消化系统诊断学PPT的word版 腹部检查 中英文对照版
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Abdominal Examination:
1.Sequence:inspection, auscultation, percussion, and palpation
原因:(1)convenient to perform the auscultation after the auscultation of the heart.
(2)avoid the negative impacts of palpations on auscultation of bowel sounds (←alteration of peristalsis)避免触诊对听肠鸣音的影响(改变了肠蠕动)
2、Anatomic Landmarks:解剖标志
(1)xiphoid (ensiform) process(剑状突起) of sternum(胸骨)
(2)costal margin肋弓缘
(4)anterior superior iliac spine髂前上棘
(5)inguinal ligament 腹股沟韧带
(6)superior margin of os pubis耻骨上缘
(7)anterior midline/midabdominal line 腹中线
(8)lateral border of rectus muscles 腹直肌外缘
(9)symphysis pubis (耻骨联合)
3、Zones of abdomen:4 quadrants , 9 sections
The anterior surface of the abdomen is divided into four quadrants by two intersecting lines
(1) one extending vertically from the xiphoid, through the umbilicus, to the symphysis pubis
(2) the other extending horizontally across the abdomen at the level of the umbilicus.
Right upper quadrant 右上腹部
Left upper quadrant 左上腹部
Right lower quadrant 右下腹部
Left lower quadrant 左下腹部
Two imaginary, parallel, horizontal lines 两条互相平行的假想水平线
(1)across the lowest border of the costal margin 经过两侧肋弓下缘的连线
(2)across the anterior superior iliac spine 经过两侧髂前上棘的连线
Two imaginary, parallel, vertical lines 两条互相平行的假想垂直线
(1)across the middle point of linking line formed by left anterior superior iliac and
midabdominal line 经过左髂前上棘至腹中线连线的中点
(2)across the middle point of linking line formed by right anterior superior iliac and midabdominal line 经过右髂前上棘至腹中线连线的中点
所以分为了9 sections:
Right hypochondrial region右季肋部
Left hypochondrial region 左季肋部
Right lumber region 右腰部
Left lumber region 左腰部
Right iliac region 右髂部
Left iliac region 左髂部
Epigastric region 上腹部
Umbilical region 脐部
Hypogastric region下腹部
4. Question : What are the distinct benefits and disadvantages in Four-quadrant and Nine-section methods? 四区法和九区法的明显优缺点?
Four-quadrant :
(1) simple, practical 简单实用
(2) rough, imprecise 粗糙不精确
(tenderness of epigastric region) (上腹部压痛)
(1) elaborates more clearly and more exactly 更清晰精确
(2) inconvenient 不方便
(3) limited scope of left or right hypochondrial region, left or right iliac region
5. Inspection: General preparation 望诊的一般准备
(1)urinate completely: bladder is empty 膀胱排空
(2)relax abdominal muscles: lie on back with a pillow under head and knees bent 放松腹部肌肉:低枕仰卧位,双腿屈曲
(3)expose abdomen completely: from xiphoid process to pubis 充分暴露腹部:上至剑突,下至耻骨联合
(4)breasts should be covered: female 遮盖乳房:女性
6. Inspection: major contents望诊的主要内容
abdominal contour 腹部外形
respiratory movements 呼吸运动
abdominal veins 腹壁静脉
gastral or intestinal pattern(胃型或肠型)
abdominal rash(皮疹), hernia(疝), striae(纹), etc.
