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Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
1.1 Dewaxing脱腊
t < 570°C t > 570°C Fe + O2 + (H2O) + (CO2) Fe + O2 + (H2O) + (CO2) Fe3O4 + Fe2O3 + (H2) + (CO) FeO + (H2) + (CO)
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
Disadvantages: 缺点:
1.1 Dewaxing
Fast heating in a dry, reducing atmosphere 在干燥的还原性气氛中快速加热 Furnace temperature 窑炉脱腊温度 : 700 - 900°C CMHN + H2 + CO + N2 => C + H2 + CO + N2 wax 腊 atmosphere气氛 soot碳黑residual gas废气
1. Atmosphere 气氛 2. Temperature 温度 3. Time 时间
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
Dewaxing processes 脱腊工艺
1. Slow heating in a dry reducing atmosphere furnace temperature max. 700°C 在干燥还原气氛中缓慢加热,炉温最高700°C 2. Fast heating in a dry reducing atmosphere furnace temperature: 700 - 900°C 在干燥还原气氛中快速加热,炉温700-900°C 3. Fast heating in a wet oxidising atmosphere R.B.O. - Rapid Burn-Off furnace temperature: 700 - 900°C 在潮湿氧化的气氛中快速加热-RBO快速脱腊技术 炉温700-900°C
Industrial furnaces
CopyrightHale Waihona Puke Baidu2004
1.2 Sintering烧结
Selection of the atmosphere subject to:气氛选择
1.2.1 PM material: oxidising/reducing conditions according Ellingham-Richardson diagram
Advantage: 优点: + exact temperature control during heating 精确的温度控制 + no risk of overheating 没有过度加热的危险 - long dewaxing time (approx. 15-30 min) 脱腊时间较长(大约15-30分钟) - small throughput capacity -a lot of space is needed 产量较小—需要很多空间 - wax and soot residues on parts and inside the furnace 腊和烟灰会残留在零件和炉体内 - external burn-off of the wax vapour is necessary 需要外部腊蒸汽燃烧装置 - more energy is required 需要消耗更多的能源
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
1.0 Atmospheres for dewaxing and sintering/用于脱腊和烧结的气氛
1.0 1.1 1.2
Quality parameters 质量参数 Dewaxing 脱腊 Sintering 烧结
Industrial furnaces
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
1.1 Dewaxing脱腊
Slow heating in a dry and reducing atmosphere 在干燥的还原性气氛中缓慢加热 furnace temperature 窑炉脱腊温度 max. 700°C
CMHNMe + H2 + CO + N2 => CmHnMe + C + MeO + H2 + CO + N2 wax腊 atmosphere气氛 soot 烟灰 residual gas残留气体
Sinter processes for P/M components in various furnace atmospheres 在不同窑炉气氛中粉末冶金工件的烧结工艺
Industrial furnaces
德国马勒工业窑炉有限公司 by Rolf Weiss
Industrial furnaces
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
1.2 Sintering烧结
1.2.1 Ellingham-Richardson diagram/E-R图表 - extract for H2O/H2 –ratio水/氢比率
(oxidation/reduction of various metals subject to atmospheres and temperatures)不同金属氧 化或还原取决与温度和气氛
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
1.1 Dewaxing脱腊
Fast heating in a dry, reducing atmosphere 在干燥还原气氛中快速加热
Example范例 : „blistering“ 起泡
sourse: Huppmann/Dalal: „Metallographic Atlas of Powder Metallurgy“ 1986, Verlag Schmidt GmbH
Equilibrium diagram oxidation / reduction at different temperatures
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
1.2 Sintering烧结
Parameters 参数:
- atmosphere to keep the powder free from oxides and/or to influence it thermo-chemically 避免铁粉氧化的气氛和/或 以热化学方式影响的气氛 - temperature according to the alloying element (for iron alloys max. 1400°C) 根据合金成分确定温度 - time for above mentioned procedures
Me + H2O Me + CO2 Me + O2
MeO + H2 MeO + CO MeO
Industrial furnaces
1.2.2 atmosphere characteristics 气氛特性 1.2.3 measuring and control of atmosphere (reproducability for constant quality of parts) 气氛测量和控制 1.2.4 cost of the furnace atmosphere and operation 窑炉气氛的成本和操作
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
1.1 Dewaxing 脱腊
Fast heating in a wet and oxidising atmosphere
R.B.O. : rapid burn-off
furnace temperature: 700 - 900°C
wax vapour Problems: 问题 - blistering, pop corning 起泡 - cracks in the shaped component开裂 - wax and soot residues on parts and inside the furnace碳黑废腊残留在工件 cracks 和炉内 Solutions:解决方案 - slow heating (approx. 15-30 min) 缓慢加热 - wetting furnace atmosphere and/or - adding Exogas or air (oxygen) 潮湿气氛和blistering /或添加吸热煤气或空气(氧气) - turbulent dewaxing atmosphere动态脱腊 气氛
+ (C) (soot)
CMHN+ H2O + CO2 + O2 + N2 => CO + H2 + (H2O + CO2+O2+N2) wax atmosphere residual gas
gas turbulences 动态脱腊气氛
Industrial furnaces
Copyright 2004
1.0 Quality parameters 质量参数 Powder 粉料 Pressing压制成型
Production of P/M components Quality parameters 用于粉末冶金工件生产的质量参数 Dewaxing, Sintering 脱腊和烧结
Copyright 2004
Summary 目录
1. different atmospheres for 针对以下工艺的不同气氛 1.1 dewaxing 脱腊 1.2 sintering 烧结 2. Furnace and atmospheres: 窑炉和气氛的关系 2.1 dewaxing 脱腊 2.2 sintering 烧结 2.3 gas quenching 烧结硬化 3. Measuring and regulating of process parameters 工艺数据的测量和调整 4. Computer control 电脑控制技术 5. Process failures 工艺问题分析
Copyright 2004
1.1 Dewaxing 脱腊
Fast heating in a wet and oxidising atmosphere (R.B.O)
在湿润的氧化性气氛中快速加热(R.B.O) Advantages:+ short dewaxing time ( 4-6 min ) 脱腊时间短(4-6分钟) 优点: + little wax and soot residues on the parts and inside the furnace 几乎没有腊和烟灰残留在产品和炉内 + no burn-off of the wax vapours is required无需外部腊蒸汽燃烧装置 + large throughput, little space required 生产能力大,节约空间 + energy saved due to heat from combustion of waxes and furnace atmosphere节约脱腊所需的能源,因为热量来自窑炉气氛 Problem: - oxidation of surface and decarburisation when overheated (> 570°C) 温度过高(> 570°C)会导致产品表面的氧化和脱碳 Solution: - adjustment of the furnace temperature based on the 解决方案 heating time (predetermined with belt furnaces) and wall thickness of the PM parts 基于预先确定的加热时间、PM产品的壁厚,来调节窑炉温度