第二章 翻译的基本概念

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1.2.1 Word-for-word Translation The culture shared by people speaking the receptor language is often very different from the culture of people speaking the source language. This will automatically make them difficult to find lexical equivalents. The lexicons of the two languages sometimes do not match. This mismatch will make it necessary for the translators to deal with many adjustments in the process of translation. This causes a one-for-one equivalence of lexical terms impossible.

In this example “a cultural unit” means “一个文化单元” in Chinese, and is not what the Chinese people called “文化单 位 ,” which should correctly be translated into “a historical site.”

Example 4.9 中山纪念堂是广东省重点文化保护单 位。 (广州中山纪念堂简介) The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall is a protected site of key importance as a cultural unit by the order of Guangdong Provincial Government.

A wolf in sheep’s clothing Kill two birds with one stone Armed to the teeth An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth All roads lead to Rome born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth a storm in a tea cup

1.1.4 Translation consists in reproducing the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. A, 再现原文信息,而不是保留原文的结构形式; B, 原文与译文之间是对等,而非同一关系; C,对等是贴切,自然的; D, 意义是优先考虑的因素; E, 文体成分也很重要。

3, 翻译的标准 语际的意义转换不能是任意的,它必须 遵循一定的规范,才能使翻译成为有意 义的社会行为。翻译的标准,就是语际 意义转换的规范性制约条件。 ----刘宓庆:1990《现代翻译理 论》

3.1泰勒的三标准: (1) A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. (2) The style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of the original. (3) A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.

When people render “ 单 位 ” into English, they are accustomed to connect “单位”in Chinese to“unit” in English, but actually no word in English can really match the word “单位”in Chinese. Thus the limit of lexical equivalence appears, which requires us to make the translation specific.

例: crocodile tear cowboy golden age to cry wolf soap opera dark horse hotdog sour grape
honey moon Pandora’s box forbidden fruit 铁饭碗 半边天 官倒 纸老虎

2, 翻译的分类; 2.1 翻译手段:口译、笔译、机器翻译 2.2 翻译语言: 2.2.1 言内翻译:
信息 信息接受者

2.2.2 言际翻译:
译者 TL信息接受者
TL译文 重新编码 解码
SL原文 编码
翻译过程 解码

2.2.3 符号翻译 2.3 翻译题材: 政论文、应用文、科技文、文学

化境论(fairy):把作品从一国文字转变成 另一国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异 而露出生硬牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存 原作的风味,那就算得入于化境。 钱钟书 《林纾的翻译》

The whole sky spangled gay twinkling stars, and the Milky Way is as distinct as though it had been washed and rubbed with snow for holiday. ----英著名俄罗斯古典文学家翻译 家加内特夫人(Garnet Constance) 译契 科夫《樊凯》

3.2 直译和意译(free/paraphrasing translation) 直译:人们关心的是语言层面的技术处 理问题,即如何在保持原语形式的同时, 不让其意义失真; 意译:人们认为语言有不同的文化内涵 和表达形式,当形式成为翻译的障碍时, 就要采取意译。

直意之争: “凡是翻译,必须兼顾两面,一当然力求其易 解,一则保持原作的丰姿。” 鲁迅《且介亭杂文二集 “题未定草” 》 神似论(godlikeness):以效果而论,翻译应当 象临画一样,所求的不在形似而在神似。 傅雷《高老头》译序 化境论(fairy):把作品从一国文字转变成另一 国文字,既能不因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬 牵强的痕迹,又能完全保存原作的风味,那就 算得入于化境。 钱钟书 《林纾的翻译》

In this context, to render“重点文化保护单 位 ” into “a protected site of key importance as a cultural unit” is an instance of “word-for-word” translation, although the individual English words are fairly consistent with the Chinese words(in the original work) in their word order and their “part of speech.”

笑里藏刀 天下乌鸦一般黑 路遥知马力,事久见人心 初生牛犊不怕虎 巧妇难为无米之炊

归化:人类文化具有共同的范畴,因此,两种 语言在表达上出现意象相同的内容,有的意象 不同,意义基本一致,翻译时用译入语的文化 意象来取代原文里的文化意象,或用译入语现 有的词汇来翻译。 特点:归化翻译采取民族中心主义的态度,使 外语文本夫和义务语言的文化价值,把原作者 带入译入语文化。 Venuti, Lawrence. 1995. The translator’s Invisibility. London: Routledge.

Example 5.7 水映山容,使山容益添秀美,山青水秀,使水 能更显柔情。有诗云:岸上湖中各有奇,山觞 水酌两相宜。只言游舫浑如画,身在画中原不 知。

The hills overshadow the lake, and the lake reflects the hills. They are in perfect harmony and more beautiful than a picture. (中译英技巧文集, 1992)

In the source language text, the first sentence is formed by four-character expressions( 水 映 山 容 and 山 青 水 秀 ), which serves to make sentences balanced and sound with emphasis on meaning. Owing to this feature, it is enough to translate the two fourcharacters by blending to avoid redundancy.

整个天空点缀着繁星,快活地扎眼。天 河那么清楚地显现出来,就好像有人在 过节以前用雪把它擦洗过似的。 天上闪耀着光明的亮星,牛奶路很白, 好像是礼拜日用雪擦洗过的一样。 ----赵景深译

3.3 异化(dissimilation) 和归化 (domestication) 异化:转达原文意思的时候,是译文的表达形 式和句法结构尽量同原文一致起来,能完全对 等的就完全对等,不能完全对等的也要大致对 等。 优点:保留的原文的文化意象,目的是使译文 保持原文的语言风格,向译文读者介绍源语文 化,并丰富译入语及文化。 ----Venuti, Lawrence. 1995. The translator’s Invisibility. London: Routledge.

第二章 翻译的基本概念

1,翻译的性质(定义) 1.1 人们对翻译性质的认识:由现象到本质;由 低级到高级。 1.1.1 盖翻译者,谓翻梵天之语,转成汉地之言。 音虽似别,意则大同。 ----宋僧法云《翻译名义集》 1.1.2 译即易,谓换易言语使相解也。 ----唐贾公彦 《义疏》 1.1.3 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达 的思想内容准确而完整的重新表达出来的语言 活动。 ----张培基

The whole poem shouldn’t be omitted, because here, hills and lakes set each other off and form an internal whole, and the poem is just describing this scenery. Using blending to interpret the poem not only retains the original but also obtains the equivalence between Chinese and English. Abridged from The English translation of Chinese Tourism Texts form the Perspective of Cultranslation