第二讲 商务英语写作的文体风格

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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I am pleased to inform you that you will be able to receive a full refund of deposit if you return the goods within a week.
(二)标点符号 (Punctuation) 标点符号的作用及重要性 标点符号是商务英语写作中不可缺少的辅助工具,其作用在于帮助读者分 清句子结构,正确理解文字含义。
第二讲 商务英语写作的文体风格
自然 商业书信的写作必须力求“自然”,不能满篇都是过时的商业行话。例 子: 使用过时商业行话的句子 自然的句子
In compliance with the afore-mentioned . agreement, dispatch of goods will be undertaken subsequent to receipt of said monies. We should be obliged if you could contact our Mrs Xiao at an early date. We beg to inform you that we are herewith canceling our order for the same. Assuring you of our best attention at all times, and awaiting the favour of your early response. Due to the fact that your contract has lapsed, we are unable to comply with your request. .
As your contract contract has lapsed we cannot do as you request.
商业书信要求可读性强。 为了使信读起来生动有趣,写信人应该尽量避免使用单调的语言,力求 使语言结构富于变化。可使用的方法有: 1. 变化文法结构 变换句子的文法结构也可提高信文的可读性。写信时不要千篇一律地使 用同一种表达方法。例如,下面这个句子可以用多种方法改写 1.We last received a payment from you six months ago. 4.Six months have passed since your last payment. It has been six
We shall devote as much time to your visit as our hectic schedule will permit.
撰写书信时下列几件事情必须避免: ·指责对方犯错 ·推卸自己的责任 ·漠视客户的问题 ·拒绝帮助对方 ·对对方的帮助毫不领情 消极的语气 It is not our fault if you do not check whether the goods are satisfactory on delivery. 积极的语气 I am afraid customers are expected to check that goods are satisfactory on delivery.
Problems of this type are common with the lower model. Next time you will have to buy the more advanced model. We do not have the time to send our Sales Representative to see you. He is busy dealing with larger accounts than yours. I am in receipt of the upgraded software you sent to replace the software we bought in February.
(2) 在标题(title) 中也要大写单词首字母。 (3) 用 于 礼 貌 性 称 呼 语 ( 即 Mr.,Mrs.,Miss.,Ms. ) 学 衔 ( Dr. ) 和 军 衔 (General)的首字母。 (4) 职务,职称,头衔以及组织的名称也要大写首字母。 (5) 在商务书信中,重要的字词常常被大写以引起读信人的注意。 (6) 商务英语写作中的副标题与小标题也需大写。 (7) 用于缩写词,如“a SWOT analysis”, “ASEAN”, “USA”等。 (四)数字的用法 (1) 数字在句首要被拼写出来。 (2) 用阿拉伯数字表示日期、时间、量度、页数、地址、百分比、小数等 等。 (3) 大多数情况下,序数词要被拼写成英文。 (五)缩写 (Abbreviation): 缩写在商务英语写作中有它独特的意义。 (1)商务英语中常用的几种缩写形式: ① 置于人名前后,表示身份、职衔、学位等 ② 表示商业企业名称 ③ 表示时间 ④ 表示组织名称,一般由首字母组成 ⑤合成方位词 ⑥常用的拉丁词 (2)商务英语中不应使用缩写的地方: ① 某些头衔 ② 星期、月、季节 ③ 街道地址 ④ 国名、城市名 (六)开头与结尾 (一).开头的写法和一些技巧: 1.开头:大多数商务英语写作的内容也由开头、中间、结尾三部分组成。常 用的开头句写法: ① 最好在第一句话中说出你的写作目的。如: We understand that you are exporters of nuts and should like to know if you can supply us with 5 tons of walnut meat by the end of October. ② 将最能引起读者兴趣的内容放在开头,如: I'm pleased to tell you that your order will be delivered tomorrow. ③ 提及所涉及的商务事项。
5.Six months have gone by since you last paid us. 6.You have not paid us for six months.
2.增强书信的可读性,还应注意运用精练的语言 商业书信必须语言精练,能用一个单词的地方尽量不要使用多个单词。例 如: 高冗余度语言 Inasmuch as we require active . consideration prior to making a decision, I am afraid that, in the circumstances, you will have to wait. 低冗余度语言 As we need to consider before making a decision, I am afraid you will have to wait.
You failed to send your order to us before the new prices were introduced.
We cannot devote much time to your visit as the March Sales figures are being compiled and we are very busy.
Problems of this type are far less common with our more advanced model. We shall be happy to send our Sales Representative to visit you as soon as his heavy schedule permits. Thank you very much for sending me the updated software which supersedes that which we bought in February.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
I am afraid we cannot deliver at the weekend.
You can have your goods delivered any weekday.
I regret to inform you that we cannot refund your deposit unless you return the goods within a week.
商业书信的语气 商业书信中写信人使用哪种语气十分重要,这可以反映出写信人和收信 人之间的关系。 积极的语气 下面左边的三个句子采用提“中性”的语气,而右边相应的句子 语气则显得积极。这种积极的语气可以使一个句子听上去更有诚意。 中性 积极 I am in receipt of your order for 250 pairs of Niky „Conga‟ sports shoes. . Thank you for your recent order for 250 pairs of Niky „Conga‟ sports shoes. Unfortunately, we did not receive your order before the new prices were introduced.
As agreed, we shall forward the goods to you when we have received your cheque. Please contact Mrs Xiao soon.
I am afraid we are canceling our order for the above goods. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
以您为先的语气 写信时要尽可能让收信人感到是你亲息写信给他们。 例句: 以我为先 以您为先 We shall be able to install Cable TV shortly. You will be pleased to hear that you will soon be able to receive Cable TV.
标点的用法: (1)逗号(comma) 作用: 逗号用于表示停顿或分句之间的间隔。 用法:逗号用于分隔句中的各种语言成分,并表示一个停顿,一般用于 以下几种情况: 位置:a. 在句中表示语气停顿的地方。 b. 在子句之前。 c. 在描述名词的一系列形容词之后。 d. 放在位于句首或句中的副词之后。 e. 将非主要信息和句子其他部分分开。 (2)句号 (period) 句号一般有两种用法 ① 句号是放在句尾的符号,表示一句话结束。 ② 句号还用于缩写字母。 (3)冒号 (colon) 作用:用于引出下文,如表列、说话中的直接引语或解释。 用法与位置: ① 冒号主要用于列举事物,引用话语或进行解释。 ② 此外,冒号还用在“as follows”或“the following"的后面。 (三)商务用词的大写 大写字母(Capital Letters)又称“Block letters”,“Upper case/print”,一般 用于句首,此外大写首字母还出现在以下几种情况中: (1) 专有名词(proper nouns)。
2.We have not received a payment from you for six months. 3. You last paid us six months ago.
It has been six months since we last received a payment from you.