7. Inspection: Abdominal Contour 视诊
whether the abdomen is symmetrical 腹部是否对称
whether it is bulged or retracted 是否膨隆或凹陷
whether it is indicative of ascites or enclosed mass(包块) 是否提示有腹水或包块Normal :
(1) abdominal flatness(腹部平坦) :
√ abdomen at the same level or lower as between costal margin and symp hysis pubis
√ ask the patient to sit, the lower part of umbilicus can become more or less protruded or bulged
(2) abdominal fullness(腹部饱满) :
√ very fat or a child, the abdomen is a little bit round 肥胖者或小儿(尤其餐后)腹部外形饱满或膨隆
√The level of the abdomen higher than that of the surface between costal margin and symphysis pubis 前腹面超过肋弓缘至耻骨联合平面
(3) abdominal lowness(腹部低平):
√ very thin or slender, the level of the abdomen lower than that of the surface between costal margin and symphysis pubis (← little subcutaneous fat)
abdominal flatness, fullness, and lowness (normal cases)
√ abdomen obviously protruded or bulged, or exceedingly retracted or depressed
(abnormal and usually pathologic) 腹部明显膨隆或过分凹陷(异常,通常为病理)
8. Pathologic conditions 病理情况: abdominal protuberance (bulge) 腹部膨隆
I. Overall/generalized abdominal protuberance/bulge 全腹膨隆
√ ← several pathologic factors besides overly obesity or physiologic pregnancy
i. Peritoneal fluid 腹腔积液
a large amount of free fluid within the abdomen (ascites 腹水) → abdominal wall can be lax in supine position仰卧位时腹壁松弛→ fluid can deposit at both lateral sides (the contour just like a frog belly) 液体下沉于腹腔两侧(外形如蛙腹)
√ lies on one side or sits 侧卧或坐位→ the lower part of abdominal wall will be bulged ( ← movement of free fluid) 腹下部膨出(由腹腔积液移动引起)
√ commonly found in ascites complicated by portal hypertension (liver cirrhosis) 见于肝硬化门脉高压症→in long-term ascites, the appearance of the umbilicus is protruded or everted (umbilical hernia) 在长期腹水中,脐外形凸出或外翻(脐疝)
√ (obesity) the umbilicus is usually deeply inverted(肥胖)脐通常下凹
Apical belly尖腹
← peritonitis腹膜炎or invasion of cancer cells癌细胞侵袭(abdominal muscle: tense, usu. with the apical shape) (腹肌:紧张,通常呈尖凸形)
Peritoneal air 腹内积气
√ ← a large amount of air accumulating in the cavity of stomach. 胃腔内大量积气
√ globular shape ( two sides of lumber region is not obviously protrudent.) 球形,两侧腰部膨出不明显
√ ask the patient to move or change the position → the shape of abdomen remains globular
√ commonly found in intestinal obstruction肠梗阻or enteroparalysis(肠麻痹)
√ ← air accumulating in the abdominal cavity 腹腔内大量积气
√ commonly found in perforation of gastrointestinal diseases or artificial pneumoperitoneum meant to treat 常见于胃肠穿孔,或者治疗性人工气腹
Huge abdominal enclosed mass 腹内巨大包块
usually found in full-term pregnancy足月妊娠, huge ovarian cyst(卵巢囊肿), teratoma畸胎瘤, etc.
For any generalized abdominal bulge, circumference of abdomen should be measured in centimeters at the level of the umbilicus with a soft tape measure during normal abdominal breathing.
Ⅱ.Local abdominal bulge局部膨隆
← enlarged viscera脏器肿大, tumor, inflammatory enclosed mass炎症性肿块, gastrointestinal flatulence(肠胃胀气), hernia, etc.
9. Abdominal concavity/ retraction 腹部凹陷
(In supine position仰卧位) the abdomen at the level much lower than that between costal margin and symphysis pubis 前腹壁明显低于剑突至耻骨联合的水平面→ abdominal concavity/retraction.
two kinds of retraction: overall abdominal retraction全腹凹陷and local abdominal retraction局部凹陷(较为少见).
The former one: of greater significance 全腹凹陷更具意义
I.Overall abdominal concavity/retraction 全腹凹陷
usually found in patients severely emaciated or seriously dehydrated
Scaphoid abdomen 舟状腹
√ the contour of abdomen: just like a boat (anterior abdomen almost approximating to spinal column + arch of rib, iliac crest (髂嵴) + symphysis pubis all apparent)
√ commonly seen in cachexia(恶病质)
Local abdominal retraction 局部凹陷
← contraction of scar after operation and less common手术后腹壁瘢痕收缩所致,较少见
10. Abdominal Wall
Pigment色素:Addison’s disease(肾上腺皮质功能减退); Cullen sign (A bluish discoloration of the umbilicus 脐部变蓝(occasionally seen after major intraperitoneal hemorrhage有时见于腹膜后大出血); Grey-Turner sign (A similar discoloration of the flanks左腰部皮肤呈蓝色, (in the absence of trauma) seen following the extravasation of blood from intra-abdominal organs into extraperitoneal sites见于血液自腹膜后间隙渗到腹侧壁皮下, as in hemorrhagic pancreatitis急性出血性胰腺炎)
Abdominal striae腹纹:白纹、妊娠纹、紫纹。
Scar 瘢痕:手术史的证实。
Hernia 疝:腹股沟斜、直疝;腹壁疝;脐疝。
Umbilicus 脐部:
Body hairs 体毛:男、女性差异。
Groin 腹股沟:包块、结节、疤痕、异常搏动。
11.abdominal veins: 腹壁静脉
Normally, abdominal veins do not appear unless the patient is thinner or is light-complexioned, or abdominal inner pressure is elevated,← ascites, huge abdominal tumor, pregnancy, etc.
