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Changsha is a beautiful ancient city with a history of over 3,000 years. West of the city is the beautiful Yuelu Hill, at the foot of the hill, are many historic sites such as Yuelu Academy. In the center of the city is the ancient city gate tower --Tianxin Tower, which was built 1000 years ago. Also located in the city is the ancient Baisha Well, from which clear and pure water has been gushing out nonstop throughout the year for thousands of years. Inhabitants in Changsha today still come here to fetch water for drinking. Orange Island in the Xiang River was the place where Mr. Mao Zedong often strolled and meditated. Later he wrote a very famous poem in its praise.


过去的二十年里,有将近50万的中国知识分子涌入西方国家。据说上海在国外的音乐家足以组成一个世界一流的交响乐团(symphony orchestra)。在科技界、医学界和体育界,同样如此。中国知识分子移居国外是因为他们认为在国内不能充分发挥自己的才能。这种情况一直到九十年代初才有所改变,因为政府作出了努力从社会尊重和经济待遇上提高知识分子的地位。

In the past two decades, nearly half a million Chinese intellectuals have poured into the western countries. It is said that Shanghai’s musicians abroad could form a world class symphony orchestra.And a similar story has been told in science, medicine and sports circles. Those who emigrate believe they cannot bring their talent into full play in the homeland.It didn’t change much until the early 1990 when the government made efforts to upgrade the status of the intellectuals both socially and financially.
