



air flow jet dyeing machine 气体喷射染色机air-stream cleaner 气流净棉机atmospheric overflow dyeing machine 常温溢流染色机bleaching machine 漂白机breathing pad roller 微孔弹性辊(又称排吸水轧辊)cheese dyeing machine /cone dyeing machine 筒子纱染色机jigger dyeing 卷染机染色hank drier 绞纱烘燥机high temperature overflow dyeing machine 高温溢流染色机high temperature and high pressure yarn dyeing machine 高温高压染纱机liquid-flow hank dyeing machine 液流式绞纱染色机light fastness tester 日晒牢度仪martindate aorasion tester 耐磨损测试机normal temperature oscillating dyeing machine 常温振荡试样机printing machine 印花机printing roller 印染辊,印花辊筒printing table 印染台,印花台板quickwash shrinkage tester 快速洗水缩水试验机rope impregnating mangle 绳状浸染机R-box steamer 圆式蒸煮反应箱,R-Boxroller printing 辊筒印花rotary screen printing 圆网印花sparging(jet) dyeing machine 喷射式染色机scrayn. 小型J型堆布箱thermosol dyeing range 热溶染色装置transfer printing machine 转移印花机XW Infrared Sample Dyeing Machine 新旺红外线染样机universal strength tester 万能强力测试机washing fastness tester 水洗牢度机纱线Yarns棉及其混纺纱线Cotton, Cotton Mixed & Blended Yarns 棉纱Cotton Yarns涤棉纱T/C & CVC Yarns粘棉纱Cotton/Rayon Yarns棉晴纱Cotton/Acrylic Yarns棉/氨纶包芯纱 Cotton/Spandex Yarns棉与其他混纺纱 Cotton/Others Blended Yarns毛纺系列纱线 Woollen Yarn Series羊绒纱 Cashmere Yarn Series全羊毛纱 Wool (100%) Yarns毛晴纱 Wool/Acrylic Yarns毛涤纱 Wool/Polyester Yarns毛粘纱 Wool/Viscose Yarns毛/丝纱 Wool/Silk Yarnss羊毛/其他 Wool/Other Yarns兔毛纱 Angora Yarns雪兰毛线 Shetland Yarns牦牛毛纱 Yak Hair Yarns羊仔毛纱 Lambswool Yarns真丝系列纱线 Silk Yarn Series白厂丝 White Steam Filature Yarns 双宫丝 Duppion Silk Yarns柞蚕丝 Tussah Silk Yarns绢丝 Spun Silk Yarns柞绢丝 Tussah Spun Silk Yarns柚丝 Silk Noil Yarns真丝线 Silk Threads丝棉混纺纱 Silk/Cotton Blended Yarns 麻纺系列纱线 Halm Yarn Series大麻系列纱线 Hemp Yarn Series亚麻系列纱线 Linen Yarn Series苎麻系列纱线 Ramie Yarn Series黄麻系列纱线 Jute Yarn Series其他植物纤维纱线 Other Plant Yarns剑麻系列纱线 Sisal Yarn Series人造纤维和合成纱线 Manmade & Synthetic Yarns晴纶纱 Acrylic Yarns晴纶仿羊绒 Cashmere-like Acrylic Yarns仿兔毛 Sunday Angora Yarns锦纶丝 Polyamide Yarns涤纶纱/丝 Polyester Yarns人造棉纱 Spun Rayon Yarns天丝纱 Tencel Yarns弹力纱线 Elastane Yarns涤粘纱 T/R (Polyester/Rayon) Yarns人棉混纺纱 Spun Rayon Blended Yarns其他化纤纱线 Other Synthetic Yarns人造长丝或线 Viscose Filament Yarns or Threads 花色纱线雪尼尔纱 Chenille Yarns大肚纱 Big-belly Yarns带子纱 Tape Yarns马海毛纱 Mohair Yarns羽毛纱 Feather Yarns蜈蚣纱 Centipede like Yarns项链纱 Neckline Yarns辫子纱 Pigtail Yarns梯子纱 Ladder Yarns圈圈纱 Loop YarnsTT 纱 TT Yarns结子纱 Knot Yarns乒乓纱 Ping-Pong Yarns 其它花色纱线 Other Fancy Yarns 金属纱线 Metal Yarns。


பைடு நூலகம்

2 0 10 1 .

