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Unit10 How much are these socks?


一. 单词。1. 许多;大量;多少 2. 短袜 3. T 恤衫 4. 短裤 5. 毛衣

6. 裤子

7. 鞋

8. 裙子

9. 美元10. 大的;大号的11. 小的;小号的12. 短的;矮的13. 长的13(购物时)…多少钱?

二短语。1.(价钱)多少 2. 红色的毛衣 3. 黑色的衬衫 4. 白色的裙子

5. 黄色的短裤

6. 长的裤子

7. 短的袜子

8. 大的鞋子

9. 小帽子


1.How much+ is + 单个商品名词/it? It’s + 基数词+ dollars / yuan.

e.g. How much is this / the T-shirt?(询问单数名词价格) It’s seven dollars.

2.How much +are+商品(复数形式)/ they? They are + 基数词+ dollars / yuan.

e.g. How much are these socks?(询问复数名词价格) T hey’re two dollars.

二、dollar 和yuan的用法当dollar 前的基数词>1的时候dollar 要变成复数dollars.yuan 无论前面的基数词是多少都是用yuan

三、裤子trousers 和短裤shorts总是以复数形式出现。袜子sock 和鞋shoe 有单数形式,但是经常使用复数形式。实战演练:1.这件毛衣多少钱?this sweater?9美元. 9 .

2.这双鞋子多少钱?these shoes?5美元. 5dollars.

四how much 1 用来询问价格,也可以用来询问不可数名词量的多少。

e.g. How much is the jacket?(问价格) How much milk do you have? (问不可数名词milk多少)

how many 用来询问可数名词的多少。 e.g. How many oranges do you have? (问可数名词orange多少)

实战演练:用how much, how many 完成句子。

1. soccer balls do you have?

2. is this blue sweater?

3. salad do we have in our home.


一、完成句子 1. 那件裙子多少钱?7美元。that skirt? 7 dollars.

2. 那条裤子多少钱?9美元。the pants? 9dollars.

3. 这件黄色的夹克衫多少钱? 5美元。this yellow jacket? 5 dollars.


3 你的裤子在哪?在床上。

4 这双鞋是什么颜色的?绿色的。

5 这个书包多少钱?

B 一. 词句 1.女子(复数) 2 需要 2 看;看上去 3. 一双;一对 4 买下;拿;取

5 给你。 6. 我能帮您吗?

三1、Can I help you ? = What can I do for you? 意为“你需要点什么吗?”肯定回答:Yes, please. 否定回答:No, thanks.

2、Here you are. 给你。

3、I’ll take it/them. 我买了。(我要了)当你决定购买某商品时,用I’ll take it. 购买复数用品时说I’ll take them.

4、Thank you=Thanks 谢谢。Thank you very much=Thanks a lot.非常感谢

5、You are welcome.=Not at all. 不用谢。

6、socks, shorts, trousers, shoes 通常是以复数形式出现。当表达一双袜子,一条裤子等时,应使用a pair of 短语来完成。

a pair of +可数名词复数,构成句子做主语时,谓语动词的单复数要依据pair的单复数。

e.g. This is a pair of shoes. Those are two pairs of shoes

四 1..需要一件毛衣2什么颜色 3 .你想要什么颜色? 4.这个怎么样?5看上去好看



2 根据上下文完成对话:

A:?B:.I need a sweater for school.

A:OK. ? B:Blue.

A:How about this one? B:It looks nice. ?

A:Nine dollars. B:. are those yellow socks?

A:Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pair. B: Great! .

A:Here you are. B:.

A:You’re welcome.

五,基数词:①:eleven twelve 基数词从0---12都是(规则/不规则)的,需要强记。

②: thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen 注:基数词13—19都是以 结尾。

③:twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 注:基数词20—90(整十)都是以 结尾

④:21 twenty-one 35 thirty-five 49 forty-nine 25 37 56


(读一读) 六 1、价格的三种表达


(1)at the price of + 价钱 e.g. We have sweaters at the price of $9.

(2)for + 价钱 e.g. We have sweaters for $9.

(3)be + 价钱 e.g. The sweaters are $12.

2.衣服颜色的表达方式:① We have T-shirts in red for ¥18 each! ② We have red T-shirts for ¥18 each!

注:红色的T 恤衫T-shirt in red = red T-shirt

七 假设你在Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store 工作,补全对话。

You: Hello, I help you? Girl: Yes, please. I need a .

You: How about these purple ? Girl: Oh, I like this one. How is it?

You: It’s only dollars. Girl: Oh, good. I’ll it.

You: And what do you need? Boy: Well, I need a pair of black for school.

You: What about this pair? They’re twenty-eight . Boy: Great. And do you have shorts, too?

You: Yes, our shorts are only dollars, Boy: OK. I’ll take the and the .

C 一.填空1.short (反义词) ____2. shop (同义词) _______3.shoe (复数) ____4. girl (对应词) ___5.sock (复数形式) ____6. come (反义词) _______7.sell (名词形式) ___ 8. much (对应词) ___9.buy (同义词) _____10. small (反义词) _______

二.根据句意及首字母填写单词 1. I like this s , it's only 30yuan.

2. That b hat looks very nice.

3. How much are your new s ?

4. There are t months (月) in a year.

5. Gina has a new pair of s .

6. This ruler is too long. I want a s one.

7. We h 300 RMB. We can buy anything we like.

8. Girls like s very much. 9. They have bags at a very good p .

10. How much ______ (be) the socks? 11. What can I _____ (do) for you ?

12. Let ’s ______ (look) at that skirt. 13. Do you ______(need ) bags for sports ?

14. You can ______( buy) socks for only $ 5 each! 15. I want ______(buy) a T-shirt.

四. 单项选择( ) 1. How much your shorts? A. am B. is C. are D. has

( ) 2. She a big blue backpack. A. want B. wants C. take D. helps

( ) 3. are those black pants? They ’re 15 dollars.

A. How

B. How many

C. How old

D. How much

( ) 4. —Can I help you?— . A. Yes, you can B. Yes, I can C. Yes, please D. Yes, you do

( ) 5. This red sweater is only 15 dollars. I ’ll it.

A. take

B. . want

C. look

( ) 6. The are 50 dollars.

A. ice cream

B. soccer ball

C. shorts

D. T-shirt one eleven ten six sixteen sixty two twelve twenty seven seventeen seventy three thirteen thirty eight eighteen eighty four fourteen forty nine nineteen ninety five fifteen fifty hundred_
