 primary(secondary) outcome measure(variable)。而我 们有时会混淆上述概念,说成试验的主要结局是什么,次要 结局是什么,而实际想表达的是主要结局测量选用的指标是 什么。结局是带有方向和判断的结果表达,如恶化、加重或 好转,它是通过选择的终点测量比较得出的结果。 写标书时应写成primary endpoint is ...,secondary endpoint is ..., 不能写成primary outcome is ...和 secondary outcome is ...
adjudicated centrally.
研究结果通过源文件由当地研究员评判,子集则集 中评判。
Findings Between January, 2003, and December, 2009, a total of 142 861 participants were enrolled in the PURE study, of whom 139 691 with known vital status were included in the analysis.
pulmonary disease (COPD), hospital admission for any respiratory disease (including COPD, asthma, tuberculosis, and pneumonia), injury due to fall, and fracture.
研究人员采用Jamar测力器对参与者进行了握力评 估。
During a median follow-up of 4· 0 years (IQR 2· 9–5· 1),
we assessed all-cause mortality, cardiovascular
mortality, non-cardiovascular mortality, myocardial
infarction, stroke, diabetes, cancer, pneumonia, 在中位随访4· 0年期间(IQR2· 9-5· 1),我们评估了 全因死亡率,心血管病死亡率,非心血管病死亡, 心肌梗死,中风,糖尿病,癌症,肺炎;
hospital admission for pneumonia or chronic obstructive
Reduced muscular strength, as measured by grip strength, has been associated with an increased risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.
我们采用了无偏家庭样本,即所涉及家庭需满足以 下条件:至少有一个家庭成员年龄为35-70岁,而 且其家庭成员打算在该地址再居住4年。
Participants were assessed for grip strength, measured using a Jamar dynamometer.
以握力测量,肌力降低与全因死亡率及心血管病死亡率风 险增加相关。 The economy, as measured by gross domestic product, or GDP, would shrink. 以国内生产总值(gdp)测量,经济将下滑。 Domestic consumption, as measured by the imperfect retail sales data, is strengthening. 以不完善的零售数据测量,国内消费正在增强。
The Prospective Urban-Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study is a large, longitudinal population study done in 17 countries of varying incomes and sociocultural settings. 该前瞻性城乡流行病学(PURE)研究是一项大型 的纵向人群研究,涉及17个收入与社会文化背境有 差异的国家。
Grip strength was inversely associated with all-cause mortality (hazard ratio per 5 kg reduction in grip strength 1· 16, 95% CI 1· 13–1· 20; p<0· 0001), cardiovascular mortality (1· 17, 1· 11–1· 24; p<0· 0001), non-cardiovascular mortality (1· 17, 1· 12–1· 21; p<0· 0001), myocardial infarction (1· 07, 1· 02–1· 11; p=0· 002), and stroke (1· 09, 1· 05–1· 15; p<0· 0001).
Grip strength was a stronger predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality than systolic blood pressure. We found no significant association between grip strength and incident diabetes, risk of hospital admission for pneumonia or COPD, injury from fall, or fracture.
握力与以下终点呈负相关:全因死亡率(握力每减少 5kg对应的危险比1· 16,95%CI1· 13-1· 20, 置信区间(confidence interval,CI) :即按一 P<0· 0001 ),心血管疾病的死亡率( 1· 17,1· 11Skp2 was inversely associated with expression of 定的概率估计总体参数所在的范围 . P27 in LSCC. 1· 24,P<0· 0001),非心血管死亡(1· 17,1· 121· 21,P<0· 0001),心肌梗死(1· 07,1· 02-1· 11, Skp2 蛋白在LSCC中表达与 P27 蛋白呈负相关 (P<0.05) 。 P=0· 002 ),和中风( 1· 09,1· 05-1· 15,P<0· 0001)。