近 日, P e tr e l 公 司 与 自己 的 印度合作伙 伴 C r e e d E n g in e e r s 公 司 联 合推 出了 一 满足 当地 市 场 的需 求 。
系列全 新的安全 油墨 , 以
这些新产品包括双 荧光油墨 、
热致 变色油 墨 、
印刷企业 和纸品加工 商 U V 印刷质量 的提高了 刺激了市场对 U V 油墨 的需求 。 尽 管欧洲的 U V 油墨销量 在经 济危机 中有所下 降 , 但 它 们 的表 现 仍 然 好 于 其他 油 墨 。 U V 印刷 已 经 确定 了 自己 在 欧 洲市场 上 的 主 导地 位 , 它的应用范 围非常广泛 , 甚至 可 以用来印刷报纸 。 U V 油墨 能在帮助印刷企业 遵 守健康和安全 法规的 同 时 , 提高产品的印刷质量 。 U V 印刷丰富的色彩和 精细 的分辨率 , 也是促使包装企业 纷纷选用 U V 油墨 的一 个主 要原因 。
和 3 2 . m
5m 。
这 款 配 置 3 2 个 打 印 头 的 设 备 在 顶 级 印 刷 质 量 的 前 提 下 印 刷 速 度 超 过 3 0 0 m :/h 。 目 前 市 场 售 价 为 2 5 万 英镑 。
款幅面 达 5 m 的设 备 已经安装在 英 国 U rba n
S to r m
此外 , U V 油墨 在欧洲的喷 墨 印刷领域也取 得 了一 定 的进 展 , 印刷企业 希望 用它来代替溶剂 型 产品 , 并 提高数字印刷的质量 。
日本 东 伸工 业 株 式 会社 近 期研 制 出 IC H IN o S E 2 03 0 喷 墨 印花 机 , 可 用于 生 产 高 品 位 的 产 品 。 2030 喷墨 印花机机配置 了高性能喷头 , 比 2020 型 印花机 印花速度提 高了至 少 2 倍 。 该喷 墨 印花机在普通 印花设备的基础上 增加 了 多种 印花模式 , 其具 有浓 、 中、 淡 等几 种喷 墨控制量 可 供生 产企业 进 行选择 ; 其稳 定的印花导带 和导带 清洗装置 , 可 以适 用于 厚薄布料 、 弹 力料 、 针织 料等不 同类型 的印花材料 。 东伸公 司 IC H IN o S E 2 0 30 喷 墨 印 花机 的 印 花幅 宽最 宽 为 1 830 m m , 最 大布厚 为 2 5 m m 。



俐 偿 剂 型 胶 刮
深 泽 县 华 煜 橡 塑 制 品 有 限 公 司 为 适 应 北 方 市 场 的 需 求 ,推 出 一 款 耐 溶 剂 型 胶 刮 ,该 产 品 具 有 很 好 的 耐 溶 剂 性 、 耐 磨 性 、 耐 温 耐 湿 性 ,该 刮 刀 有 多 种 规 格 ,客 户 可 根 据 需 要 任 意 选 择 。 耐 溶 剂 型 胶 刮 适 用 于 一 般 图 案 的 印 刷 ,主 要 用 于 手 工 印 刷 , 印 刷 效 果 佳 , 用 寿 命 长 。 使
I NG ( 化 ) 处 理 , 所 以 品 质 保 证 期 长 达 5年 之 久 ;有 着 优 秀 的 耐 久 性 , 所 以 一 般 情 况 下 , 很 长 时 间 也 不 会 硬 有 损 坏 ;基 本 原 料 是 塑 料 ,所 以 有 利 于 制 作 各 种 造 型 ;与 之 前 的 进 口产 品 相 比 ,在 价 格 方 面 非 常 有 优 势 。
增 加 了 光 扩 散 的 功 能 ,跟 一 般 的 板 材 相 比 有 2. 的 照 明 度 差 距 ( 2 % 以上 ) 最 2倍 20 ;
大 宽 幅 能 达 到 2 2 0 mm , 最 小 宽 幅 为 1 0 m , 所 以 不 论 是 什 么 样 的 规 格 都 0 2 0 m

TY 5L呈 自 动 印 花 相
江 苏 如 皋 市 天 元服 饰 印 业 有 限 公 司 推 出 的 天 元 TYS L全 自动 印 花
机 适 合 多 种 面 料 的 印 花 。该 机 特 点 如 下 : 1 椭 圆 形 结 构 , 块 化 组 合 , 便 空 间 布 局 , 随 时 扩 充 印 头 、工 . 模 方 可 位 ;2 一 印 头 对 应 三 台 板 组 合 ,最 大 限 度 提 高 使 用 效 率 ,套 色 较 少 时 . 可 实 现 一 机 多 用 ;3. 合 超 声 波 加 湿 装 置 及 高 效 红 外 烘 干 机 ,对 各 种 印 花 材 料 有 很 强 的 适 应 性 ,无 论 热 固 油 配 墨 、胶 浆 、水 浆 、拔 染 、烫 金 、植 绒 等 ;4. 进 的 P 先 LC 控 制 系 统 提 供 强 大 的 自 动 化 操 作 程 序 ,变 频 式 交 流 电 机 驱 动 的 印 刷 过 程 ,高 效 、稳 定 ;5. 活 便 捷 的 网 框 夹 持 定 位 装 置 ,利 于 最 快 速 度 精 确 对 版 ; 精 密 可 靠 的 灵 6. 主 机 伺 服 驱 动 ,加 上 精 确 的 独 立 定 位 系 统 ,确 保 整 机 长 期 稳 定 高 精 度 运 行 ;7 彩 色 触 摸 屏 人 机 界 面 ,提 供 直 . 观 、 便 捷 的 操 作 感 受 , 并 支 持 故 障 自诊 断 及 故 障 排 除 提 示 功 能 。

