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If you work a desk job, you might make up for all that sitting around by going for a run every day after leaving the office. That exercise cancels out the negative effects of eight hours spent in a chair, right?


Wrong, according to a new advisory from the American Heart Association.


In the lengthy paper, a team of cardiology experts reviewed existing evidence about the link between sitting and health.


Their conclusions, published this week in the journal Circulation, say that no amount of physical activity is enough to combat the dangerous health effects of sitting for hours each day.


上班族注意! 久坐不动伤身恐会早死!

The average American sits for six to eight hours per day, according to the AHA's report. Studies have linked long periods of sitting with an increased risk for diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. Sedentary days have also been shown to increase anxiety.


Some research has found that frequent breaks from sitting ― even simply fidgeting! ― can help ward off its negative health effects.


"Regardless of how much physical activity someone gets, prolonged sedentary time could negatively impact the health of your heart and blood vessels," said Dr. Deborah Young, chair of the report, in a statement. "There is evidence to suggest that sedentary behavior could contribute to excess morbidity and mortality."


In other words, sitting may kill you faster. And while experts say they don't have enough data to recommend exact time limits for chair potato-ing, it's wise to adopt their mantra of "Sit less, move more."


Popular ways to sit less include trading TV time for active hobbies, walking or biking to work instead of riding in a car or bus, or hosting a walking meeting instead of gathering your colleagues in a conference room.



You are what you eat. It's true that no single food will erase laugh lines or really make you feel 17 again, but a healthy diet full of anti-aging foods can boost skin quality, improve immunity, and more. Stock up on these nutritionist- and doctor-recommended picks.

吃什么补什么。虽然单单一种食物不会磨平笑纹或真的又让你重返17岁这是事实,但是富含抗老化食物的健康饮食可以改善皮肤,增强免疫力等等。储备这些医生推荐的营养食物吧。BRAZIL NUTS


These potent seeds hail from South American countries like Venezuela, Colombia, and more. They may not be as common as peanuts or walnuts, but there's good reason to seek them out at your local health food store or online: "One ounce of brazil nuts, which is about six to eight nuts, has 777 percent of the daily value for selenium, an antioxidant that plays a critical role in DNA synthesis and helps protect our body from oxidative damage and infection," says Alexandra Miller, a corporate dietitian at Medifast. "Inadequate concentrations of selenium may be associated with age-related declines in brain function," she adds. Selenium concentrations in your body naturally decline with age, so load up.





"These are high in calcium and rich in other minerals like iron, magnesium, phosphorous, fibre, and more," says Annie Kay, lead nutritionist at Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. "Bones are made of more than calcium, so an overall mineral-rich diet, along with adequate and appropriate movement are a recipe for healthy bones for life." Try using tahini (which is made from sesame seeds) or sprinkling a handful or two into pasta salads.




"Mushrooms are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin D, a vitamin most people don't have enough of," say Lyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos Shames, The Nutrition Twins. Without vitamin D, you can't properly absorb calcium, which will lead to osteoporosis, broken bones and a hunched spine, and nothing ages you more than that."

