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欢迎/开幕/闭幕词welcome/opening/closing speech/address

致开/闭幕词deliver/make an opening/closing speech

开/闭幕式opening/closing ceremony

签字仪式signing ceremony

友好访问goodwill visit

宣布…开幕declare…open;declare the commencement of…

宣布……闭幕declare…the conclusion /closing of…

发表热情友好的讲话make a warm and friendly speech

热情洋溢的欢迎词gracious speech of welcome

尊敬的市长先生Respected /respectable /honorable Mr。Mayor

陛下Your/His/Her Majesty

殿下Your/His/Her Highness/Excellency/Royal Highness

阁下Your/His/Her Honor /Excellency


东道国host country

值此……之际on the occasion of

以……的名义in the name of

由衷的谢意heartfelt thanks

承蒙位……的盛情邀请at the gracious invitation of

荣幸地答谢您给予我们的热情招待have the honor of reciprocating your warm reception

愉快地答谢您热情洋溢的欢迎词have the pleasure in replying to your gracious speech of welcome

怀着对贵国人民的深厚感情with profound and amicable sentiments for your people

远道来访自大洋彼岸的朋友friends coming from a distant land/the other side of the Pacific

作为贵国人民的友好使者as an envoy of friendship of your people

随同贸易代表团来访的商界的朋友们friends from the business community accompanying the trade delegation

增进我们彼此之间的理解和友谊increase/strengthen/promote/expand our mutual understanding and friendship

促进我们之间的友好合作关系promote/facilitate/enhance/strengthen /advance our friendly relations of cooperation

符合两国人民的共同利益accord with/agree with/conform to/meet the common interests of our two peoples

回顾过去look back on;in retrospect

展望未来look ahead;look into the future

最后In conclusion /closing

提议祝酒propose a toast

现在,我愉快地宣布第二十二届万国邮政联盟大会开幕。Now,I have the pleasure to declare the 22nd Universal Postal Congress open.

我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向来自联合王国的代表团表示热烈的欢迎。I have the honor to express this warm welcome on behalf of the Chinese Government and people to the delegation from the United Kingdom.

我谨向各位表示最热烈/热诚的欢迎。I would like to extend my warmest/cordial welcome to all of you.

请允许我向远道而来的贵宾表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。Allow me to express my warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.

我非常愉快地向戴维斯先生率领的澳大利亚代表团表示热烈的欢迎。It is with great pleasure that I extend a warm welcome to the Australian delegation led by Mr. Davis·

在这月明中秋的良宵,我们在东海之滨的上海欢聚一堂,我代表中国政府和人民,向前来参加时代华纳集团举办的“99《财富》全球论坛”活动的朋友们,表示热烈的欢迎。On this splendid moonlit night in mid autumn,as we gather in the beautiful city of Shanghai, located on the coast of the East China Sea,let me,on behalf of the Chinese Government and people,extend a warm welcome to the friends who have come to take part in the '99 Fortune Global Forum,sponsored by Time Warner Group Inc.

我们特别高兴能有机会招待我们的美国贵宾。It gives us a feeling of special joy to have the opportunity of entertaining our distinguished guests from the United States.

我们为能在我校接待如此优秀的青年团体而深感骄傲和荣幸。We are very proud and honored to receive such a distinguished group of young people at our university.

我为能代表董事会向来访的加拿大代表团表示热烈的欢迎而感到莫大的愉快。It gives me so great a pleasure on behalf of the Board of Trustees to extend a warm welcome to all the members of the Canadian delegation.

我为能在此为克拉克董事长主持晚宴而深感愉快。It is a great pleasure for me to preside at this dinner in honor of Chairman Clark.

对我本人以及董事会的全体成员来说,能在大连接待您是非常愉快和令人难忘的。This is a very happy and memorable occasion for me personally and the members of the Board to host you here in Dalian.

本着友好合作、相互促进、共同繁荣的精神,我谨向您和代表团的全体成员表示最热烈的欢迎,并向您转达我石化集团全体员工的最诚挚的问候。It is in the spirit of friendly cooperation,mutual