The presence of distended abdominal veins: impairment of circulation ← portal hypertension or obstruction of superior or inferior vena cava.
√ Prominence of these vessels (called abdominal wall varicosis(腹壁静脉曲张) : increased collateral circulation增加了侧支循环← obstruction in the portal venous system or in the vena cava门静脉系统或腔静脉回流受阻.
√ obvious portal hypertension → dilated veins appear to radiate outward from the umbilicus于脐部可见一簇曲张静脉向四周放射, like the head of medusa像水母头caput medusae(海蛇神头)
normal direction of flow in abdominal vessels: away from the umbilicus —— the upper abdominal veins carry blood upward to the superior vena cava; the lower abdominal veins drain downward to the inferior vena cava
√If a vein is engorged, the direction of flow can be demonstrated by a simple maneuver.
maneuver: 指压法(绿书P245下部)
√ placing the index fingers side by side over the vein, pressing laterally, separating the fingers one by one, and observing the time it takes the veins to refill from each direction;
√The flow of venous blood is in the direction that fills faster.
Usually the rate of filling is obviously faster in one direction than in the other, indicating the direction of flow in that portion of the collateral venous system. 通常其中一个方向的静脉充盈速度快于另一个方向,提示那一段侧支静脉系统的血流方向。
In portal hypertension normal flow direction is maintained. In contrast, obstruction of the vena cava alters the flow direction in these veins.
门静脉阻塞: 脐为中心,放射状
In obstruction of the superior vena cava, the flow direction in the upper abdominal venous collaterals is reversed or downward.
In inferior vena cava obstruction the direction is reversed in the lower abdominal veins, and they will drain upward.
上腔静脉阻塞: 脐上向下
下腔静脉阻塞: 脐下向上
12. gastric or intestinal pattern and peristalsis:胃肠型和蠕动波
13. gastral or intestinal pattern(胃型或肠型) and peristalsis(蠕动波)
In lean individuals, even in the absence of disease, motility of the stomach and intestines may be reflected in the abdominal wall. 在极度消瘦的个体上,即使没有疾病,腹壁也能看到胃肠运动。
When strong contractions are visible through an abdominal wall of average thickness, the possibility of bowel obstruction should be investigated. 当能在体型正常的个体的腹壁上看到强烈收缩,应检查是否为肠梗阻。
Reverse peristalsis indicates pyloric stenosis, duodenal stenosis, or malrotation of the bowel.逆蠕动波提示幽门狭窄,十二指肠狭窄,或者“肠旋转不良?”。
14.Auscultation of Abdomen 腹部听诊
bowel sound 肠鸣音
Normal 正常:4-5次/分
Active 活跃:10次/分
Hyperactive 亢进:次数多、调高
Decreased 减弱:少于1次/分
Disappeared 消失:3-5分
15. Bowel sounds 肠鸣音
(1) Auscultate bowel sounds with diaphragmatic head of stethoscope for at least one minute.用听诊器膜型体件听至少1分钟。
(2) If there are no bowel sounds, listen until you hear them or for at least 3-5 minutes. 如果没有
(3) Normal bowel sounds are a glue-glue-like sound occurring either separately or together, approximately 4-5 times per minute. 正常的肠鸣音为断断续续的咕噜咕噜声,大约每分钟4~5次。
(4) Pay attention to their frequency, pitch, and intensity. High-pitched (gurgling) sounds with increased frequency are regarded as hyperactivety.注意肠鸣音的频率、音调、声响。
(5) Lack of bowel sounds indicates little or no peristalsis.未闻及肠鸣音,提示弱或无肠蠕动。
(6) absence of any sound /extremely weak + infrequent sounds heard after several minutes: immobile bowel of peritonitis腹膜炎or paralytic ileus (肠梗阻)
(7 )↑ sounds with a characteristic loud, rushing, high-pitched tinkling quality响亮、高亢,甚至叮当声或金属调: in mechanical intestinal obstruction机械性肠梗阻(← distention of the bowel 肠腔扩大+ ↑ peristaltic activity proximal to the site of the obstruction肠蠕动亢进处接近梗阻部位)
16.Percussion 叩诊
General percussion
All four quadrants of the abdomen are evaluated by percussion. 应用于四个区。
Light percussion is preferable: produces a clearer tone. 轻触:产生更清楚的音。
Tympany(鼓音) : the most common percussion sound in the abdomen 腹部叩诊最常见的音← gas collection积气; appreciated(明显)over the stomach, small intestine, and colon
16.1 Percussion of the liver
Percussion of the upper border of liver(肝上界) : along the right midclavicular line(沿右锁骨中线), right midaxillary line(右腋中线), and right scapular line(右肩胛线).