SPRAYIT SP-33500 LVLP 低压低流量漆枪说明书

SPRAYIT SP-33500 LVLP 低压低流量漆枪说明书

Model No. SP-33500Low Volume Low Pressure (LVLP) Gravity Feed Mini Spray GunPlease read this Instruction Manual carefully and understand it completely, basic precautions should be strictly followed to prevent the damage to the tool and injury to the operator. Retain this manual for further reference.CONTAIN:◆ Description◆ Specification and Technical Data ◆ Important Safety Instruction ◆ Instructions for Operation ◆ Maintenance/Storing ◆ Troubleshooting/Repairs ◆ Parts List◆ WarrantyDescriptionThe SPRAYIT SP-33500 LVLP Gravity Feed Mini Spray Gun can be used forvariety of different applications such as Automotive, Industrial, Marine and Wood Working. The LVLP features require less air allowing you to use a smaller air compressor . Using the SPRAYIT SP-33500 reduces overspray and allows you to spray larger surfaces without having to stop. The Low Volume Low Pressure feature allow for more control with less overspray and waste. The Stainless Steel Fluid Needle and Nozzle are corrosion resistant. The separate and adjustable fluid fan pattern and air controls make for more precise fan patterns and less waste. Air consumption 2.4 to 3.3 CFM @ 30 PSI. Working pressure 28-45 PSI. Maximum pressure 60 PSI. The SPRAYIT brand has been manufacturing quality tools since 1928.Specifications And Technical Data1. Name of Parts2. Technical DataType of Feed: …………………..... Gravity Air inlet:......……………………….. 1/4” Standard Dia of Nozzle:............... 0.8mm Working Air Pressure:.................. 28 – 45 PSI Maximum Air Pressure:................ 60 PSI Paint Cup Capacity:.....................120ccAir Consumption:........................ 2.4 - 3.3 CFM @ 30 PSI Patten Width:................................ 4" - 6" Weight:……………….....................0.11 ozImportant Safety Instructions1.Toxic vapors produced by spraying certain materials can create intoxication and serious damage to health. Always wear safety glasses, gloves and respirator to prevent the toxic vapor hazard, solvent and pointing paint coming into contact your eyes or skin. (see fig 1)2.Never use oxygen, combustible or any other bottle gas as a power source this would cause an explosion and serious personal injury. (see fig 2)3.Certain fluids and solvents can be highly flammable or combustible. Use in well-ventilated spray booth and avoid any ignition sources, such as smoking, open flames.(see fig 3)4.Disconnect tool from air supply hose before doing tool maintenance and duringnon-operation.12e clean, dry and regulate compressed air rated at 2.0~3.5bar, never exceed maximum permissive operating pressure(see fig 4)6.Never use homogenate hydrocarbon solvent, which can chemically react withaluminum and zinc parts and chemically compatible with aluminum and zinc pats.7.Never point gun at you and others at any time.4 8.Before operating the tool, make sure all the screws & caps are securely tightenedin case of leaking;9. Before painting, make inspection for free movement of trigger and nozzle to insure tool can operate properly.10.Never modify this tool for any applications. Only use parts, nozzles and accessories recommended by manufacture.Instructions For OperationPreparation1. After unpacking the product, inspect carefully for any damage that may have occurred during transit.Make sure to tighten fittings, bolts, etc., before putting unit into service.2. Thoroughly mix and thin paint in accordance with the paint manufacturer’s instructions.Most materials will spray readily if thinned properly.3. Strain material through filter, cheese cloth or a paint strainer.5. Connect the gun to air supply and please make sure that the fluid cap, container and air hose havebeen connected tightly with spray gun.best spray6. Set up a piece of cardboard or other scrap material to use as a target and adjust for7. Test the consistency of the material by making a few strokes on a cardboard target. If material stillappears too thick, add a small amount of thinner. THIN WITH CARE! Do not exceed paint manufacturer’s thinning recommendations.Adjustmentto the right until tight will make spray pattern round, orturning left make spray pattern ellipse.Material (PAINT) ADJUSTMENT: Turn the Paint AdjustingKnob clockwise will decrease the volume of fluid output andcounter-clockwise will increase fluid output.AIR Inlet ADJUSTMENT: Turning the Air Adjusting valveclockwise will decrease the air volume.And counter-clockwise will increase the air volume.Operation1. Begin spraying. Always keep the gun at right angles to the work .2. Keep the nozzle about 6 to 12 inches from the work surface. Grip the gun keeping perpendicularwith spraying area then move it parallel for several times, Stopping gun movement in mid-stroke will cause a buildup of paint and result in runs. Do not fan the gun from side to side while painting. This will cause a build-up of paint in the center of the stroke and an insufficient coating at each end.3. Trigger the gun properly. Start the gun moving at the beginning of the stroke BEFORE SQUEEZINGTHE TRIGGER and release the trigger BEFORE STOPPING GUN MOVEMENT at the end of the stroke. This procedure will blend each stroke with the next without showing overlap or unevenness .4. The amount of paint being applied can be varied by the speed of the stroke, distance from the surfaceand adjustment of the fluid control knob.5. Overlap strokes just enough to obtain an even coat.Two thin coats of paint will yield better results and have less chance of runs than one heavy layer. 6. Use a piece of cardboard as a shield to catch overspray at the edges of the work to protect othersurfaces.◆Maintenance1. Remove any remaining paint by pouring it into another container.2. Disassemble the spray gun making sure to remove the needle before disassembling the nozzle toavoid damage to the housing of the nozzle closure.3. Clean all the paint passages and the nozzle. Clean the other components using a brush soaked insolvent.4. Reassemble the spray gun and spray a small quantity of solvent to eliminate all the residues in thepaint passages.Storing●When not using spray gun, turn the fluid adjustment knob counter-clockwise to openwhich will reduce spring tension on needle fluid tip.●Spray gun MUST BE well cleaned and lightly lubricated.Trouble shootingPattern is arc.Pattern is notThe center of Patterntoo narrow.Pattern widthfan-sharp isenough.leaking fromPartsNote:For parts for this model, please contact us or the distributor where you bought this tool.WarrantyDisclaimers and Limitations of RemediesThis warranty gives you specific legal right, and you may also have other rights which may vary from State to State.Disclaimer of other WarrantiesTo the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, this limited warranty is exclusive and expressly in lieu of any and all other warranties, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or any other implied warranties that may arise from the course of dealing or usage of the trade. California Air Tools Inc. hereby declaims and excludes all other warranties.To the extent that California Air Tools Inc. products are consumer products under applicable federal and state law with respect to any customer, the duration of any implied warranties (including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) are limited to the shortest duration permitted by applicable law or the Limited Warranty period provided herein, whichever is longer.Limitations of RemediesCalifornia Air Tools Inc. shall not be liable to customer, or anyone claiming under customer, for any other obligations or liabilities, including, but not limited to, obligations or liabilities airing out of breach of contract or warranty, negligence or other tort or any theory of strict liability, with respect to the spray gun or California Air Tools Inc. acts or omissions or otherwise. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law California Air Tools Inc. shall not in any event be liable for incidental, compensatory, punitive, consequential, indirect, special or other damages, including but not limited to loss of use, loss of income, loss of time, loss of sales, injury to personal property, or liability customer incurs with respect to any other person, or any other type or form of consequential damage or economic loss.。

