轻工机械使用说明书使用说明书1. 产品介绍轻工机械是一种高效、精确的工业机械设备,适用于轻工行业的生产制造过程,如食品加工、饮料生产、纺织印染等。
2. 安全操作指南在使用轻工机械之前,请务必仔细阅读并理解以下安全操作指南,以确保您和他人的安全:- 请确认设备已正确接地,并避免潮湿或易燃环境中使用。
- 在使用机械之前,确保所有保护罩、护栏和安全装置已正确安装和紧固。
- 在操作机械时,必须佩戴适当的个人防护装备,包括安全眼镜、口罩、耳塞等。
- 禁止将手部或其他物体靠近机械运动部件,以免发生意外伤害。
- 切勿使用破损或失效的设备,如有问题请及时联系售后服务部门。
- 在维修机械之前,请确保其已断电并等待其完全停止运转。
- 若发生紧急情况或异常情况,应立即停止使用机械,并联系专业人员检修。
3. 机械使用步骤为了保证机械的正常运行,请按照以下步骤正确操作:步骤一:预热机械在开始使用机械之前,请按照说明书上的温度要求进行预热。
4. 维护保养为了确保机械的长期稳定运行,请遵循以下维护保养建议:- 按照说明书要求定期更换润滑油和润滑脂,保持机械的润滑状态。
- 定期检查机械的传动部件及连接螺丝,并紧固松动部件。
- 清洁机械的外表面,并注意防止灰尘和异物进入内部设备。
成本核算对比下表以1Kg为单位计算自榨价格(原料价格-料粉总价)/出油量种类原料单价(元/Kg)出油率%出油量(Kg)料粉量(Kg)料粉单价(元/Kg)料粉总价(元)市场价格(元/Kg)自榨价格(元/Kg)花生16 40% 0.4 0.6 20 12 30 10 芝麻20 38% 0.38 0.62 20 12.4 60 20葵花籽18 48% 0.48 0.52 20 10.4 40 15.8 菜籽 5 20% 0.2 0.8 5 4 15 5产品特点:1、开盖保护料斗盖打开后,机体系统断电而实现安全保护2、搅拌功能在料斗内装有一搅拌杆,实现多种油脂颗粒的快速进料功能3、出油时间快在出油口设计上,充分考虑及时排油及导向排油特点,此种设计,让油脂能在短时间内及时充分流出而不停留在榨油工作元件内4、油盒及料盒包装简单方便榨油机在使用时,在出料口处有料盒接料;在榨油机出油口处有油盒接油。
二、安全须知1. 在使用前,请仔细阅读本操作指南,并确保理解各项操作规范。
2. 在使用食品加工机之前,确保它已连接到稳定的电源,并通过插座的接地线正确接地。
3. 不要将手指或其他物体接近刀片或其他加工部件,以避免意外伤害。
4. 在清洗和维护食品加工机时,务必先断开电源,并等待所有部件完全停止运转后再操作。
三、使用方法1. 准备食材:根据所需食物的配方准备食材,并确保它们已经彻底清洗干净。
2. 安装刀片和配件:根据所需的加工方式,将相应的刀片和配件固定到食品加工机上。
3. 操作食品加工机:根据食材的种类和配方要求,选择适当的操作模式和时间。
4. 观察加工过程:在加工过程中,注意观察食品加工机的运转情况。
5. 完成加工:在加工完成后,关闭食品加工机的电源,并等待所有部件停止运转后再进行下一步的操作。
四、清洁和维护1. 断开电源:在清洁和维护食品加工机之前,务必先拔掉电源插头,并等待所有部件停止运转。
2. 拆卸部件:逐个拆卸食品加工机的各个部件,如刀片、搅拌杯以及附件等。
3. 清洗部件:使用温和的洗洁精和温水清洗食品加工机的各个部件。
4. 彻底干燥:将清洗后的部件放置在通风良好的地方晾干。
5. 储存和保养:在清洁和干燥食品加工机后,将各个部件储存在干燥通风的地方,以防细菌滋生或部件变形。
二、安全操作1. 本产品仅限于食品加工领域使用,请勿将其用于其他用途。
2. 在操作前,请确保食品加工机的电源已经断开,并检查其所有按钮和开关是否处于关闭状态。
3. 严禁将湿手或者潮湿的物品接近电源线或者插头。
4. 使用过程中,应注意手部和身体的安全,不要将手指或其他物品伸入运转的机器中。
5. 使用前,请确认食物加工机的所有零部件是否安装正确,特别是刀具和容器。
6. 食品加工机在操作中会产生噪音,请确保使用环境与人员均不受其干扰。
三、操作方法1. 将待加工的食材切割成适当大小的块状,然后置于机器的容器中。
2. 确认机器的所有按钮和开关是否处于关闭状态。
3. 将机器的插头插入合适的电源插座,并确保电源已成功连接。
4. 打开机器的电源开关,启动食品加工机。
5. 根据需要,选择合适的工作模式和运转时间,并将其设置在机器上。
6. 当加工完成后,切勿立即将手伸入机器内部,应等待其完全停止运转后再进行操作。
7. 关闭电源开关,拔掉插头,清理机器的刀具和容器,并将其放置在干燥通风的地方。
四、清洁与维护1. 在清洁之前,务必断开食品加工机的电源,并等待其完全停止运转。
2. 使用清洁布蘸取适量的洗涤剂,清洁机器的表面和容器,避免水直接接触电源线和插头。
3. 不得使用金属刷子或其他尖锐物品清洁机器的表面,以免损坏其外观。
4. 随时检查和清理机器内部的残留物,避免其对下一次使用产生不良影响。
5. 定期检查机器的电源线和插头是否完好无损,如有损坏应立即停止使用,并联系售后服务人员进行维修或更换。
五、故障排除1. 如果在使用过程中出现异常情况,请立即断开电源,并联系专业人士进行维修。
2. 严禁私自拆卸或修理食品加工机,以免造成更严重的损坏。
二、安装与拆卸1. 准备工作在安装和拆卸搅拌机之前,请确保已断开电源。
2. 安装步骤(1)将搅拌机主机放置在桌面上,并确保底部采用防滑设计,确保操作的安全性。
3. 拆卸步骤(1)首先断开电源,确保安全操作。
三、操作与使用1. 准备食材在使用搅拌机之前,请确保将需要处理的食材准备齐全,如水果、蔬菜、坚果、调味料等。
2. 操作步骤(1)根据制作需求选择合适的配件,将其安装到主机上。
3. 清洁与维护(1)在清洗之前,请确保已断开电源。
四、注意事项1. 使用时,请确保握把和搅拌杯盖子已牢固安装,避免食材溅出。
2. 操作时要格外小心,避免手指或其他物品接触到刀片,以免发生意外伤害。
3. 请勿将搅拌机的电源插头插入潮湿的插座,以免触电。
4. 在使用过程中,如果发现异常声音、异味或其他故障,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务部门进行维修。
5. 请勿将搅拌机置于儿童易接触到的地方,以免发生意外伤害。
五、常见问题解答1. 为什么搅拌机无法启动?可能原因:插头未插紧,电源故障。
Rev. A 921589-0805/09M-150S-EM & M-150S-EA Economy Fuel PumpDo not leave the system running without fluids. “Dry running” can damage the pump.Do not pump the tank completely dry, as contaminants from the bottom of the tank may enter the pump.These instructions will help you operate and maintain your pump. This owner’s manual covers the 12-volt Economy Model electric gear pumps with automatic and manual nozzles.An automatic bypass valve prevents pressure build up when the pump is on with the nozzle closed. To avoid damage, do not run the pump more than 10 minutes with the nozzle closed.The duty cycle of this pump is 30 minutes ON and 30 minutes OFF . Allow the pump to cool for 30 minutes.This pump is designed for use only with gasoline (up to 15% alcohol blends such as E15), diesel fuel (up to 20% biodiesel blends such as B20) and kerosene. Do not use this pump for dis-pensing any fluids other than those for which it was designed. T o do so may damage pump