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6、易混淆的词 英语中有些词的拼写和发音相似,又是常用词, 所以容易混淆,被称为“容易混淆的 词”(confusable words). 详参P174-P175.
1. 2.
练习一至练习五; 练习九 on P133.
1、概念 The vocabulary of a given language 客观世界的矛盾对立现象反映在词汇里,就是词义 的反义关系 。互相矛盾对立的一对词就 is not (antonymy) simply a list of independent 是反义词 (antonyms) 。 items, but is organized into fields, within which words interrelate and 2、反义词的类型(P1824-P185) define each other in various ways.
Differences in stylistic level Your report on child abuse has evoked serious concern. He gave a vivid account of the car accident.
Report:Formal. often used to refer to information about recent events, esp. in newspapers and on television and radio; what’s in it is often more or less authoritative. Account: Common. often used to refer to the written or spoken detailed description of what happened to oneself or what one saw or experienced.
Differences in tone: laudatory/commendatory neutral derogatory/derogative
Modest and humble both indicate a lack of pride, but modesty is a virtue and humbleness is not. Humble often connotes undue self-depreciation.
We are going to buy some medicine (or drug)?
5、词语变体(lexical variation)和误用词语(malapropism) (1)词汇变体: 英语中,个别词有两个读音和拼写稍有不同但词义和 sere和sear(干枯的), egoism和egotism, 用法上毫无差别的形式。如: hippie 和hippy,whisky和whiskey都是词汇 whatever & whatsoever; whoever & whosoever; 变体(or在美国, whisky指本地产品, whiskey 指进口货)。 whichever & whichsoever以及以-ward或-wards结 英美英语中拼写方法略有不同的词也属于 尾的词都属于词汇变体 词汇变体。
语义场就是同一词类的词由于相互间的紧密联系而形成的一个词汇小系统。同 根据区别性特征的不同,语义场可以分为同义、近义、类义和反义等几种。 反义语义场里的词的非共同语义成分的含义截然相反或相对。 4一个语义场的词具有共同的语义成分,也有将它们相互区分开来的区别性特征。 、反义词的应用 (P187-P189)
description thesomebody size intimacy of with or something.
What’s the difference? die pass away kick the bucket
Die is neutral, while pass away is an elevated word, used in serious and formal context, showing the speaker’s or writer’s reverence for the dead, and kick the bucket, a slang, is a vulgar word, expressing the speaker’s or writer’s contempt for the dead.
Differences in the degree of emphasis
A big house A large house surprised astonished: very surprised In frontWhat’s of him stood a huge man over two the difference among metersfeeling tall. surprised and upset by sth. shocked: “surprised, astonished, very unexpected & unpleasant, greatly surprised big: common word shocked, amazed amazed: extremely surprised large: common word. More formal. unusually big stunned”? stunned: so surprised or upset that huge :literary word. Extremely large sb. doesn’t react properly or immediately
Rancid[腐臭]:(of fatty/oily food like butter & bacon ) smelling or tasting unpleasant because it’s no longer fresh Addled[变质]: (of an egg) rotten, no longer good to eat sour: (of milk) not fresh, tasting & smelling unpleasant rotten: (of butter, eggs, fruit or wood) badly decayed
Differences in collocation:
A big/large city/house “Big” & “large” can both used to refer to size.
A large amount of money/water “Large” can also used to modify A large number/quantity of people/errors “amount, number, quantity”. A large quantity of water/drugs
Differences in collocation:
Some words have more or less the same denotation, but they are habitually used with certain words.
Anything wrong? a big number of people a big amount/quantity of money large courage/confidence/ability/wisdom
Which one is better? Modest[谦虚的] (humble?) and hardworking, he made many new friends very soon. When talking to Japanese, his face took on a servile look; his voice was humble (modest?).
Differences in emotional coloring
When they高雅义 finally arrived, only to find a small (little?) elevated( ) or neutral or vulgar( 粗俗义 ) house standing there. Elevated words are used to show one’s respect, objective or(small?) subjective I can never forget the little town where I or even reverence, while neutral words, are spent my happy childhood.
第六单元 词义关系
意义(概念) Meaning (Concept)
意义和词之间的约定俗成可能导致: 词Word 一词多义现象 同形异义现象 形式 Form …………… . 所指对象Referent 同义现象
词义三角Triangle of Significance
一、 a given language is not 同义现象:同一个意义或概念有一个以上的词来表 simply a list of independent items, but is 达的现象。这样的词称为同义词。 organized into fields, within which words interrelate and define each other 2、同义词的类型 (P164-P167) in various ways.
根据区别性特征的不同,语义场可以分为同义、近义、类义和反义等几种。 语义场就是同一词类的词由于相互间的紧密联系而形成的一个词汇小系统。同 4、同义词的辨析 (P169-P172) 同义语义场里的词的概念意义相同,关联意义有差别。 一个语义场的词具有共同的语义成分,也有将它们相互区分开来的区别性特征。 semantic field
good for all contexts, and vulgar words are This homely / ugly old man is small:objective about the size of sth.. used to show one’s contempt for,besides and often little: implying a feeling of fondness the a famous musician.
(2) 误用词语:英语中用词错误的现象(因为发音、拼写相 近),相当于汉语里的写错别字和读别音。
My goal in life is to be a success, and when I retire I want philanthropy. to devote my money to philandering. 更多例子详见P173-P174.
Great courage/confidence/ability/ “Great” is often usedwisdom with nouns
denoting personal qualities.
Anything wrong?
Bought 2 months ago, the eggs were rancid. Exceeding their shelf-life, the milk has gone rotten.