数码印花机 英文参数

数码印花机 英文参数
8-18sqm/h 8 colors( k, c,m,y,lk,lc,lm,llk) eco-solvent ink 15cm
less than 100 KG 10-35C,20-80RH USB2.0/NETWORK CONNECT
Partner Rip
Leather,EVA,PVC,glass,metal,plastic,crystal products,wooden products,art paper etc 1pcs/wooden case
Some samples showing
Product Name Print ink Model No.
phone case
Eco-solvent /textile
Print head
Epson dx5
Print size
Printer resolution
Max :2880dpi*2880dpi Min : 360dpi*360dpi
Print materials Packing
Product Name Print ink Model No. Specification
Print speed Print color Max print thickness Max bearing weight Work environment Transmission type
1670*3350*1220mm(W*D*H) Max :2880dpi*2880dpi Min : 360dpi*360dpi 8-18sqm/h 4/8 colors( k, c,m,y,lk,lc,lm,llk) 15cm less than 100 KG 10-35C,20-80RH USB2.0/NETWORK CONNECT Partner Rip

AXIS P3727-PLE 全景摄像头说明书

AXIS P3727-PLE 全景摄像头说明书

DatasheetAXIS P3727-PLE Panoramic Camera4x2MP multidirectional camera with IR for360°coverageAXIS P3727-PLE offers four channels with2MP per channel at30fps.This multidirectional camera allows for flexible positioning of four varifocal camera heads.Each head can be controlled individually to capture scenes in four directions in wide-angle or zoomed-in views.It includes360°IR illumination with individually controllable LEDs and an automatic IR cut filter.Plus,remote zoom and focus capabilities ensure fast and accurate installation.AXIS Edge Vault protects your Axis device ID and simplifies authorization of Axis products on your network.Furthermore,AXIS Object Analytics offers highly nuanced object classification and reliable detection with fewer false positives.>4*2MP at30fps per channel>360°IR illumination with individually controlled LEDs>AXIS Edge Vault and TPM module>AXIS Object Analytics on one channel>Edge storage with2*microSD card slotsAXIS P3727-PLE Panoramic Camera CameraImage sensor4x1/2.8”progressive scan RGB CMOSLens Varifocal,3–6mm,F1.8–2.64x1080p capture mode:Horizontal field of view:96°–49°Vertical field of view:53°–27°Diagonal field of view:113°–55°Fixed iris,IR corrected,remote zoom and focusDay and night Automatically removable infrared-cut filterMinimum illumination With Forensic WDR and Lightfinder: Color:0.17lux at50IRE,F1.8B/W:0lux at50IRE,F1.8Shutter speed1/32500s to2s with50Hz1/32500s to2s with60HzCamera angleadjustmentPan±90°,tilt+25to+95°,rotation–5to+95°,twist±20°System on chip(SoC)Model ARTPEC-7Memory1024MB RAM,512MB FlashComputecapabilitiesMachine learning processing unit(MLPU)VideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC)Baseline,Main and High Profiles H.265(MPEG-H Part2/HEVC)Main ProfileMotion JPEGResolution4x1920x1080(4x HDTV1080p)to640x360Frame rate Up to25/30fps(50/60Hz)Video streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264,H.265and Motion JPEGAxis Zipstream technology in H.264and H.265Controllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/ABR/MBR H.264/H.265Image settings Saturation,contrast,brightness,sharpness,Forensic WDR,white balance,day/night threshold,tone mapping,exposure mode,exposure zones,compression,rotation:0°,90°,180°,270°including Corridor Format,mirroring,dynamic text and imageoverlay,polygon privacy masksAudioAudio input/output Two-way audio connectivity via optional AXIS T61Audio and I/O Interfaces with portcast technology.A30W midspan or higher is required between AXIS T61Audio and I/O Interfaces and AXIS P3727-PLE.NetworkIP address One IP address for all channelsSecurity Password protection,IP address filtering,HTTPS a encryption,IEEE802.1x(EAP-TLS)a network access control,digestauthentication,user access log,centralized certificatemanagement,brute force delay protection,signed firmware,secure boot,signed video,Axis Edge Vault,Axis device ID,securekeystore(CC EAL4certified),TPM(FIPS140-2certified)Network protocols IPv4,IPv6USGv6,ICMPv4/ICMPv6,HTTP,HTTPS a,HTTP/2,TLS a, QoS Layer3DiffServ,FTP,SFTP,CIFS/SMB,SMTP,mDNS(Bonjour), UPnP®,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II),DNS/DNSv6,DDNS,NTP,RTSP, RTP,SRTP,TCP,UDP,IGMPv1/v2/v3,RTCP,DHCPv4/v6,SSH,LLDP, CDP,MQTT v3.1.1,Syslog,Link-Local address(ZeroConf)System integrationApplication Programming Interface Open API for software integration,including VAPIX®and AXIS Camera Application Platform;specifications at One-click cloud connectionONVIF®Profile G,ONVIF®Profile M,ONVIF®Profile S and ONVIF®Profile T,specification at Onscreen controls IR illumination Autofocus Privacy maskEvent conditions Audio:audio clip playingDevice status:above operating temperature,above