components and will void the warranty.This pump is designed to operate on a typical 12-volt DC automotive electrical system. The pump is designed to operate with 12-volts DC at the motor leads and the ratings are deter-mined at this voltage. Performance may vary due to length of power cord, battery condition or output from vehicle charging system that will affect system voltage.Observe all safety precautions concerning safe handling of petroleum fuels.To ensure safe operation, all fuel transfer systems must be properly grounded. Proper grounding means a continuous metal-to-metal contact from one component to the next, including tank, bung, pump, meter, filter, hose, and nozzle. Care should be taken to ensure proper grounding during initial installation and after any service or repair procedures. For your safety, please take a moment to review the warnings below.To prevent physical injury, observe precautions against fire or explosion when dispensing fuel. Do not operate the system in the presence of any source of ignition including running or hot engines, lighted cigarettes, or gas or electric heaters. Observe precautions against electrical shock when operating the system. Serious or fatal shock can result from operating electrical equipment in damp or wet locations.Inspect external pump wiring regularly to make sure it is cor-rectly attached to the battery. To avoid electrical shock, use extra care when connecting the pump to power.Avoid prolonged skin contact with petroleum fuels. Use protec-tive goggles, gloves and aprons in case of splashing or spills. Change saturated clothing and wash skin promptly with soap and water.Observe precautions against electrical shock when servicing the pump. Always disconnect power before repairing or servic-ing. Never apply electrical power to the system when any of the coverplates are removed.If using solvent to clean pump components or tank, observe the sol-vent manufacturer’s recommendations for safe use and disposal.This pump is designed to self-prime with dry gears. Expect suction lift as follows:Manual Nozzle: 5.5 ft. (1.7 m) with diesel6.7 ft. (2.1 m) with gasoline Automatic Nozzle: 4.8 ft. (1.5 m) with diesel5.8 ft. (1.8 m) with gasolineIf you require a greater initial prime height, coat the gears with fluid by removing the plug on the top of the pump and pour a small quantity of motor oil into the gear cavity. Replace the plug and try again. A foot valve with pressure relief may be needed to maintain prime.Make sure all threaded fuel connections are wrapped with three to four turns of thread tape or a pipe thread sealant approved for use with petroleum fuels.Install Hose and NozzleAfter sealing threads, tighten the hose into the pump outlet and the nozzle on the hose. The nozzle can be placed in the nozzle holder only when the pump is off.AlwAyS follow SAfeTy PreCAuTIoNS wHeN oPer-ATING THIS equIPmeNT. revIew THe SAfeTy INSTruC-TIoNS. Before each use, repair leaks around seals or connec-tions. Make sure hoses are in good condition and connections are tight. Make sure the work area is dry. mAke Sure THe PumP IS ProPerly GrouNDeD. Repair any corroded or damaged wiring before use. Ensure the tank contains enough fuel. Make sure the fuel is not contaminated with debris.To Dispense fuelTurn on the pump by removing the nozzle from the holder and pushing up the switch lever. Insert the nozzle into the receiving tank and squeeze the handle to start fuel flow. When done, release the nozzle handle, turn the pump off, and return the nozzle to its holder.This pump is designed to be self-priming. If fuel is not delivered within 15 to 20 seconds, turn the pump off and refer to priming information in the