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Memory consists of two interrelated components: Short-term Memory (STM) a.k.a.(又名) working memory(工作记忆) is that portion of total memory that is currently activated or in use. 短时记忆是整体记忆中处于活跃状态或处于工作状态的部分。 Long-term Memory (LTM) is that portion of total memory devoted to permanent information storage. 长期记忆则是整个记忆中用于储存永久信息的部分。
Episodic memory(情节记忆) is the memory of a sequence of events in which a person participated. 情节记忆是对个人所参与的系列事件的记忆。
9.2.1短时记忆Short-Term Memory 短时记忆类似于我们通常所说的思考,是一个活跃、动态 的过程,而不是一个静态的过程。 STM is Short Lived(短时记忆是短暂存在的) Consumers must constantly refresh information through maintenance rehearsal(保持性复述) or it will be lost. STM has Limited Capacity(短时记忆只有有限的容量) Consumers can only hold so much information in current memory.
过去的经历。因此,意象处理涉及感官影像的回忆和运用, 包括视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉。 从喷水口流出的水与周围干旱土地形成了对比。这些具体 的影像诱导消费者回忆起上一次骑车旅行时的口渴,广告 词,“请想象。。。的画面”,“请感受。。。”
Camelbak 骆驼背
concepts(概念) and imagery(意象) 概念是对现实的抽象,用其他的概念来反映事物的含义,与 词典中对词的定义类似。 因此,当第一次接触camelbak这个新概念时,消费者可能会 想起水壶和背包这些概念。
Camelbak 骆驼背
Elaborative Activities Occur in STM(短时记忆中的加工活动) Elaborative activities serve to redefine or add new elements to memory and can involve both concepts (概念) and imagery(意象). 加工活动是运用已有的经验、价值观、态度、信念、感 觉来解释和评价当前记忆中的信息以及添加与以前所存 储的信息相关的内容。加工性活动对进入记忆中的新元 素进行重新界定或添加。
Consumer behavior is largely learned behavior.
知觉系统处理信 息的摄取,包括 展露、注意阶段, 可能是有意识的 或者无意识的。 短时记忆负责在 信息被解释和转 化为长期信息的 过程中暂时保留 信息。长期记忆 则负责在决策中 用到的信息的存 储和提取。
9.2记忆在学习中的角色Memory’s Role in Learning 学习是以往学习经验的总积累。记忆是学习的关键,由两 个相互关联的部分即短时记忆和长期记忆组成。
第九章 学习、记忆与产品定位 CHAPTER
Consumer Behavior In The News…
Can they really do that? Hershey’s, long known for its great candy bars, has extended into cookies. In fact, they have gone so far as to use the Hershey name on the cookie. Is this a smart move for the Hershey brand? Why?
Semantic memory (语义记忆) Episodic memory(情节记忆)
Semantic memory (语义记忆)is the basic knowledge and feelings an individual has about a concept. 语义记忆是个体对于某个概念的最基本的知识和感觉,代表一个人 对事物或事件在最简单水平上的理解。
The Nature of Learning and Memory
学习是指长期记忆或 行为在内容和结构上 的变化,是信息处理 的结果。
Learning is any change in the content or organization of long-term memory or behavior and is the result of information processing.
Consumer Behavior In The News…
Can they really do that? Is this a smart move for the Hershey brand?
More than likely, yes.
Why? Hershey’s Cookies LEVERAGES the strong Hershey name. It does so in a category for which there is a strong fit on factors such as taste and quality.
Episodic memory(情节记忆) is the memory of a sequence of events in which a person participated. 情节记忆是对个人所参与的系列事件的记忆。
9.2.1短时记忆Short-Term Memory 短时记忆类似于我们通常所说的思考,是一个活跃、动态 的过程,而不是一个静态的过程。 STM is Short Lived(短时记忆是短暂存在的) Consumers must constantly refresh information through maintenance rehearsal(保持性复述) or it will be lost. STM has Limited Capacity(短时记忆只有有限的容量) Consumers can only hold so much information in current memory.
过去的经历。因此,意象处理涉及感官影像的回忆和运用, 包括视觉、嗅觉、味觉、触觉。 从喷水口流出的水与周围干旱土地形成了对比。这些具体 的影像诱导消费者回忆起上一次骑车旅行时的口渴,广告 词,“请想象。。。的画面”,“请感受。。。”
Camelbak 骆驼背
concepts(概念) and imagery(意象) 概念是对现实的抽象,用其他的概念来反映事物的含义,与 词典中对词的定义类似。 因此,当第一次接触camelbak这个新概念时,消费者可能会 想起水壶和背包这些概念。
Camelbak 骆驼背
Elaborative Activities Occur in STM(短时记忆中的加工活动) Elaborative activities serve to redefine or add new elements to memory and can involve both concepts (概念) and imagery(意象). 加工活动是运用已有的经验、价值观、态度、信念、感 觉来解释和评价当前记忆中的信息以及添加与以前所存 储的信息相关的内容。加工性活动对进入记忆中的新元 素进行重新界定或添加。
Consumer behavior is largely learned behavior.
知觉系统处理信 息的摄取,包括 展露、注意阶段, 可能是有意识的 或者无意识的。 短时记忆负责在 信息被解释和转 化为长期信息的 过程中暂时保留 信息。长期记忆 则负责在决策中 用到的信息的存 储和提取。
9.2记忆在学习中的角色Memory’s Role in Learning 学习是以往学习经验的总积累。记忆是学习的关键,由两 个相互关联的部分即短时记忆和长期记忆组成。
第九章 学习、记忆与产品定位 CHAPTER
Consumer Behavior In The News…
Can they really do that? Hershey’s, long known for its great candy bars, has extended into cookies. In fact, they have gone so far as to use the Hershey name on the cookie. Is this a smart move for the Hershey brand? Why?
Semantic memory (语义记忆) Episodic memory(情节记忆)
Semantic memory (语义记忆)is the basic knowledge and feelings an individual has about a concept. 语义记忆是个体对于某个概念的最基本的知识和感觉,代表一个人 对事物或事件在最简单水平上的理解。
The Nature of Learning and Memory
学习是指长期记忆或 行为在内容和结构上 的变化,是信息处理 的结果。
Learning is any change in the content or organization of long-term memory or behavior and is the result of information processing.
Consumer Behavior In The News…
Can they really do that? Is this a smart move for the Hershey brand?
More than likely, yes.
Why? Hershey’s Cookies LEVERAGES the strong Hershey name. It does so in a category for which there is a strong fit on factors such as taste and quality.