or belowoperating temperature,below operating temperature,casingopen,IP address removed,network lost,new IP address,storagefailure,system ready,within operating temperatureEdge storage:recording ongoing,storage disruption,storagehealth issues detectedI/O:manual trigger,virtual inputMQTT subscribeScheduled and recurring:scheduled eventVideo:average bitrate degradation,day-night mode,live streamopen,tamperingEvent actions Record video:SD card and network shareMQTT publishUpload of images or video clips:FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS,networkshare,and emailNotification:email,HTTP,HTTPS,TCP,and SNMP trapOverlay text,play audio clip,day/night mode,status LED,IRillumination,MQTTData streaming Event dataBuilt-ininstallation aidsPixel counter,remote focus,remote zoomAnalyticsAXIS ObjectAnalyticsObject classes:humans,vehiclesTrigger conditions:line crossing,object in area,time in area BETAUp to10scenariosMetadata visualized with trajectories and color-coded boundingboxesPolygon include/exclude areasPerspective configurationONVIF Motion Alarm eventAvailable for one channelApplications IncludedAXIS Object Analytics,AXIS Video Motion Detection,AXIS Motion Guard,AXIS Fence Guard,AXIS Loitering Guard,active tampering alarmSupport for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of third-party applications,see /acap GeneralCasing IP66-,IP67-,NEMA4X-and IK09-rated impact-resistant,aluminum and plastic casing with polycarbonate hard-coateddomeColor:white NCS S1002-BDome intrusion switchFor repainting instructions of skin cover or casing and impact onwarranty,contact your Axis partner.Mounting Mounting bracket with junction box holes(double-gang,single-gang,4”square,and4”octagon)½”(M20)conduit side entrySustainability PVC freePower Power over Ethernet(PoE)IEEE802.3at Type2Class4IR illumination on b:Class4,typical12.5W,max21.7WIR illumination off b:Class3,typical6.4W,Class4,max15.0W Connectors Shielded RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX/1000BASE-T PoEAudio and I/O connectivity via AXIS T61Audio and I/O Interfaceswith portcast technologyIR illumination Four individually controllable IR with power-efficient,long-life850nm IR LEDsRange of reach15m(50ft)or more depending on the scene Storage Support for microSD/microSDHC/microSDXC cardDual SD cardsSupport for SD card encryption(AES-XTS-Plain64256bit)Recording to network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operatingconditions-30°C to50°C(-22°F to122°F)Humidity10–100%RH(condensing)Maximum temperature according to NEMA TS2(2.2.7):74°C(165°F)Storageconditions-40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F)Approvals EMCEN50121-4,EN55032Class A,EN55035,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A),IEC62236-4,KC KN32Class A,KC KN35,RCM AS/NZS CISPR32Class A,VCCI Class ASafetyCAN/CSA-C22.2No.60950-22,CAN/CSA C22.2No.62368-1,IEC/EN/UL62368-1,IEC/EN/UL60950-22,IEC62471,IS13252EnvironmentIEC60068-2-1,IEC60068-2-2,IEC60068-2-6,IEC60068-2-14,IEC60068-2-27,IEC60068-2-78,IEC/EN60529IP66/IP67,IEC/EN62262IK09,NEMA250Type4X,NEMA TS2(2.2.7-2.2.9)NetworkNIST SP500-267Dimensions Height:92mm(3.6in)ø255mm(10.0in)Weight 2.0kg(4.4lb)Included accessories Installation guide,Windows®decoder1-user license,connector guard,screw bit T20Optional accessories AXIS T94N01D Pendant Kit,AXIS T94N01L Recessed Mount c,AXIS TP3814-E Black Casing,AXIS TP3815-E Smoked Dome,AxiscabinetsAXIS Surveillance CardsFor more accessories,see VideomanagementsoftwareAXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,video managementsoftware from Axis Application Development Partners availableat /vmsLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,SimplifiedChinese,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Polish,Traditional ChineseWarranty5-year warranty,see /warrantya.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in theOpenSSL Toolkit.(),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************).b.Typical power consumption at ambient temperature20°C(68°F)and maximumpower consumption at-30°C(-22°F)c.The camera’s tampering alarm doesn’t work when mounted in AXIS T94N01L RecessedMountEnvironmental responsibility:/environmental-responsibility©2021-2022Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,ARTPEC and VAPIX are registered trademarks ofAxis AB in various jurisdictions.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.We reserve the right tointroduce modifications without notice.T10165527/EN/M14.2/2209。



