2017中考英语复习资料 考点解读(考前必看)

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冠词:冠词:(1)a/an 的区分:注意以“U”开头的单词。如果发字母u 本身的音/ju:/,前面加a. 如.a useful book, a university, . a usual chair;如果发以外的音,前面加an:如an unusual chair, an unimportant, an umbrella, 常考还有an honest boy . a European country (2)球类,棋类运动和三餐饭前不加the play football ,play chess. have breakfast.西洋乐器前加the play the violin,play the piano (3)高难度竞赛题a“u” ;an“h” ;an “s” ;an “x”连词(1)连词现象:Although ,though 与but 通常不连用。because 与so 不连用。if (如果)与then 不连用。(2)就近一致连词neither...nor , either...or ,not only...but also not...but... there be句型(3)句型转换常见的:连接句子与to do 形式,because +句子(有完整主谓结构)because of +介词宾语(名词等),in order to do (in order not to do ) 和in order that +句子,so as to和so as that +句子,so...that +句子与too...to do 及enough to do ,so good a book that +句子与such a good book that+句子so good that+句子(4)重要联词的应用最近中招常考unless(=if not)除非,or 否则(威胁,劝告),as if / as though (仿佛),even if / even though (即使),not...until (直到...才) ,

介词(1)介词+doing 介词+ 代词宾格形式Neither of us is late. The book is for you. The knife is used for cutting things. Tom is sitting between him and me.(禁用“I” )关联记忆:介意Mind + doing Would you mind my smoking here?(2)on in at 的用法:表时间:on(天优先,只要涉及天的概念就用on)in(时段)at (时刻);;on the morning of April 1st. on a rainy night 在一个雨天的夜晚at the same time (3)表伴随:with / without ,或doing She is a girl with long hair. She is a girl wearing a new dress.

(4)表方式:by bike,on foot 没有冠词“a”或名词复数What time is it by your watch. . The

boss pays us by week. He beat her with a book.(with 后要带a 或复数)speak in English Write in ink (5)介词(不加the)+名词at table 在桌旁,且在吃饭(两层意思)at the table 在桌旁,具体干什么不清楚in hospital(生病住院)和in the hospital(在医院)的区别

名词(1)单复数特殊变化:男man-men、女woman-women、脚foot-feet、牙tooth-teeth、鹅goose-geese、孩子child-children、people(可数名词),sheep, deer(鹿)fish 单复数同形。中日不变,英法变,其余后面加s Americans,Germans (2)名词的复数重心转移:This is an old pair of shoes. I want a new pair . (3)带性别的复合词组:有woman 和man 两个表示性别的词做定语修饰后面的名词时变复数,两者同时变复数。2 women(变)doctors (变),4 men teachers ,6 bus lines(只变最后一词)

动词(1)动词变化三大黄金法则:主谓一致,就近一致,双动词关系主谓一致:谓语动词跟着主语发生变化第三人称单数现象(集体名词做主语)Our class are playing football now (与人有关的动作)Our class is a small one (整体) 主谓一致之就近一致(必考):There be 句型、Either or、Neither...nor... 、not only...but also.. Not only they but also I am wrong. 时态一致:从句与主句时态一致He said he had been there for an hour. He said the sun is bigger than the moon.(自然规律自然现象用一般现在时态) He said the moon is running around the earth.(错误,应改为一般现在时态) 时态一致之时态变异(必考):A——瞬间动词的-ing 形式表将来The plane is taking off in an hour. The old man is dying.(将要死了)B——条件状语从句:一般现在时表将来I don't know if he will come tomorrow. If he comes, I will call you. I will ring you as soon as I finish my work. I won’t go out until my homework is done. 典型考题:A—I will go swimming. B—If you go, so will I. 双动词关系:

单句中,若有两个动词(be 动词,行为动词,不包括助动词),他们的关系有四种:and 连接连接两个动词——动作先后或并列发生,前后形式一致有些动词如forget 、remember
