跨文化交际 number 数字禁忌

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4.2 Number
Learning Target
1. Numbers penetrate into every aspect of human life
2. National psychology about numbers
3. Religious beliefs about numbers 4. Mythology about numbers 5. Case study
4.2.1 Pre-reading
1. 在中国, 4 被视为一个不吉祥的数字,因为 4 与“死”谐音。
2. 数字是语言科学中的一个特殊领域。
3. 数字本无好坏、褒贬、凶吉之分,受民族心理、宗教信仰、 神话传说等影响,数字有了内涵和外延。 4. 汉英中数字有着不同的崇尚或禁忌习俗,以及不同的联想 和意义。
02 Religious Belief P90
4. 中国人最害怕14, 1+4= 要死, 多事。。。 5. 中国文化中,7也是人们忌讳的数字, 一是与人们崇 偶数先关,二是与中国祭奠死者的传统有关。
日本人忌讳4,因为4与死的读音相似,意味 着倒霉和不幸,所以赠送日本友人礼品时切 记不送数字为4或谐音为4的礼品,不要安排 日本人入住4号、14号、44号等号码的房间; 他们也同样忌讳9这个数字,“九”与苦的 发音相似,因此日本人忌用“九”,若赠日本 人的礼物件数为九,他们会误认为你把他当 强盗。
2. Worship number 4---symbol of justice, rghteousness, power, the fountain of creation and key of everything in the world. 4 代表正义,权力,创造的源泉。古人认为宇宙是由4个元 素组成的: 地球,空气,水+ 火。
01 National psychology P89
6. Eight-- is fortunate number, because it sounds like “fa” people show special preference to eight about telephone number, vehicle licence, door number.... 168, 518 is the fortunate number.
02 Religious Belief P90
2. Han people worship “一”, because it has smiliar meanings with yuan(元), chu(初), means whole or complete.
02 Religious Belief P90
Seven days of creation:上帝造就万物(7天) Seventh heaven: 七重天
02 Religious Belief P90
佛教及道道教没有七重天的说法.七重天是希伯来神话及但丁 的神曲所划分的.
பைடு நூலகம்
月球天:最接近尘世的天界,信仰不坚者的居住地。 水星天:第二重天,力行善事者,死后灵魂居于此天。 金星 天:多情者的灵魂居所。 太阳天:智者与圣者被安置于此重天。 火星天:殉教者的灵魂被赐居此天。 木星天:明君的居所,介于炎热的火星和寒冷的土星之间, 因此气侯宜人。 土星天:隐士、清心寡欲者的灵魂住在这里。
Christanity: 1. Father, son and Holy(圣灵) has endowed a mysterious number :three. 2. Number seven: with strong religious color seven virtues: faith, hope, charity, justice, fortitude, prudence and terperance.
01 National psychology P92
4. Gathering auspicious numbers is a way of life. 收集吉祥数字是一种生活方式。 Lucky numbers can be found everywhere: Gift money, red packets, apartment, floor and even street number. 从生日赠送的礼物,春节红包,到给伴娘的红包,再到人 民居住的公寓、楼层甚至是街道号码。
01 National psychology P89
For English people:
1. Sending flowers should take 1,3,5...(not 13)to friends. Sending flowers take 2,4,6...to deceased people.(已故)
01 National psychology P89
Plates number— six or eight are prefered, people believes these numbers can bing good fortune. 6/8的车牌号码 01) Plate number--AW6666, bought for 272,000yuan 02) Hong Kong tycoon, Albert Yeung Sau Shing is still the all-time champion, paid HK$ 13 million for the number 9 for his licence plate in 1994. 香港大亨杨秀成在1994年花1300万港币买下带9 的车牌号。
02 Religious Belief P90
3. Numer 13 is regarded as an evil number, standing for unfortunate. 圣经上说, 在最后一顿晚餐中的第13个来着,犹大背叛了 耶稣。 西方人会避开13号房间,13排,13楼。 饭店没有13层,过了12层就是15层,因为13和14不吉利。 13 的概念已经被引入中国文化。
01 National psychology P89