The level of the shift from resonance downward into dullness is defined as the upper border of liver. At this level, the liver is covered by lung and the border is also called the relative dullness border of liver(肝相对浊音界).
Then percussing downward 1-2 intercostal space, the level of the shift from dullness into flatness(实音) is identified as the absolute dullness border of liver(肝绝对浊音界), without lung covering, and also called the lower border of lung(肺下界).
Normally the the upper border of liver is located at the 5th intercostal space along the right midclavicular line, the 7th intercostal space along the right midaxillary line, and the 10th intercostal space along the right scapular line.
Percussion of the lower border of liver(肝下界) :along the right midclavicular line or anterior midline. The level of the shift from tympany upward into dullness is defined as the lower border of liver.
Percussion of liver span (肝上下径)
with the patient breathing normally 患者须正常呼吸
Percussion through the right midclavicular line from resonance over the lung field downward to dullness and from tympany over abdomen upward to dullness
Measure from upper to lower border of dullness for liver span. It is normally about 9-11 cm in the midclavicular line.
Percussion of the Liver:
Traube semilunar space胃泡鼓音区(9.5 6cm):
16.2 Percussion of the Spleen 脾脏叩诊
正常脾浊音界:左腋中线9~11肋间,长4~7cm 前方不超过腋前线
Normally splenic dullness percussed between the 9th and the 11th intercostal space along left midaxillary line
√ the scope 4-7cm 长度约4~7cm
√ without passing over left anterior axillary line 前方不超过腋前线
This should be done when splenic enlargement is suspected.
17.presence or absence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites) 腹腔出现游离积液
detected by several maneuvers 能用多种指压法探查
(1) shifting dullness, 移动性浊音
(2) fluid wave 液波
(3) elbow-knee position( puddle test) 水坑试验
18. Percussion --- shifting dullness
lie on his back, percuss the abdomen at the umbilicus level from the midabdomen toward left side
tympany at midabdomen (the underlying bowel) 腹中部为鼓音(因为场馆内有气体而在液面浮起)
dullness at the bilateral flanks(the accumulation of ascites)When the patient with ascites lies on his back, the fluid will migrate into the flanks, producing dullness laterally. 两侧腹部呈浊音(因为腹水积聚在此)
find the point where percussion sound of tympany changes into dullness, should hold your pleximeter at that point,发现鼓音变浊音时,在声音转变处板指固定不动
simultaneously, ask the patient to turn on his right side and then continues to percuss the same point again. 与此同时,要求患者右侧卧位,在板指固定处再度叩诊
If the sound changes from dullness to tympany, it means that the dullness has been shifted to a more dependent position. This implies that ascites is present.如果闻及浊音又变为鼓音,说明浊音区因体位改变而移动了。
percuss the abdomen toward the right side. 同样方法向右侧叩诊。
find the point where percussion sound changes, and hold your pleximeter at that point, 发现鼓音变浊音时,在声音转变处板指固定不动
simultaneously, ask the patient to turn on his left side and then continue to percuss the same point again to confirm the shift of dullness. 与此同时,要求患者左侧卧位,在板指固定处再度叩诊
A volume of free fluid in the peritoneal cavity greater than 1000ml can be detected
with this method. 当腹腔内游离积液达1000ml以上时,即可用此法查出。
19. Elbow-knee position--- puddle test
amount too little, shifting dullness not be found, ask the patient to take elbow-knee position (puddle test examination in terms of percussion)
Elbow-knee position:
The purpose of elbow-knee position --- let the patient’s umbilicus at the lowest level
percuss from flanks toward the umbilicus 由侧腹部向脐部叩诊
If percussion sound could change from tympany to dullness, it indicates ascites.