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Air Transfer system Air-compresor(BECKER) Acoustic sidelay detectionwith venturi Jets 空压机Alcolor dampening with Technotrans Refrigeration 循环单元气体循环系统原厂酒精润版装置、冷却Airstar : central air box water cooled 中央风柜Alcolor damping 原厂酒精润版装置Alcolor continuous dampening 连续式原厂酒精润版Alcohol dampening system 酒精润版系统Alcolor Vario 酒精润版Alcolor 海德堡原廠酒精潤版Alcosmart AZR 酒精配比系统All Automatic Washers (blanket, impression cylinders and rollers) 全套自动清洗装置All automatic washers 全套自动清洗装置All chromed cylinders 镀铬滚筒AMR-Automated Make Ready 自动准备系统Auto Blanket Wash Ups 自動清洗膠Auto Ink Roller Wash Ups 自動清洗墨轆系統Automatic Blanket Washer 自動清洗膠布系統Air Glide 真空送纸 (空气导纸系统和文图利喷嘴技术保证纸张传输无蹭脏)Automatic Impression Cylinder Washers 压印滚筒自动清洗系统Automatic Ink Roller & Blanket Washers 墨辊、胶布自动清洗装置Automatic Non Stop Feeder 全自动不间断添加Automatic plate change: 自动装版调整APL罗兰自动装版APC小森自动装版Automatic plate loading: 自动装版Automatic Roller Washer 自動清洗墨轆系統Automatic wash-up device for roller/blankets 墨辊和胶布自动清洗装置Automatic paper size setting 自动纸张尺寸调节AutoRegister (ACR )自动套准Axis Control 三轴坐标控制Autosize 自动调整大小Auto adjustment for early/late sheet arrival 纸张到达前规时间自动调整Automat.Inking RollersWash.Device 油墨胶辊全自动清洗装置Automatic Blanket Washing Device 橡皮布全自动清洗装置Automatic Impression Cylinder Washing Device 压印滚筒全自动清洗装置Baldwin Combination Refrigeration Unit, 鲍德温冷却循环单元Blanket washing device 胶布自动清洗装置Blanket washing: 橡胶清洗Blanket washing device - automatic, Impression-cylinder washing device - automatic,Ink-roller washing device - automatic, 自动橡皮布,墨辊,压印滚筒清洗装置Blanket cylinder 橡皮布滚筒C I P 3 油墨预调功能Chromed cylinders 镀铬滚筒Coater Anilox 网纹涂布机Cooling and recirculation 水冷循环系统Coater Extended delivery 延长收纸Coating unit with chambered doctor blade system(Harris & Bruno) 腔试刮刀上光装置Card-board device 卡纸装置Chamber coater 刮刀式上光Cocking 斜拉版装置。



