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1. social psychology:The scientific study of of how people think about,

influence ,and relate to one another. 社会心理学是一门就人们如何看待他人(社思),如


2. hindsight bias(事后知明偏见):The tendency to exaggerate, after learning an

outcome, one’s ability to have foreseen how something turned out.

3. field research(田园研究):research done in natural, real -life settings outside the


Correlational research(相关研究):asking whether two or more factors are naturally

associated .(status and longevity) detecting natural associations.

Advantages: involving important variables in natural settings.(race ,gender and social


Disadvantages: ambiguous interpretation of cause and effect..

Correlational research allows us to predict, but it cannot tell us whether changing one

variable will cause changes in another.

Experiment research(实验研究):manipulating some factor to see its effect another.)

Experimental Designs to determine causation


Random Assignment: the great equalizer.(随机分配)

Random assignment can eliminates all extraneous factors.With random assignment,

each person has an equal chance

Solutions:Single and double-blind procedures(单盲或双盲实验)

The ethics of experimentation

Social psychologists often alter people’s social experience and note the effect.

Sometimes, researchers find themselves operating in a gray area between the harmless

and the risky.

4. spotlight effect(焦点效应):we tend to see ourselves at center stage, and so

intuitively(直观的) overestimate(高估)the extent(程度)to which other’s attention

is aimed at us.

Illusion of transparency(透明度错觉): People can keenly aware of our own

emotions.Fewer people notice than we presume.

5. self-concept(自我概念): A person’s answers to the question ,”who am I?”

6. self-reference effect(自我参照效应):t he tendency to process efficiently and

remember well information related to oneself.

7. social comparison(社会比较):Others around us help to define the standard by

which we define ourselves as rich or poor, smart or dumb: we compare ourselves with

them and consider how we differ



8. individualism(个人主义):Individualism: the concept of giving priority to one’s

own goals over group goals and defining one’ identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications

Collectivism(集体主义): Giving priority(优先)to the goals of one’ groups and

define one’ identity accordingly

9. self-efficacy(自我效能感): the subjective judgment of one’s ability before you do

something. A sense that one is competent and effective, distinguished from


self-esteem, one’ sense of self

10. learned helplessness(习得性无助):Depressed o r oppressed people become

passive because they believe their efforts have no effect

-evaluation or sense of self-worth.

11. self-esteem(自尊):A person’s overall self

12. self-serving bias(自我服务偏见):The tendency to perceive oneself favorably.

13. false-consensus effect(虚假普遍性): On matters of opinion ,we find support for

our positions by overestimating the extent to which others agree.

False uniqueness(虚假独特性): On matters of ability or when we behave well or

successfully, a false uniqueness effect more often occurs.

14. self-handicapping(自我设限):protecting one’s self-image with behavior that

create a handy excuse for later failure.

15. attribution theory(归因理论): the theory of how we explain people’ behavior.

Heider concluded that people tend to attribute someone’s behavior to internal cause or external cause.






Commonsense attribution(常识性归因):In testimony to the reasonable ways in

which we explain behavior , attribution theorist Harold Kelley described how we use

and ‘consensus’.

information about consistency, ‘distinctiveness’,




1. 区别性:指行动者是否对同类其它刺激做出相同的反应,他是在众多场合下都表现出这



2. 一贯性:指行动者是否在任何情境和任何时候对同一刺激物做相同的反应,即行动者的


3. 一致性:指其他人对同一刺激物是否也做出与行为者相同的方式反应。如果每个人面对


16. illusory correlation(错觉关联):perception of a relationship where none exists, or

perception of a stronger relationship than actually exists.

17.attitude(态度):a favorable or unfavorable evaluative reaction toward something or someone,

exhibited in one’s belief, feeling, or intended behavior.

18.foot-in-the-door-phenomenon(登门槛效应):the tendency for people who have

first agreed to a small request to comply later with a larger request.
