服务营销最完整版 PPT

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▪ Explain what services are and identify important trends in services.
▪ Explain the need for special services marketing concepts and practices and why the need has developed and is accelerating.
▪ What are services? ▪ Why services marketing? ▪ Service and Technology ▪ Characteristics of Services Compared to Goods ▪ Services Marketing Mix ▪ Staying Focused on the Customer
Fast-food Outlets
Intangible Dominant
Tangible Dominant
Outlets Advertising Agencies
Airlines Investment
Management Consulting
Percent of GDP
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
0 1948 1959 1967 1977 1987 1999 Year
Services Manufacturing Mining & Agriculture
Source: Survey of Current Business, August 1996, Table 11, April 1998, Table B.3; Eli Ginzberg and George J. Vojta, “The Service Sector of the U.S. Economy,” Scientific American, 244,3 (1981): 31-39.
▪ Health Care
▪ hospital, medical practice, dentistry, eye care
▪ Professional Services
▪ accounting, legal, architectural
▪ Financial Services
▪ banking, investment advising, insurance
Source: Inside Sam’s $100 Billion Growth Machine, by David Kirkpatrick, Fortune, June 14, 2004, p 86.
Soft Drinks Detergents Automobiles
▪ Explore the profound impact of technology on service.
▪ Outline the basic differences between goods and services and the resulting challenges and opportunities for service businesses.
Tel: Email:
▪ 1、Services Marketing in Asia(6/E) / Christopher Lovelock(克里斯托弗.洛夫洛克),中国人民大学出版社
▪ 2、 服务营销/阳林主编,电子工业出版社,2007 ▪ 3、服务营销/王永贵著,北京师范大学出版社,2007 ▪ 4、服务营销管理/郭国庆主编,中国人民大学出版社,
▪ Introduce the expanded marketing mix for services and the philosophy of customer focus, as powerful frameworks and themes that are fundamental to the rest of the text.
▪ Hospitality
▪ restaurant, hotel/motel, bed & breakfast ▪ ski resort, rafting
▪ Travel
▪ airline, travel agency, theme park
▪ Others
▪ hair styling, pest control, plumbing, lawn maintenance, counseling services, health club, interior design
Percent of U.S. Labor Force
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
0 1929 1948 1969 1977 1984 1999 Year
Services Manufacturing Mining & Agriculture
Source: Survey of Current Business, April 1998, Table B.8, July 1988, Table 6.6B, and July 1992, Table 6.4C; Eli Ginzberg and George J. Vojta, “The Service Sector of the U.S. Economy,” Scientific American, 244,3 (1981): 31-39.
2005 ▪ 5、服务管理/菲茨西蒙斯著,机械工业出版社,2003 ▪ 6、期刊类:南开管理评论、管理世界、中国营销科学学报 ▪ 7、外文期刊: Services Marketing ,Marketing
Part 1
Introduction to Services