Troubleshooting Section.An automatic bypass valve prevents pressure build up when the pump is on with the nozzle closed. T o avoid pump damage, do not run the pump more than 10 minutes with the nozzle closed.motor ProtectorThe pump contains a motor protector that provides added protection against motor damage. It must be reset manually.Clean and bond the suction pipe top and bottom as necessary. Thread the suction pipe into the inlet fitting and tighten snugly. Trim the suction pipe as necessary to leave approximately 1/2 in. (1.2 cm) clearance from the bottom of the tank. Clean the tank interior of all dirt and debris. Insert the suction pipe into the tank opening. Tighten the pump into the tank opening until snug. Do not cross thread.Make sure the tank is vented. A vent cap rated at 3 psi or less is recommended.Install electrical ConnectionsA grounding connection is provided. It is identified as a green colored binding head screw in the electrical cavity. Connect these pumps only to a 12-volt DC power source. Do not attempt connection to a 24-volt DC, 115-volt AC or 230-volt AC power source.For installation in unclassified areas, the supplied power cord, fuse and strain relief grip may be used.NOTE: These components have not been evaluated as part ofthe UL Listed Equipment and are not intended for use in a Hazardous (Classified) Location.To install the power cord, remove the electrical coverplate. If necessary, trim the power cord to the desired length. Strip 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) of outer insulation from the power cord end. Then strip 1/2 in. (1.3 cm) of insulation from the power cord wires. Slide the strain relief grip onto the power cord so that the threaded end of the strain relief grip faces the stripped power cord wires. Insert the power cord through the 1/2 inch NPT connection on the back of the pump. Using wire nuts, connect black wire to black and red wire to red in the pump’s electrical cavity. Position the wires inside the electrical cavity and tighten the strain relief grip securely. Make sure surfaces are clean.Install the coverplate and tighten securely.If pump is to be installed in a Hazardous (Classified) location, it must be installed by a licensed electrician and conform to Na-If the motor protector trips, reset by turning the switch OFF . Let the pump cool then turn ON again. If the motor protector trips again, see the Troubleshooting Section of this manual.This pump is designed for minimum maintenance. Motor bear-ings are sealed and require no lubrication. Inspect the pump and components regularly for fuel leaks and make sure the hose and power cord are in good condition. Keep the pump exterior clean to help identify leaks.Do not use this pump for water, chemicals or herbicides. Dispensing any fluid other than those listed in this manual will damage the pump. Use of the pump with unauthorized fluids will void the warranty.To Clean or replace StrainerTurn the pump off and disconnect from power. Remove the strainer coverplate. Remove the inlet strainer and inspect for damage or clogs. Clean the strainer with a soft-bristled brush and solvent. If the strainer is very dirty, compressed air may be used. If damaged, replace the strainer.Place the strainer in the cavity. Clean the coverplate and O-ring. Coat the O-ring lightly with grease. Ensure the coverplate O-ring is properly seated and tighten the strainer coverplate.Carefully route the power cord to the battery, protecting the power cord from hot surfaces, sharp edges or anything that WARNINGAlwAyS DISCoNNeCT Power before rePAIrING or ServICING THe PumP. Never APPly Power To THe SySTem wHeN ANy CoverPlATe IS removeD.A. SwITCH fAIlS To oPerATe moTor1. motor protector activated. Turn off switch. Allow motorto cool, then turn on switch.2. fuse blown. Inspect fuse in fuse holder on power cord.If blown, replace.3. Switch or electrical connections faulty. Inspect fordamaged motor protector, defective wiring or switch, or improper electrical connections. Replace as necessary. 