detect as little as 120 mL of fluid 当积液≥120ml时,可用此法查及。
many feeble patients cannot cooperate in the performance of this test (this method requires the patient to maintain such discomfortable position for several minutes)
Huge ovarian cyst 巨大卵巢囊肿
√ a large area of dullness at midabdomen 腹中部大面积浊音
√ tympany at laterals (bowels could be pushed to the bilateral flanks) 腹部两侧为鼓音(因为肠管被卵巢囊肿压挤至两侧腹部)
√ The dullness of ovarian cyst could not shift. 卵巢囊肿的浊音不呈移动性
Ruler pressing test 尺压试验
√ to differentiate huge ovarian cyst from real ascites 用于鉴别巨大卵巢囊肿和腹水
√ take the supine position, a hard ruler on the patient’s abdominal wall horizontally, presses the ruler downward with two hands. 患者仰卧位,用一硬尺横置于腹壁上,检查者两手将尺下压
If huge ovarian cyst exists, the pulsation of abdominal aorta will conduct to the ruler via the cyst, leading to rhythmic pulsation of the hard ruler.
If free fluid, not cyst, exists in the abdominal cavity, the pulsation of abdominal aorta could not conduct, so the hard ruler has no such rhythmic pulsation.
20.Palpation 触诊
principle of palpation 触诊的原则
a) relax the patient 患者放松
b) palpate four quadrants superficially from LLQ counterclockwise 据四区法,由左下腹开始逆时针方向依次检查全腹各区表面。
c) palpate all areas counterclockwise and superficially from left lower quadrant screening for tenseness(紧张度), tenderness(压痛), masses, etc.
d) Examination begins with gentle maneuvers and then palpation occurs more deeply. 先以轻柔动作检查,再行深部触诊。
e) Examiner uses the palms of his hands with fingers together and arm relaxed and forearm on a horizontal plane. 检查者手臂放松,前臂应与腹部平面在同一水平,用整个手掌检查。
f) The examiner presses with his fingers. 用手指触压。
To palpate four quadrants deeply 深部触诊
√Using the palmer surface of the fingers, examiner palpates in four quadrants to identify masses, tenderness, pulsations, etc. 检查者用手指掌面在腹壁各象限检查,紧张度,搏动,有无肿块等。
√ The abdominal wall should be depressed more than 2 cm. 压力约为下压腹壁2cm以上。
√ When deep palpation is difficult, examiner may want to use left hand placed over right hand to help exert pressure. 当深部触诊困难时,检查者可将左手置于右手上帮助施加压力。
21. 触诊基本方法
浅部触诊(light palpation)
深部触诊(deep palpation)
深部滑行触诊(deep slipping palpation):腹腔包块、器官
双手触诊(bimanual palpation):肝、脾、肾、腹腔肿物。
深压触诊(deep press palpation):确定腹腔压痛点与反跳痛
1. 仰卧体位、曲膝、垫枕。
2. 腹部充分暴露。
√ If a mass is suspected, determine its size, contour, mobility, tenderness, smoothness, irregularity, the hardness or softness and listen with stethoscope for a bruit over the mass.
√ If there is tenderness, determine the point of maximal tenderness and distribution.
To check for rebound tenderness: 检查反跳痛
palpate deeply at the point of tenderness, pause briefly, then remove the fingers quickly. Watch the patient’s face to see whether it hurts.
check other areas in the same manner for comparison 用同样的方法检查其它部位做比较。
23. contents of palpation 触诊内容
a) abdominal tenseness腹壁紧张度
In normal persons, abdominal wall is somewhat tense, but usually soft when palpated and easily depressed , and is called abdominal softness(腹壁柔软).
pathologic conditions → an abnormal ↑ or ↓ of abdominal tenseness
↑ of abdominal tenseness腹壁紧张度增加
√ Abdominal tenseness ↑, not accompanyed by muscle spasm无肌痉挛, ← t he ↑ abdominal content腹腔内容物增加, as gastrointestinal flatulence(肠胃胀气), artificial pneumoperitoneum(人工气腹), ascites, etc.
Board-like rigidity板状腹
√ If abdominal wall is palpated as obviously tense, even as rigid as a board, board-like rigidity is so called. 如果腹壁明显紧张,甚至强直,硬如木板,称板状腹。
√ ← the spasm of abdominal muscle由腹肌痉挛引起← peritoneal irritation, as the perforation of the gastrointeatinal diseases or rupture of the viscera 由腹膜刺激所致,比如急性胃肠穿孔或脏器破裂
Dough kneading sensation揉面感;柔韧感
√ If abdominal wall is palpated as pliable and tough, and if it has resistance and is not easily depressed, then the examiner feels the sensation of dough kneading.
