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In America if a person (you) is invited to a dinner party,he (you) shouldn’t reach to early.

2 中美之间在餐饮习俗上有这么多的差异

There are so many different dinner customs between America and china


He is quiet modest about his achievement


Dinner is served

5. 非常感谢你的帮助

(I) greatly appreciate you help/ was greatly appreciated your help

6. 这个问题可从各方面考虑

The matter can be viewed in many ways

7. 我的希望是以我们昨天所得到的消息为依据

I base my hopes on the news we had yesterday

8. 他的突然光临使我手忙脚乱

His unexpected amval got me confused

9. 我们没有什么可抱怨的

We have nothing to complain of / about

10. 欢呼的声音在远处逐渐消失了

The sound of the cheering faded away in the distante

11. 她表示愿意帮忙

She expressed that she was willing to offer help

12. 消息传得很快

The news travel fast

13 .医生现在很忙

The doctor is not available

14. 她在度假

She is an vacantion

15. 他熟谙制造家具的工艺

He knew that craft of making furniture well

16. 心理学知识对每一位广告人的成功都是必不可少的

Psychplogy knowledge is essential advertisers’ successful

17. 这件设计稿很不错,但有一个地方需要改改

This design strow is good but that an alteration is needed here

18. 有些学生考试从不奢望得满分,他们只要及格就心满意足了

Some student never hope /expect to get full makes they will be happy with the passing grade 19. 最终,一名记者披露了这件事情的真相

At last a journalist uncovered the truth of / behind the matter

20. 很明显,他对那位陌生人的粗鲁行为很生气

It is apparent that he was very angry with the sreanger’s rude behavior

21. 这家工厂每天能生产一百辆汽车

This factory can turn out 100 cans a day

22. 我会把一切准备好,使你不用等候

I will be prepare for everything so as not to keep you waitting

23 这增加了我们的困难

This adds to our difficulties

24. 我们共有五十位

We are fifty in all

25 工厂从总收入中减去了损失

The factory deducted losses from the total income

26. 你觉得这张CD值600元吗?

Do you think this CD worth 600

27. 外面的声音太吵,以至于我们根本听不见你说话

It is so noisy outside that we can’t hear you at all

28. 这本小说和那本一样有趣

This novel as interesting as that one

29. 我整个周末都在乔安妮的住处闲逛

I have hung out the Joan’s place all the weekend

30. 屋子里都是人

The house is full of people

31. 优等生们的智商并不都比普通学生高

Top students are not all more intelligent than average students

32. 他穷得连件像样的衬衫都买不起

He is so poor that he can’t afford a decent shirt

33. 那位老人内心非常孤独,只有在这只小狗身上来寻求安慰

The old man felt lonely the only retied on the little dog for consolation

34. 只有在感觉受到危险时蛇才会攻击人

The snake will attack people only when they fell treatened

35. 人们通过报纸、广告、电视以及网络世界上最近发生的事情

People get to know what is happening around the world

36. 他以牺牲健康来完成这项工作

He finished this work at the expense of his /the health

37. 考试即将举行

The examnation at hand / the test is at hand

38. 他的成功完全是努力工作的结果

His success is entirelity to his hard work

39. 请尽力按时到达这里

Please make an effort to get here on time

40. 一个国家的富有应该从人民的健康幸福和它产物的物质产品来衡量.

The wealth of a country should be measured in terms of the health and happiness of its people and the materal goods it can produce as well as