4. motor burned out. Inspect and replace as necessary.b. moTor ruNS buT DoeS NoT PumP fluID1. Suction pipe clogged, damaged, or missing. Removepump from tank. Inspect suction pipe. Clean or replace, as necessary.2. Gear coverplate or o-ring damaged. Remove andinspect the coverplate and O-ring. Replace as necessary. 3. Strainer clogged or defective. Inspect and clean asrequired.4. bypass poppet o-ring worn, missing or dirty. Inspectthe O-ring. Replace as necessary.5. System air leak. Tighten all pump fittings and connec-tions. Inspect suction pipe for leaks or damage.6. Poor connections or low voltage. Make sure electricalconnections are secure. Also check battery voltage. 7. fuel level low. Fill tank.8. motor running backwards due to incorrect polarity.Connect red wire to positive (+) ungrounded side of battery.C. low flowrATe1. Poor connections or low voltage. Make sure electricalconnections are secure. Also check battery voltage. 2. Strainer partially clogged. Inspect and clean as re-quired.3. Suction pipe too close to tank bottom or clogged.Suction pipe must have at least 1/2 in. (1.2 cm) clearance from bottom of tank.D. moTor STAllS wHeN oPerATING IN byPASS moDe 1. motor protector activated. Turn off switch. Allow motorto cool, then turn on switch.2. Gears locked. Remove gear coverplate and inspect gears and drive key. Make sure gears turn freely with thekey removed. Replace, if worn.3. bypass poppet binding or damaged. Remove the by-pass poppet, spring, and O-ring. Clean cavity. Inspect components and replace as necessary.4. motor defective. Inspect and replace as necessary.e. rAPID overHeATING of moTor1. Duty cycle too long. Pump operation should not exceedthe standard duty cycle of 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off. Allow the pump to cool for 30 minutes.2. Strainer clogged. Remove strainer coverplate. Removeand clean strainer.3. Suction pipe clogged or damaged. Remove pump fromtank. Inspect suction pipe. Clean or replace as neces-sary.4. Gears worn. Remove gear coverplate and inspect gearsand drive key. Make sure gears turn freely with key removed. Replace as necessary.5. running too long in bypass mode. Limit bypass opera-tion to 10 minutes.Applications:The M-150S-EM/EA Fuel Pump is designed to safely transfer low viscosity petroleum fuels such as gasoline (up to 15% alcohol blends such as E15), diesel fuel (up to 20% biodiesel blends such as B20) and kerosene. The pump is designed for permanent mounting on vented storage tanks.Pump Housing:Lightweight, corrosion-resistant, cast aluminum body.Performance:Pump Rate: Up to 15 GPM (57 LPM) Duty Cycle: 30 min. ON, 30 min. OFFSuction Lift: Manual Nozzle: Up to 5.5 ft. (1.7 m) Automatic Nozzle: Up to 4.8 ft. (1.5 m)operating Temperature:-20°F to +125°F (-29°C to +52°C)operating Pressure: 15 PSIelectrical Specifications: Input: 12-volt DCCord: 18 ft. of 12/2 AWG (5.5 m) Current Draw: 18 ampMotor Protection: 20 amp circuit breaker Fuse: 25 ampMotor: 1900 RPM, UL Listed, CSA Certified. 