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1, A Generak EnqUiry

Dear Sirs,

We are interested in importing CottOn Underwear and Iron-Free Garments in popular dema nds you advertised in the Chin ese EXPOrt Commodity Fair BUIIlet inJune 2008.

We would like you to Send US details of the above PrOdUCtS including sizes,colours and SamPIeS of the differe nt Styles.

AS expected, the quantity of our order to be PIaCed will be Very large.Since the SeaSOn is Coming Very soon, PrOmPt delivery is absolutely n ecessary.

When quot in g,please State terms of Payme nt and disco Unt you would allow On the PUrChaSe of not less than two thousand dozen. PIeaSe rest assured that should your PriCeS be COmPetitiVe We will place our OrderS With you.

Your early reply to this enquiry is requested.

Yours faithfully,


Dear Cathy,

An Offer for LadieS Nylon StOCkingS

Ladies' ylon StoCk ings

We Very much apprecite your enquiry of AUgUSt 11,aga inst WhiCh We are making you the followi ng offer:

Commodity: Ladies' Nylon Stock ings

SPeCifiCati ons:

QUan itity: AS Per our SamPIe No.265,black,assorted SiZeS 2,000 do z.

Price: ShiPme nt: At $2.80 Per dozen FOB Sha nghai OCtOber/November,2008

Payme nt: By Con firmed,irrevocable Letter of Credit PayabIe by draft at 60 d/s to reach

US 30 days before the time of ShiPme nt.

OWing to the rush of OrderS from your CoUn try,all the mills are fully COmmitted for some time to come. Un der these CirC Un Sta nces, the PriCe We have quoted is quite favorable and the delivery is the n earest POSSible.

We advise you, therefore, to accept this offer WithOUt any delay.

Your Sin Cerely,

A COUnter-Off for Canada OatS

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your fax offer of AUgUSt 20 for 20,000 metric tons of Can ada Oats.We appreciate The good quality of your goods, but UnfortUn ately We are not in a POSiti On to accept the offer On your terms. Your PriCeS appear to be rather on the high side. We are obtaining the Same quallity


through ano ther Cha nnel at a much lower PriCe tha n that you quoted us.

May We SUggeSt that you make reduct ion of, say6%, On your quoted PriCeS so as to help US

PUSh the sales of your goods On OUr market?If you Can do so, We will POSSibIy take UP your en tire stock of the goods. We hope you will not lose this Cha nce so that you will ben efit from the expa nding market

We will appreciate it Very much if you will Con Sider our CoUn ter-offer most favourably and fax US your accepta nce as Soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,


COnfirming the PUrChaSe and Sending an Order

Dear Sirs, Ladies ' Folding Umbrellas

We tha nk you for your quotati On dated July 28 and the SamPIeS of your umbrellas. Both the quality and PriCeS are satisfactory, and We are PIeaSed to Confirm the IetterS and e-mails excha nged betwee n US and to en close our Order No. DT536 Now the deal has bee n SUCCeSSfully PUt

through The goods are Urge ntly n eeded and PrOmPt ShiPme nt is esse ntial.

Yours faithfully,

En cl. Order NO.DT536


MeSSrS Wilso n&Co.L td.

288 SUttOn St.

San Fran cisco, Califor nia


PaCk ing: EaCh PieCe in a nylon bag, I doze n Per box, 5 boxes to a Carton

Payment: By L/C at Sight

In SUra nce:For 110% of in voice value WPA

NO.DT536 Date:AUgUSt 3,2008
