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[市场营销学] 第一章营销学基础

一、需要,欲望和需求(Needs, Wants, and Demands)


人类的需要是指没有得到某些基本满足的感受状态。(A human needs is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.)


欲望是指想得到基本需要的具体满足物时的愿望。(Wants are desires for satisfiers of needs.)而在另一个社会,这些欲望用不同的方式来满足(In another society these needs might be satisfied differently.)


需求是指对于有能力购买并且愿意购买的某个具体产品的欲望。(Demands are wants for specific products that are backed by an ability and willingness to buy them.)

当具有购买能力时,欲望便转化成需求。(Wants become demands when supported by purchasing power .)


人们靠产品来满足自己的各种需要和愿望。(People satisfy their needs and wants with products.)

产品是能够用以满足人类某种需要或欲望的任何东西。(A product is anything that can be offered to satisfy a need or want.)

商品good(s) 服务Service(s) 创意Idea(s)

营销者常常用商品和服务这两种表述来区别有形产品和无形产品. (Marketers often use the expressions goods and services to distinguish between physical products and intangible ones.)


核心产品(Core product ):核心利益或服务(Core benefit or service )。

有形产品(Actual product):品牌(Brand); 品质(Quality); 设计(Design);特征(Features) ;包装(Packaging)。

附加产品( Augment product) :安装(Installation);保证(Warranty);售后服务(After sale service);交货方式与优惠条件(Delivery and credit)。

三、价值,满意和质量(Value,Satisfaction,and Quality)


价值是指消费者对产品满足各种需要的能力的评估。(V alue is the consumer’s estimate of the product’s overall capacity to satisfy his or her needs.)

一般来说,顾客是根据产品和服务对其提供价值的感知做出购买选择的。(Consumers make buying choices based on their perceptions of the value that various products and services deliver.)

顾客价值是指顾客拥有和使用某种产品所获利益与获得该种产品所需成本之间的差别。(Customer value is the difference between the values the Customer gains from owning and using a product and the costs of obtaining the product.)



顾客满意取决于产品的感知使用效果,这种感知效果与顾客的期望有密切关系。(Customer satisfaction depends on a product’s perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyer’s expectations.)

顾客的满意度与质量的关系十分密切.(Customer satisfaction is closely linked to quality )


从狭义的角度上说,质量可定义为“零缺陷”。(In the narrowest sense ,quality can be defined as “freedom from defects”)

美国质量管理协会把质量定义为:“产品或服务具有满足顾客需要的性质和特征的总和”。(American Society for Quality Control define quality as the totality of features and characteristics of product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy customer needs. )

四、交换和交易(Exchange and T ransaction )

People can obtain products in one of four ways.

The first way is self- production (自行生产).

The second way is coercion (强制取得)

The third way is begging (乞讨).

The fourth way is exchange (交换)


交换是指从他人那里取得想要的产品,同时以某种东西作为回报的行为。(Exchange is the act of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return.)

交换的发生,必须符合5个条件(For exchange potential to exist , five conditions must be satisfied:)

(1)至少需要具有交换两方;(There are at least two partier)

(2)每一方都存在被对方认为有价值的东西;(Each party has something that might be of value to the other party)

(3)每一方都能沟通信息和传递货物;9Each party is capable of communication and delivery)(4)每一方都可以自由接受或拒绝对方的产品;(Each party is free to accept or reject the exchange offer)

(5)每一方都认为与另一方进行交易是适当的或称心如意的。(Each party believes it is appropriate or desirable to deal with the other party)

2、交易(T ransactions)

所谓交易是指双方价值的交换。(A transaction consists of a trade of values between two partier.)交换是营销的核心概念,交易则是营销的度量单位。(Whereas exchange is the concept of marketing,A transaction is marketing’s unit of measurement.)

货币交易(Monetary transaction );实物交易(Barter transaction )。


从交换的概念可以导出市场的概念。(The concept of exchange leads to the concept of a market)市场是指某种产品的实际购买者和潜在购买者的集合。这些购买者都具有某种需要或欲望,并且能够通过交换得到满足。(A market is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product.These buyers share a particular need or wand that can be satisfied through exchange.)

以前,市场这一术语特指买卖双方交换的地点,如村庄(Originally the market stood for the place where buyers and sellers gathered to exchange their goods: a village square.)

市场规模取决于具有这种需要或欲望,以及支付能力,并且愿意进行交换的人口数量。(Thus,the size of a market depend on the number of people who exhibit the need, have resources to engage in exchange,and are willing to offer these resources in exchange for what they want.)

六、营销和营销者(Marketing and marketer)

营销就是要管理市场,促成满足人们欲望和需要的交换。(Marketing means managing markets