1/5 HP (150 watts)mechanical Connections:Bung: 2 in. NPT Inlet: 1 in. NPT Outlet: 3/4 in. NPT Accessories:3/4 in. x 10 ft. (3.0 m) Buna-N electrically conductive dis-charge hose.3/4 in. manual unleaded nozzle 3/4 in. automatic unleaded nozzle Shipping weight:23 lbs. (10.5 kg) with manual nozzle 24 lbs. (10.8 kg) with automatic nozzleIn order to preserve the UL Listing for the motor, do not attempt to service the motor. For products serviced outside the factory, the UL nameplate must be defaced to indicate that the equipment may no longer meet the requirements for UL Listing. This does not apply to products serviced outside the factory under the UL program for Rebuilt Motors for Use in Hazardous Locations.For warranty consideration, parts, or other service information, please contact your local distributor or the GPI Customer Service Department in Wichita, Kansas, during normal business hours at:1-800-835-0113To obtain prompt, efficient service, always be prepared with the model number of your pump, the serial number or manufacturing date code of your pump, and part descriptions and numbers.For warranty work, always be prepared with your original sales slip or other evidence of purchase date.Please contact GPI before returning any parts. GPI can inform you of special requirements you will need to follow.CAuTIoN: Do not return the pump or parts without authority fromthe Customer Service Department. Due to strict government regulations, GPI cannot accept parts unless they have beendrained and cleaned.GPI and the electric gear pump are registered trademarks of Great Plains Industries, Inc. © 2009 GREAT PLAINS INDUSTRIES, INC., Wichita, KS Rev. A 921589-08Printed in U.S. A. 05/09LISTED MOTORlimited warranty Policy3391029152126161813428191712573112234131322724302014258236442ItemNo. No. Part No. Description req’d.1 110121-8 Nozzle, Automatic 3/4 in.,Unleaded (UL) ...............................1 2 110155-1 Nozzle, Manual 3/4 in., Unleaded ......1 3 110182-1 Inlet Fitting .........................................1 4 110187-2 Hose, 3/4 in. x 3/4 in. x 10 ft. ............1 5 110195-02 Coverplate, Electrical ........................1 6 110264-1 Suction Pipe, Top .............................1 7 110264-2 Suction Pipe, Bottom ........................1 8 110265-02 Power Cord ........................................1 9 110276-01 Switch Coverplate Assembly .............1 10 110026-6 Switch Coverplate O-ring ..................1 11 110285-01 Electrical Coverplate Gasket .............1 12 110006-2 Gear ...................................................2 13 110009-1 Inlet Strainer ......................................1 14 110010-1 Bypass Poppet ..................................1 15 110017-6 Motor Shaft Key .................................1 16 110024-1 Coverplate, Strainer ...........................1 17 110026-1 Gear Coverplate O-ring .....................1 18 110026-4 Strainer Coverplate O-ring.................1 19 110067-2 Gear Coverplate ................................1 20 110131-2 Spring, Bypass Poppet .....................1 21 110277-05 Switch Assembly, M-150S .................1 22 902006-31 Motor Protector ................................1 23 118017-3 O-Ring ...............................................1 24 119000-1 Motor, 12-volt (M-150) .......................1 25 904001-42 Plug, Pipe, 3/4-14NPT .......................1 26 904002-22 Sems Screw .......................................4 27 904002-23 Sems Screw, 1/4-20 x 3/4 in. ............3 28 904002-24 Sems Screw .......................................4 29 904003-84 Tapping Screw ...................................1 30 11002502 Motor Shaft Seal ................................1 31 110360-02 Nozzle Cover .....................................1 32 904002-17 Strain Relief Sealing Grip ...................1 33 904002-23 Sems Screw & Washer Assembly ......6 34904006-86Tapping Screw (2)110500-02 25 amp Fuse Kit110504-1 Fuel Pump Overhaul Kit - Includes 2 Gears, Drive Key & O-rings 110906-1 Wet Seal Kit - Includes O-rings & Motor Shaft Seal 