2.9—The largest single digit, symbolizes the supreme right of the emperor. 象征着皇帝的最高权力 9 — In Chinese ancient architecture, take the Forbidden City, it has 9,999 bays. 皇家建筑中喜欢用9, 比如紫禁城 9— Nine levels in ancient feudal government officials. 在古代封建官吏的划分上也对9偏爱。 9— Reserved and adorned by Chinese, even today. 9被中国人民保留并喜爱至今。
4.2.2 Penetration in daily life
Chinese idioms and idiomatic usages with numbers: 说一不二,五湖四海,三十六计走为上计,三句话不离本 行,八九不离十,百战不殆,九九归一,十万火急 In English-related culture:
three sheets in the wind(大醉), the upper ten(上流社
会), second to none(最好的), two-by-four(小的微不 足道的), two-left feet(极笨拙)
01 National psychology P88
In Chinese culture:
1.Numbers have been much influenced by the concept
of Yin and Yang. Yang: The odd numbers ( 奇数)—— The heaven/ male Yin: The even numbers (偶数)——The earth/ female
01 National psychology P89
5. 4— Sound like Chinese character si, represents death. Has a bad and unlucky association and connotation. 因为4与死, 事谐音,所以有不好的寓意。 The telephone number will be much cheaper if there is many 4 in it.
4.2.1 Pre-reading
But I bought the cheapest one including “four” because I didn't believe in that. However, misfortune came one after another since I got this phone number. My purse lost; my cell phone broke; my bike was stolen. Does my phone number including “four” bring me bad luck? Well, I begin to rethink about the number “four”!!!
对于香港人 不能送钟,毯子,白色与红色的 花,这意味着不吉利,礼物数目不能有4,而以8、 6、9为最好。 对于俄罗斯人 送鲜花要送单数,用面包与盐 招待贵客,表示友好和尊敬,最忌讳送钱给别人, 这意味着施舍与侮辱。 对于日本人 接送礼物要双手,不当面打开礼 物,当接受礼物后,再一次见到送礼的人一定会提 及礼物的事并表示感谢,送的礼物忌送梳子,因为 梳子的发音与死相近.礼品包装图案忌讳狐狸(贪 婪),一般人不要送菊花,以为菊花一般是王室专 用花卉。 对于韩国人 到韩国人家里做客,要带一束鲜 花或小礼物,双手奉上,受赠者不宜当面打开礼物, 但不要以外国烟作为礼物相送。
4.2.1 Pre-reading
I bought a phone number in Beijing several days ago. It’s surprising that they are differently priced depending on whether certain number is included. The one including “four” costs 40 Yuan, and those without “four” is much higher. It’s said that “four” is unlucky number in China.
对于伊斯兰教徒 不能送人形礼物,也不能送酒、 雕塑和女人的画片,因为他们认为酒是一切万恶之 源。 对于英国人 一般送价钱不贵但有纪念意义的 礼物,切记不要送百合花,因为这意味着死亡,收 到礼物的人要当众打开礼物。 对于美国人 送礼物要送单数,且讲究包装, 认为蜗牛和马蹄铁是吉祥物。 对于法国人 送花不要送菊花,杜鹃花以及黄 色的花,不要送带有仙鹤图案的礼物,不要送核桃, 因为他们认为仙鹤是愚蠢的标志,而核桃是不吉利 的。
01 National psychology P89
3. Even numbers —to be lucky and propitious 偶数被认为是吉祥的象征,带来好运和财富。 Give even-numbered presents for celebrations. 在结婚、开业等庆典上送礼送偶数。 2— suggests germination and harmony. 2 暗示着萌芽与和谐。 6— Pronounced as liu, means doing everything smoothy. 6因为谐音溜, 意味着一切顺利。
02 Religious Belief P90
Ancient Chinese:
1. Three--- stands for three parts of the universe: Heaven, earth and human. Many idiomatice phrases about three: 三人行, 必有我师焉。 一日不见,如隔三秋。 三生有幸: previous life, present life and next life.