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Teaching Plan

Teaching Subject: Unit 3 Look at me! Part A Let 'lear n & Let 'do

Teaching Objectives:

1.Knowiedge objectives:

(1)Key words: eye, ear, no se, mouth, face

(2)Key senten ces: Look at me! This is my face.

2.Ability objectives: (1)Ss can liste n, read and say the key words.

(2)Ss can use the key words and senten ces to in troduce their body

p arts.

(3)Ss can liste n and un dersta nd the orders in Let' do and do the

acti ons.

3.Emotional objective:

Cultivate Ss' con scious ness of lov ing eyes and teeth and p rotect them.


Students in Grade 3 learn English for the first time. They are so active and lovely. They can have a great in terest in lear ning En glish.

They can say En glish very loudly and do acti ons very actively and funny. Maybe there are some mistakes in their pronunciations, but their performanee should be encouraged and their learning en thusiasm should be p rotected.

Teaching Key Po int:

Ss can liste n, read, say and un dersta nd the key words and use them to in troduce their five sense orga ns.

Teaching Difficult Po ints:

1. Ss can listen and understand the orders in Let' do and do the

acti ons.

2. Ss can read hose” and mouth” correctly.

Teaching Methods:

Task-based app roach, com muni cative app roach, TPR

Teaching Aids:

CAI, video, record ing mach ine, flashcards, a toy Teddy Bear, a p iece of toy moon cake, four stri ps of cloth

Teaching Pro cedures:

I .Warm-up

1. Greetings

2. Show a toy Teddy Bear and greet to Ss.

3. Enjoy a song: Teddy Bear

n . Presentation

Use the toy Teddy Bear to in troduce the words: eye, ear

Show a p iece of toy moon cake and smell it.

T: It smells good. I use my nose to smell it.

1. 2. 3. Prese nt the word: nose

4. T: It smells so good. I want to eat it. I use my mouth to eat it.

5. Present the word: mouth

6. Use the picture of Teddy Bear to present: face

7. Have Ss liste n, point and rep eat the words.

in. Practice

P air work: P lay a game: Nose, no se, eye/eaM

T: Touch your no se/ear/face/

3. Let' do

4. Group work: Make a comp etiti on: Liste n and do the acti ons

5. Use CAI to show my picture: Look at me. This is my face.

6. Ask Ss to introduce their five sense organs by using the senten ces: Look at me. This is my

7. Group work: Bli nd draw ing

Use the strips of cloth to close four Ss’ eyes. Ask them to liste n and draw the sense orga ns they hear. The n in troduce their pictures. IV. Wrap-up

1. Emotional education: We should love our eyes and teeth.

2. Evaluate the performanee of Ss and pick out the best group. V . Homework 1. Listen and read the words. 2. Do Let' do with your friends.

1. 2.