√ Usually seen in tuberculosis peritonitis or cancerous peritonitis常见于结核性腹膜炎,或癌性腹膜炎。
↓ abdominal tenseness腹壁紧张度减低
← the decrease or disappearance of abdominal muscle’s tension(肌张力降低或消失);Usually found in chronic deeline(消耗性疾病) or drainage of large amount of ascites (大量放腹水)
Supplementary: 补充
Two types of pain may be elicited by palpation.两种触诊可引发的疼痛。
√ ← an organic lesion or functional disturbance within an abdominal viscus腹腔内脏器的器质性损伤或功能障碍
√ e.g. seen in an obstruc tive lesion of the intestine (a buildup of pressure and distention of the gut) 例如,肠梗阻性损害(肠内压力升高膨胀)
√ s everal characteristics: dull, poorly localized, and difficult for the patient to characterize 特点:钝痛,定位不清,描述困难
(2). Somatic(躯体的;体壁的)
√ ≈ the distress no ted in painful lesions of the skin
√ sharp, bright, and well localized剧烈,明了,定位明确
√ not caused primarily by involvement of the viscera 内脏不是引起疼痛的主要原因
√ indicates involvement of one of the somatic structures, such as the parietal peritoneum or the abdominal wall itself 提示了与疼痛相关的体壁结构,例如壁层腹膜或者腹壁本身。
√ an inflammatory process originating in a viscus will produce visceral pain that may extend to involve the peritoneum. 内脏的炎性反应会产生影响到腹膜的内脏疼痛。
√ Inflammation of the peritoneum → somatic pain.
√ best illustrated by appendicitis(阑尾炎) : the pain is at first poorly localized, dull, ill defined, and primarily midline (when it is entirely visceral in origin). →as the inflammation spreads to the peritoneum, the pain becomes sharp, bright, and well localized in the right lower quadrant over the involved region.
√ After a painful area is located, the examiner should determine whether the pain is constant under the pressure of the examing hand or if it is transient, tending to disappear even though pressure is continued over the area.
√ Pain caused by inflammation usually remains unchanged or increases as pressure is applied 【拒按】. 由炎症反应引起的疼痛在受触压时,通常持续存在,或者变剧烈。
√ Visceral pain as the result of distention or contraction of a viscus tends to become less severe while pressure is maintained 【喜按】.由内脏扩张或收缩所引起的内脏性疼痛在受触压时,往往会变轻。
√ When pain has been elicited, the examiner should test the phenom enon of rebound tenderness. 当触诊腹部出现压痛后,检查者需检查反跳痛。
√ found only when the peritoneum(壁层腹膜) overlying a diseased viscus becomes inflamed
√ Although it may be produced in different ways, the most common is to press firmly over a region distant from the tender area and then suddenly release the pressure. The patient will feel a sharp stab of pain in the area of disease if true rebound tenderness is present.
√ pressure applied in the right lower quadrant and then suddenly released will cause a marked increase in pain over an area of diverticulitis(憩室炎) in the left quadrant
√ Rebound tenderness may also be elicited by ha ving pressure over the tender area and having the patient cough or strain.
√ At times, if the area involved is small, rebound tenderness may be elicited only over the most tender area of the abdomen.
24.Tenderness and rebound tenderness
压痛+反跳痛(rebound tenderness):反跳痛--- 腹膜壁层已受炎症累及征象
腹膜刺激征(peritoneal irritation sign):压痛+反跳痛+腹肌紧张(“腹膜炎三联征”);反跳痛可在远离受试部位发生(提示局部或弥漫性腹膜炎)
25.Palpation of Viscera----- liver 肝脏触诊
To palpate liver at midclavicular锁骨中线and midsternal lines 正中线
√ right hand held parallel to the lower border of the costal margin
√ In the midclavicular starting at the anterior superior iliac crest, press down firmly and ask patient to inhale deeply
√ allows the liver to move down to meet your fingertips
√ If you feel nothing, press up a few centimeters toward the rib cage and repeat the maneuver. Do this continuously until you feel the liver or reach the costal margin.
√ Normally the liver is not p alpable, but sometimes the examiner may feel the edge of the normal liver at or slightly below the right costal margin.。