flat rib knitting Cotton machine 柯登式罗纹机 flat rib top machine 平式罗⼝针织机 flat roll 平⾯压辊 flat rolled steel bar 压延钢条 flat roller 平滚筒 flat rolling mill 扁钢轧机 flat rope 扁平钢丝绳 flat round fan 团扇 flat rubber strip 扁橡⽪条 flat ruler 直尺 flat scraper 平头刮⼑ flat screen printing machine 平印花机 flat screen printing range 平印花机 flat screen printing unit 平印花机 flat screen 平板筛 flat screw 平头螺钉 flat seaming machine 绷缝机 flat sheet transfer printing machine 平板⾐⽚转移印花机 flat sheet transfer unit 平板转移印花机 flat silk 扁丝 flat smooth file 细扁锉 flat spade 扁铲 flat spinning machine 扁丝纺丝机 flat spiral coil 游丝形线圈 flat spring steel 扁弹簧钢 flat spring 扁簧 flat steel bar 扁钢条 flat steel lawn rake 草地扁钢耙 flat steel 扁钢 flat strip slate pencil ⽅条滑⽯笔 flat switchboard 平⾯交换机 flat taper head rivet 平锥头铆钉 flat taper head socket shank rivet 平锥头半空⼼铆钉 flat threaded steel 扁螺纹钢 flat tile 平⽡ flat toothed bit 平底⽛轮钻头 flat top guitar 扁头吉他 flat top mattress cover 平⾯床垫套 flat top shoes 平⼝鞋 flat tower bolt 扁插销 flat transmission belt 平型传动带 flat truck 平板汽车 flat tube radiator 扁管式散热器 flat twin cable 扁平双芯电缆 flat twist drill 扁⿇花钻 flat type aluminium wire 扁铝线 flat type copper wire 扁铜线 flat type lamp shade 扁灯罩 flat type relay 扁型继电器 flat type stranded wire 扁形多股绞合线 flat type zinc-manganese dioxide dry cell 扁平式锌-锰⼲电池 flat underwear fabric 平针内⾐织物 flat valve 平座阀 flat varnish ⽆光漆 flat venice bedspread 床罩 flat venice insertion tablecloth 镶拼台布 flat venice sofa set 沙发套 flat venice tablecloth 台布 flat vulcanizing machine 平板硫化机 flat wagon for transport 运货平车 flat wagon 平车 flat washer 平垫圈 flat wave wool 平卷曲⽑ flat wheel roller 平轮压路机 flat wire mill 扁线材轧机 flat wire rope 扁钢丝绳 flat wire with paper wrapped 纸包扁线 flat wire 扁钢丝 flat wrapper 平板包装纸 flat yarn 扁平长丝纱 flat-back type refrigerator 平背式冰箱 flat-bed lock stitch machine 平板锁缝缝纫机 flat-bed offset press 平台胶印机 flat-bed offset-machine 平台胶印机 flat-bed photogravure machine 平台照相凹版印刷机 flat-bed plotter 平板绘图仪 flat-bed press 平板压烫机 flat-bed printing machine 平板印刷机 flat-bed purl machine 平板双反⾯针织机 flat-bed recorder 平板记录器 flat-bed scanner 平台式扫描机 flat-bed screen printing machine 平台丝印刷机 flat-bed single needle sewing machine 平板单针缝纫机 flat-bed truck 平板卡车 flat-belt conveyor 平带式输送器 flat-bottomed vessel 平底船 flat-braided cord 扁形编织绳 flat-car 平车 flat-chemical fibre blended yarn 亚⿇-化纤混纺纱 flat-compound dynamo 平复激发电机 flat-compound exciting generator 平复激励发电机 flat-cotton blended fabric 亚⿇-棉混纺织物 flat-ended horizontal cylindrical drum 平底卧式圆筒形罐 flat-ended tube 平底管 flat-field achromatic objective lens 平场消⾊差物镜 flat-field generator 平⾯场发⽣器 flat-geometry light emitter 平坦型光发射器 flat-head pliers 平头钳 flat-headed piston 平顶活塞 flat-lock machine 绷缝缝纫机 flat-plate heat exchanger 平板式换热器 flat-plate solar collector 平板型太阳能采集器 flat-plate vibrator 平板式振动器 flat-sealed valve 平座密封阀 flat-surface grinding machine 平⾯磨床 flat-top antenna 平顶天线 flat-top plastic bifocal 平顶塑料双焦点透镜 flat-top sealed can 平顶密封罐 flat-turret lathe 平转塔车床 flat-type mixing plant 平台式拌和设备 flat-type travelling mixer 平台式移动拌和机 flat-wise coil 平绕线圈 Flatesa 弗拉特莎半⽆光粘胶纤维 flatness measuring instrument 平⾯度测量仪 flattened liquorice orange ⽢草桔饼 flattened preserved mandarin orange 博罗柑饼 flattened preserved plums 蜜李饼 flattened rayon 扁平⼈造丝 flattened rivet 平头铆钉 flattened spiced plums ⼋珍李饼 flattened square head bolt 平顶⽅头螺栓 flattened sugared orange 糖桔饼 flattener 矫直机 flattening hammer 平锤 flattening machine 矫直机 flattening mill 轧扁机 flatter generator 噪声发⽣器 flatter ribbon-like fibre 扁带状纤维 flatter 平⾯锤 flattered rivet 扁头铆钉 flattie 平跟鞋 flatting machine 压平机 flatting mill 压扁机 flauk 格⼦花呢 flavone 黄酮 flavonol 黄酮醇 flavor essence 味精 flavoring almond essence 杏仁⾹精 flavoring almond oil essence 杏仁油⾹精 flavoring apple essence 苹果⾹精 flavoring apple oil essence 苹果油⾹精 flavoring banana essence ⾹蕉⾹精 flavoring banana oil essence ⾹蕉油⾹精 flavoring butter essence 奶油⾹精 flavoring cherry essence 樱桃⾹精 flavoring cherry oil essence 樱桃油⾹精 flavoring cocoanut oil essence 椰⼦油⾹精 flavoring fragrancy industrial material ⾹料⼯业原料 flavoring ginger oil essence 姜油⾹精 flavoring grape essence 葡萄⾹精 flavoring grape oil essence 葡萄油⾹精 flavoring lemon essence 柠檬⾹精 flavoring lemon oil essence 柠檬油⾹精 flavoring mulberry essence 桑葚⾹精 flavoring mulberry oil essence 桑葚油⾹精 flavoring orange essence 