DELIMON润滑 bmb电动润滑泵英文资料

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The pump con sists of a hou sing to get her with the pump head and the lu bri cant re ser voir moun ted on top. The pump head has an in te gral pres s u r e re lief val v e.


The pump is supp lied, at choi ce, eit her with gea red mo tor or ge ar box with free-end shaft. Wi ring of mo t or see un der com mis sio ning.


Re ser voir to get her with wed ge pla te assy. and scra p er The wed g e pla te assy (17) is dri ven by the worm wheel (7, 25) and worm. The grea se is thus scra ped off the wall of the re ser voir and squee zed into the hou sing (38). Pump head

The pump head is se cu red in the hou sing (4) by 5 cap screws (14, 22). It ba si cal ly com pri ses a flan g e (44) with worm (25) and the pump ele ment with is fa ste ned on top of the flan g e. Both con trol- ((29) and feed plun ger (31) of pump ele ment are dri ven via an ec cen tric (28, 50, 51 and 47, 48, 49) run ning in ball bea rings. The plun gers are po si -ti ve ly con trol led in the ec cen trics thus sei zing (as usu al ly oc cu ring with spring-loaded plun gers or with hy drau lic pres su re load) is pre ven ted.

Suc tion stro k e

At the start of the suc tion stro ke, both con trol- and feed plun ger are mo ved to the left whe r e b y the feed plun -ger un co vers the suc tion port. The va cu um in con junction with the slight over pres su re of lu bri cant oc cu ring in s i d e the hou sing (4), cau ses the lu bri cant to be su cked via the con trol plun ger bore and the suc tion port.Pres su re stro ke

Now both the con trol- and feed plun ger are mo ved to the right. This un co vers a con nec tion via the an nu lar groo -ve of the con trol plun ger bet ween suc tion port and pres -su re chan nel so that the lu bri cant is for c ed by the feed plun ger into the pres su re chan nel.



stall the pump ver

ti cal ly. Then con nect the mo tor to

the con trol pa nel (re fer to wi ring dia gram). Wire mo tor so

as to en su re that fan runs an ti-clockwise.

Fil ling the re ser voir and pipe li nes

Ef fi cient ope ra tion de mands the use of only cle a n lu -

bri cant! Con ta mi na tion of the lu bri cant can lead to ope -

ra tion trou ble and da ma ge. The re ser voir should only be

re-charged via the fil ler plug pro vi ded, pre fe ra bly by use of

a fil ling pump or grea se gun, or from the works bulk supp ly

sy stem. The con tai ner must al ways be kept clo sed and

care ta ken in en su ring that the lu bri cant is kept free from

dirt and ot h er con ta mi na tion. Re char ging of the con t ai -

ner at the cor rect time is most im por tant, ot her wi se the r e is

a risk of air fin ding its ways into the pump and main li nes.

To en su re trou ble-free functio ning the pump it self should

be bled by ope ra ting it for a pe riod wit hout back pres su re.

As soon as the lu bri cant is disch ar ged free of air bub bles

from pres su re con nec tion (P), the feed li nes can be

con nec ted. Run the pump then and con ti nue to bleed all

main li nes, then con n ect pre-filled pi pe work to the me -

te ring ele ments.

Con nec ting the pres su re and re lief li nes

The pres su re out let port at the flan g e (44) has a pipe

con nec tion of 3/8" BSP fe ma le thre ad. When using the

pump in a dual-line sy stem, this branch is used to con n ect

the 4/2-way re ver sing val ve (or 3/2-way val v e re spec ti ve -

ly). On the hou sing (4) the re is the pres su re re lief port of

3/8" BSP to con nect the 4/2-way val ve. In fil ling or grea sing

sy stems wit hout a chan ge-over val ve, this port should be

shut by a plug.

Grease Lubrication Pump BM - B

Ope ra ting In struc tio nes
