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a able accept acre act add adult all ancient angle ant appear

arch arm art audio August away balance banana band ba r

bat bath bean believe bicycle bind bite black blank blind blood blow

blue board boat bone born borrow bow branch break brief bro ther bull

burn camp candle cap car care carry cartoon carve cash catc h cave

cell chair channel chant charge circle clap clean clear cli mb close

cock collect comb complete cook core corn cotton counter cou rse cow

create creep cross culture cut day decent depend destroy dia logue dig

dip discuss door double down drag draw drink drive drop dro ught dry

earth eat elect else end evening excite exit experiment fact ory faint fan

fantasy fast father fear feather festival field finish fire first fist flat flow

fly food foot force foreign forget form frozen fuck function fur gas

generate get gift give glass go god grass green group grow

guard guide hair half happy harm hat have head hear heart hell hero high

hip hold hook hot hour house hunter hurt idea in it join juice

jump junior just key kid knee know lace large last lawyer lead leaf lean leap least leather lecture leg lend length l ess letter lick light like

limit line lip liquid live liver local long loose love low

magic main man manage mass medicine metal meter middle migh t mill mind mirror mist money month moon more most mother mountain mouse mouth move music near neck new night no norm al nose not notice number nurse October off old on one out over pair palm pan

pare part passion patient pea period pet phone physics piano picture

pile pine pipe plane plant please polite poll pond pool pop pore pork pose put pray price pull punch purple purse que stion quiet rage raise rapid

rat receive remain rent result rice rich ring ripe rise ro ad roll room root rope rough row rude saint salt same sea seat second section seed seek seem select self sense seri es serve shade shape share shell shift short sign similar s ip sit six slap sleep slip slow small smell smoke snake so le solid son sound source spare spear special spell sphere sponge spoon spring stand star steal stick

sting stop super swim tailor team tell temperature tense ter m textile thin

three throat through to touch tower town travel tree turn t utor two up vanish vase venture video voice vote warm waste wave way wealth weather well whole wide wind wine wing wise wood word worth wound write yard zero


Tony96163 发表于2006-1-4 18:16:00