110907-1 Gear Kit - Includes 2 Gears & Drive Key 110913-2 Spare Key Kit - Includes Spare Drive Key 110910-02 Switch Kit - Includes Switch110908-1 Poppet Seal Kit - Includes Poppet O-ring110524-1 Armature Assembly Kit - Includes Armature Assembly110525-1 Brush Card Assembly Kit - Includes Brush Holder Assembly 110526-1 Motor Housing Kit - Includes Motor Housing Assembly 110527-1 Battery Clamp Kit - Includes 2 Battery Clamps 115527-2 Suction Pipe Extension, 15 inch 906001-4Pre-vent Vapor Control Cap (3 psi)Items Not ShownGreat Plains Industries, Inc. 5252 E. 36th Street North, Wichita, KS USA 67220-3205, hereby provides a limited warranty against defects in material and workmanship on all products manufactured by Great Plains Industries, Inc. This product includes a 2 year warranty from date of purchase as evidenced by the original sales receipt. A 30 month warranty from prod-uct date of manufacture will apply in cases where the original sales receipt is not available. Reference product labeling for the warranty expiration date based on 30 months from date of manufacture. Manufacturer’s sole obligation under the foregoing warranties will be limited to either, at Manufacturer’s option, replacing or repairing defective Goods (subject to limitations hereinafter provided) or refunding the purchase price for such Goods theretofore paid by the Buyer, and Buyer’s exclusive remedy for breach of any such warranties will be enforcement of such obligations of Manufacturer. The warranty shall extend to the purchaser of this product and to any person to whom such product is transferred during the warranty period.This warranty shall not apply if:A. the product has been altered or modified outside the warrantor’s duly appointed representative;B.the product has been subjected to neglect, misuse, abuse or damage or has been installed or operated other than in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating instructions.To make a claim against this warranty, contact the GPI Customer Service Department at 316-686-7361 or 800-835-0113. Or by mail at:Great Plains Industries, Inc.5252 E. 36th St. North Wichita, KS, USA 67220-3205GPI will step you through a product troubleshooting process to determine appropriate cor-rective actions.GREAT PLAINS INDUSTRIES, INC., EXCLUDES LIABILITY UNDER THIS WARRANTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCURRED IN THE USE OR LOSS OF USE OF THE PRODUCT WARRANTED HEREUNDER.The company herewith expressly disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose other than for which it was designed.This warranty gives you specific rights and you may also have other rights which vary from U.S. state to U.S. state.Note: In compliance with MAGNUSON MOSS CONSUMER WARRANTY ACT – Part 702 (governs the resale availability of the warranty terms).。
二、操作前的准备1. 检查设备外观,确保无损坏、漏油现象。
2. 检查电源、水管、油管等接口是否完好,连接牢固。
3. 确认油水混合比例符合要求,油水混合器正常工作。
4. 打开油水混合油炸机的主电源开关,确保设备处于待机状态。
5. 检查油炸机内无异物、积水,滤油纸安装正确。
三、开机操作步骤1. 开启导热油炉,提前30分钟预热,确保油温达到预定温度。
2. 打开油炸机主电源开关,启动设备。
3. 按下配电柜上的加热电源控制开关,启动加热系统。
4. 根据生产需要,设置油炸机油温参数,一般控制在150℃以上。
5. 启动刮渣控制电源及滤油、循环泵系统,确保油水循环顺畅。
6. 按照生产流程,将食材投入油炸机,启动网带、不粘锅及补油电源控制。
7. 观察油炸机运行状态,确保设备运行平稳,油温、油压等参数在正常范围内。
四、生产过程中的注意事项1. 操作人员应熟悉油炸机的工作原理和操作流程,确保操作规范。
2. 严禁将非食品原料投入油炸机,以免造成设备损坏或食品污染。
3. 严禁超负荷生产,以免影响设备使用寿命和安全生产。
4. 定期检查设备各部件,如发现异常情况,立即停机检查并维修。
5. 定期清理油炸机内部,保持设备清洁卫生。
五、生产结束后的操作1. 生产结束时,提前10分钟通知油炉关闭加热系统。
2. 关闭油炸机加热电源,待油温降至室温后,关闭导热油炉。
3. 关闭刮渣控制电源及滤油、循环泵系统。
4. 清理油炸机内部,更换滤油纸。
5. 关闭油炸机主电源开关,确保设备处于待机状态。
六、安全注意事项1. 操作人员必须穿戴好个人防护用品,如手套、口罩等。
2. 严禁在油炸机运行过程中进行清洁、维修等操作。
3. 遇到紧急情况,立即切断电源,确保人员安全。
4. 定期对操作人员进行安全培训,提高安全意识。
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型号: BN-600型
功率: 5.5KW
使用说明: 1、把10平方的电线接入220伏电源,并使机器有良好的接地。