汤姆索亚历险记人物分析 (课堂PPT)

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Tom Sawyer: naughty, adventurous, and desirous for freedom
Chapter 1 Tom Sawyer’s Innocence and Romance
1.1Tom Sawyer’s Innocence 1.2Tom Sawyer’s Romance
Characters analysis
汤姆•索亚是一个聪明但调皮的男孩。 他父母双亡,住在严厉但也十分疼他的 波莉姨妈家里。他活泼好动,还有着许 多精灵鬼点子,而且不爱学习,总喜欢 逃了学去钓鱼、和流浪儿哈克贝利•费恩 去闲逛、玩“海盗”、搜集各种奇怪的 物品……等等。他甚至喜欢上了撒切尔法 官的女儿贝琪,并想尽办法来“追求” 她,完全忘记了艾美·劳伦斯。
Chapter 2 Tom Sawyer’s Wit and Leadership
2.1 Tom Sawyer’s Wit 2.2 Tom Sawyer’s Leadership
Chapter 3 Tom Sawyer’s Rebellion and Heroism
3.1 Tom Sawyer’s Rebellion 3.2 Tom Sawyer’s Heroism
一日半夜,汤姆和哈克去坟地“试验” 用死猫治疣(yóu)子的方法时,意外地 遇上了一场谋杀案——去盗尸的罗宾逊 大夫、印第安人乔和酒鬼波特三个人发 生争执,一怒之下,乔把大夫杀了,并 把杀人罪赖到了被打晕的波特身上。当 时吓得够呛的汤姆和哈克发誓,要对此 事严守秘密。但汤姆在很长时间内一直 陷于不安之中。
able to see through the tricks; he gradually retracts his scornfulness and asks Tom
if he could try some of them. That is exactly what Tom wants. He grants
Tom Sawyer’s Wit
Tom tells Ben that one cannot get a chance to whitewash without a hitch, so it
is much more valuable than being a captain if one obtains the chance. Ben is not
In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain managers his delicate pen well to delineate Tom’s romance with Becky Thatcher, a beautiful girl who attracts Tom at their first encounter. Tom immediately loses himself, and he forgets Amy Lawrence, with whom Tom makes engagement before.
sit with girls, which is exactly what he wants, as he notices Becky is sitting alone there. He inches towards her and sit down. He glances at the girl and she makes a mouth as reply. In a minute, he takes out a peach and lays it on Becky’s desk when she cautiously faces around.
in wealth. But the most important is that
the whole board fence have been
Tom Sawyer’s Romance
The first time Tom sits with Becky is interesting. Tom is late for class, and because of this, he gets punishment from the teacher, but that could not be a threat to Tom, since he is used to it. Not long after that, the teacher requires Tom to
因为害怕凶手发现他们知道这件事,汤姆、哈克贝利带着 另一个小伙伴一起逃到一座荒岛上做起了“海盗”,弄得家里 以为他们被淹死了,结果他们却出现在了自己的“葬礼”上。 经过激烈的思想斗争,汤姆终于勇敢地站出来,指证了凶手。
不久之后,在一次野餐活动中,哈克得知 印第安·乔要去加害道格拉斯寡妇,因为她 的丈夫曾经送他进过监狱。幸亏哈克及时报 信才避免了一场悲剧的发生,可印第安·乔 再一次逃之夭夭。而汤姆与他心爱的姑娘贝 琪撒切尔在一个岩洞里迷了路,整整三天三 夜饥寒交迫,面临着死亡的威胁......最终,他 们走出了山洞,村里人发现他们,他们讲述 了在洞中的经历,之后,村人用石块堵住了 山洞口。汤姆和蓓琪告诉村里人在山洞里见 到了杀人犯印江·乔,当村人在洞中找ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้印 江·乔时,他已经死了。最后,汤姆和哈克 贝利重返山洞,找到了一笔宝藏,成了这个 村的英雄。人们都感激他。
Ben a chance with bargaining chip, the
apple. He successfully makes a deal
with Ben and many other boys. That
afternoon, being a poor, poverty-stricken
boy in the morning, Tom is literally rolling