第二讲 英汉句子比较与翻译(1)
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5 出于礼貌,使措辞得当,语气委婉 Visitors are requested to show their tickets. 来宾请出示入场券。 Passengers are requested to fill in the customs declaration form here. 请旅客在此填写报关表。
4 为了加强上下文的连贯、衔接 John actually loved Mary and was loved in return. 约翰真的爱玛丽,而玛丽也爱约翰。 He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. 他出现在台上,观众热烈鼓掌欢迎。 Language is shaped by, and shapes, human thought. 人的思想形成语言,而语言又影响了人的思想。
——Angela Hong
Lecture two
The Comparison of English and Chinese Sentences in Translation(1)
Daily Translation
Guess what are the Chinese names of the following in Martial Arts?
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
汉语的被动态 1 有形式标记的被动态 2 无形式标记的被动态
1 表被动意义的助词 让,叫,给,被,受,挨,遭,由,加以,予以,为……所, 被……所,是…..的
例句: 工作已由他完成了。 The work has been done by him. 杯子给打得粉碎。 The cup has been broken into pieces. 这个问题必须予以处理。 This matter must be dealt with.
The visit gives me the opportunity which I have long sought, to see for myself the achievements of the Chinese people. 这次访问使我有机会亲眼看一看中国人民取得的成就, 这是我向往已久的。 I am heartened by the assurance which your Government has repeatedly given that the arrangements for Hong Kong contained in the Agreement are not measures of expediency. 贵国政府一再表示,协议中有关香港的安排不是权宜之 计,这种保证使我感到鼓舞。
Passive voice in translation
Converting the passive voice into the active Converting passive voice into a subjectless sentence Keeping the passive structure unchanged Replacing the passive voice with other means
2 无被动助词 看似主动,但在主谓关系上却有被动含义,这 种语言现象在汉语中大量存在。 例句: 那里讲什么语言? What language is spoken there? 这个任务必须按时完成。 This task must be fulfilled in time.
2 动作的对象是谈话的中心话题 Clinton is expected to give his testimony by videotape. 克林顿将会以录像的形式提供证词。 The scientific research plan has already been drawn up. 科研计划已经拟出来了。 The girl was criticized yesterday. 这个女孩昨天挨了一顿批评。
Guide of Dog Beating One Finger just like a Pen Nine Women catching White bones Sunflower Bible (from a gentleman to a lady )
英语重形合(hypotaxis),汉语重意合 (parataxis) 形合主要靠语言本身语法手段(形式手段), 意合主要靠句子内部逻辑联系
Converting the passive voice into the active
The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated. By the end of the war 800 people had been saved by the organization. A new way of displaying time has been given by electronics. To explore the moon’s surface, rockets were launched again and again. Salt is known to have a strong corroding effect on metals.
3 无从说出动作的实行者是谁 She was seen to go out of the room. 有人看见她走出了那个房间。 You’re wanted on the phone. 你的电话。 This rubbish is being disposed of. (有人)正在处理这些垃圾。
汉语无主句 用来表达观点、态度、要求、告诫、号召等 例句: 应该教育儿童讲老实话。 Children should be taught to speak the truth. 发现了错误,一定要改正。 Wrongs must be righted when they are discovered.
英语句子中,名词与介词占优势 主谓机制:抓住了谓语动词就抓住了英语句子 的灵魂。 名词与名词之间的联系要借介词来串通
Carlisle Street runs westward, across a great black bridge, down a hill and up again, by little shops and meat-markets, past singlestoried homes, until suddenly it stops against a wide green lawn. (7个介词) 卡莱尔大街往西伸展,越过一座黑色大桥,爬 下山岗又爬上去,经过许多小铺和肉市,又经 过一些平房,然后突然朝着一大片绿色草地中 止了。
英语:end-weight头轻脚重,属于主语显著 (subject-prominent)语言 It is….to…; there… 英语重视主语的位置及其统帅全局的作用。因 此在汉译英中,如何找准句子重心,确定主语 常常是翻译成败的关键因素。
汉语:头重脚轻,属于主题显著(topicprominent)语言 语言学家赵元任:在汉语中,主语与谓语之间 的语法关系与其说是施事和动作的关系,不如 说是话题和说明的关系,施事和动作可以看作 是话题和说明的一个特例。
奈达 《译意》Translating meaning: 就汉语和英语而言,也许在语言学中最重要的 一个区别就是形合与意合的对比 (contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis) 英语注重显性衔接(overt cohesion),汉语 注重隐性连贯(covert coherence)
傅雷:东方人与西方人的思维方式有基本分歧, 我人重综合,重归纳,重暗示,重含蓄;西方 人则重分析,细微曲折,挖掘唯恐不尽,描写 唯恐不周。 汉语学家王力:西洋语法是硬的,没有弹性; 中国语法是软的,富有弹性。……所以中国语 法以达意为主。 英国人写文章往往化零为整, 而中国人写文章却往往化整为零。
I worked very hard on this book. 这本书我花了很多心血。 He isn’t interested in things like watching TV, listening to songs, or dancing. 看电视、唱歌、跳舞这类活动他都不感兴趣。
例句: 由于距离远,又缺乏交通工具,使农村社会与外界隔绝, 而这种隔绝,又由于通讯工具不足而变得更加严重。 Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media. The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media.
Practice on passive voice:
Try to improve the version of “The year 2050” in your textbook, P2, and pay attention to the passive voice.
Angela’s Version:
国际方面仍未推出新措施来解决极端贫穷和落后问题。 经济贫困化仍在继续,而20世纪业已存在的不平等现 象则更加严重。对极多数人来说,持续的营养不良和 落后的医疗措施使其中儿童死亡率高居不下。而贯彻 两性平等的工作也止步不前。一亿之多的学龄儿童未 能入学,其中2/3都为女童。中学人数仍寥寥无几, 平均婚龄也增长缓慢。因此,贫困家庭仍选择多生多 育来弥补高死亡率带来的损失,从而保证男童的存活 并能与贫困坐斗。女性在生育问题上仍不能做主,许 多家庭即便不愿多要孩子,也仍不能获得高质量的计 划生育服务。
Inadequate training for farmers and the low productivity of many farms place the majority of country dwellers in a disadvantageous position in their own countries. 农民缺乏训练,许多农场生产率很低,这就使 得大多数农民处于贫穷的境地。
英汉语言语态上的差异 英语:广泛使用被动语态 汉语:较少使用被动语态
英语被动语态使用的情况: 1 不知道或是没有必要说明行为的实行者 The audience are requested to keep silent. 请观众保持肃静。 She was offered a job in a middle school. 人家给她一个中学里的位置。
英汉句子重心的差异 We believe that it is right and necessary that people with different political and social systems should live side by side—not just in a passive way but as active friends. 我们认为生活在不同政治社会制度下的各国人民应该 共处,不仅仅是消极共处,而是要积极地友好相处, 这是正确而必要的。 汉语的习惯是叙事在前,表态在后。英语的习惯是表 态在前,叙事在后。