桔⼦⾹精 flavoring orange oil essence 桔⼦油⾹精 flavoring peach essence 桃⼦⾹精 flavoring pear essence ⽣梨⾹精 flavoring pear oil essence ⽣梨油⾹精 flavoring pineapple essence 菠萝⾹精 flavoring pineapple oil essence 菠萝油⾹精 flavoring rose essence 玫瑰⾹精 flavoring rose oil essence 玫瑰油⾹精 flavoring strawberry essence 草梅⾹精 flavoring strawberry oil essence 草梅油⾹精 flavoring vanilla essence ⾹草⾹精 flavoring vanilla oil essence ⾹草油⾹精 flavoured beef 调味⽜⾁ flavoured ginger 五味姜 flavoured gooseberry 五⾹⽢果 flavouring essence for aerated water 汽⽔⾹精 flavouring essence for tobacco 烟⽤⾹精 flavouring essence ⾹精 flavouring material 调味品 flavoxate 黄酮哌酯 flaw detector 探伤器 flaw-detecting hook 探伤钩 flax board 亚⿇纸板 flax buncher 亚⿇割捆机 flax bush 亚⿇ flax canvas 亚⿇帆布 flax cloth 亚⿇布 flax common 长茎亚⿇ flax damask 亚⿇花缎 flax fibre 亚⿇纤维 flax linen 亚⿇布 flax puller 拔⿇机 flax rope 亚⿇绳 flax roving 亚⿇粗纱 flax sliver 亚⿇条 flax spinning frame 亚⿇细纱机 flax tow combined card 亚⿇联合梳⿇机 flax twine 亚⿇细绳 flax waste 废亚⿇ flax yarn 亚⿇纱 flax 亚⿇ flax-chemical fibre blended fabric 亚⿇-化纤混纺布 flax-cotton mixed fabric ⿇棉交织布 flax-lily 亚⿇ flax-seed oil 亚⿇籽油 flax-seed 亚⿇籽 flax-wool blended yarn ⿇⽑混纺纱 flaxen cloth ⿇纱布 flaxlike rayon 亚⿇型⼈造丝 Flaxon 弗拉克森仿⿇细平布 flaxseed gum 亚⿇树胶 flaying knife 剥⽪⼑ flea bag 露宿⽤睡袋 fleam 放⾎⼑ flecainide acetate 醋酸氟卡胺 flecainide 氟卡胺 fleck yarn 混纺闪点短条纹花⾊纱 flecked yarn 霜花纱 fleece fabric 起绒织物 fleece knit goods 起绒针织物 fleece lined goods 厚绒布 fleece wool 套⽑ fleece ⽺⽑ fleece-faced fabric 绒⾯织物 fleece-flower root 何⾸乌 fleece-lined underwear 绒⾥内⾐ fleeced underwear ⽑绒内⾐ fleeced union suit ⽑绒衫连裤 fleecy fabric 起绒织物 fleecy hosiery 起绒针织物 fleecy sweatshirt 卫⽣绒衫 Fleetwood 弗利特伍德牌汽车 Fleisch tube 弗莱施⽒管 Fleming's valve 弗来明管 flenu coal 长焰烟煤 fleroxacin 氟罗沙星 flesh tights ⾁⾊紧⾝⾐ flesh-coloured wool and cotton underhose ⾁⾊⽑棉长衬袜 flesher 仿麂⽪⽪⾰ fleshing machine 去⾁机 fleshings ⾁⾊紧⾝⾐ fletazepam 氟⼄西泮 fleur de jeunesse 泽纳斯花绸 fleur de soie 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flexible lamp cord 电灯花线 flexible light transmitting fibre 挠性光导纤维 flexible light-image probe 弹性光象探索器 flexible magnetic disk machine 软磁盘机 flexible manufacturing cell 柔性制造单元 flexible metal conduit ⾦属软管 flexible metal hose 软钢管 flexible metal tube 柔性⾦属管 flexible micanite sheet 软云母⽚ flexible neoprene bellow 氯丁橡胶波纹管 flexible oil pipeline 软质输油管线 flexible paddle pump 柔性叶⽚泵 flexible pipe 蛇管 flexible plastic disc 软塑料盘 flexible plastics 软质塑料 flexible polyurethane foam 软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料 flexible printed circuit board 柔性印刷电路板 flexible resistor 挠性电阻器 flexible roller 弹簧滚柱 flexible rotor vibration control system 柔性转⼦振动控制系统 flexible rubber hose 软胶管 flexible rubber joint 挠性橡胶接头 flexible rubber-insulated wire 橡胶绝缘软线 flexible rule 卷尺 flexible shaft grinder 软轴砂轮机 flexible shaft pipe cleaner 软轴洗管器 flexible shaft type level controller 挠性轴式液位控制器 flexible shaft vibrator 软轴振捣器 flexible shaft 挠性轴 flexible shirt 柔性衬衫 flexible spindle 弹性锭⼦ flexible spline 柔性曲线规 flexible steel cable 软钢丝绳 flexible steel wire rope 柔软钢索 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参考文献1.González M, Castellanos-García G P.Parameters optimization in dry-sublimation heattransfer printing of microfiber fabrics usingresponse surface methodology[J]. Journal ofMaterials Research and Technology, 2015, 4(1): 29-38.2.Yi X, Zhang L, Zhang W, et al. New self-developed sublimation transfer printing ink fordyeing polyester fabric: Synthesis, printing and washing fastness characterization[J]. TextileResearch Journal, 2016, 86(3): 316-327.3.Liang R H, Liu M X, Zhang S G, et al. Usinga novel hydrophilic silicone oil for improving thehydrophilicity and dyeing quality of PET[J].Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018, 173: 506-514.致谢感谢本文中用到的所有设备和工具,这篇文章曾经得到过一些人的建议。


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光 胶 ,具 有 F  ̄ W @ A 。1 /T .PLUS 0 O B) 一2 S V( :解 像 性 高 ,成 膜 柔 软 产 生 渗 墨 现 象 ,适 合 PCB阻 焊 印 刷 ,与 丝 网 黏 结 牢 度 好 ,抗 胶 带 撕 拉

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机 头 多 元 化 结 构 , 松 调 节 网版 轻 上 下 、左 右 、前 后 位 置 ,定 位 容 易 ,套 色 精 确 。 准 确 的 套 印 和 自 动 旋 转 印 台 是 该 机 的 核 心 特 征 控 制 系 统 采 取 人 性 化 设 计 。 随 机 配 备 点 式 烘 干 机 ,可 瞬 间 将 承 印 物 快 速 烘 干 满 足 客 户 不 同 条 件 的 需 要 。有 6工 位 、8 工